Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My Year in Review
January: It hit that it was finally the year I was getting married. When we got engaged in 2006, the year 2008 felt insanely far away.
February: Wedding craziness set in. There were several nights I cried and wanted to elope. I still don't know if I was serious or not. I also had my first bridal shower! That really made me feel like a bride.
March: More wedding craziness. I probably had a breakdown or two. I think I've blocked those from my memory... I also had my second bridal shower - a tea party at Bon's. I wore a big hat and everything. Awesomeness.
April: I GOT MARRIED! Every little detail came together, I finally got to put on my dress, and I had to try and hold it together as dad walked me down the aisle. We also got our apartment in Fresno, yay!
May: The big move was finished and we started settling into married life. I was done with the initial part of student teaching. And I had a seriously lazy summer.
June: After suffering the disgusting habits of the neighbors upstairs, I got to do a happy dance as they moved out. Seriously, as they were moving stuff I showed up here with Beth, Micah and Kayla and we danced and sang loudly because they were moving.
July: We took our semi-honeymoon. Which I blogged about in some of my first few posts.
August: I started my last semester of student teaching. I was kinda freaking out, but as soon as I met my master teacher I knew it would be an awesome semester.
September: Tim started his new part-time job, meaning he finally got to leave the hospital that he didn't exactly enjoy. It's nice having a husband who isn't unhappy when he comes home from work.
October: Tim and I celebrated (well, really just acknowledged) six years together.
November: I had job interviews! And I had to get super busy on finishing up everything for school.
December: Our first Christmas, our trip to Disneyland with the kid, I passed my RICA... it's been a good month to us.
So here's hoping 2009 will treat us just as well. We're both hoping for jobs (him full-time, and me with the right district), we'll celebrate a year of being married, and we'll be actively saving for a house. If we're super lucky maybe we'll even be in a house for next Christmas...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I have also been stalking other blogs insanely this week. I may post more pictures. Not of me, but of things I'm loving or things that make me smile. Whether it's a bright yellow couch (yes I saw one online, and yes I'm slightly coveting it) or a baby animal.
Seriously contemplating weekly American Idol breakdown. Because I'm totally lame like that. Maybe even Lost since I'm finally caught up and can watch the season on TV with everyone else.
So we'll see about changes. Whatever job I get, the earliest I'll start is January 12 (that's if all my papers are in by then and I've interviewed with the right people) so I still have a while to play with the blog.
And as always, let me know what you think. Wanna know what I think about a news story? Tell me. Wanna know what I had for dinner? I'll tell you, but I'll think you're weird...
Monday, December 29, 2008
G is for...
Remember the test at the beginning of the month that I was super stressed about?? I got my "unofficial" results today (unofficial because they're through email and not on a piece of paper) and I passed!!!! I'm so unbelievably relieved. Now I just have to finish my portfolio for my exit interview and I can have my credential!!! Well, I have to hope I passed my TPA, but there's no reason I shouldn't have. That was easy.
G is also for gotta go call my mommy. She'll be stoked!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Cookie Madness!
So, you wanna see the result of probably twenty hours in the kitchen? I made six kinds of cookies and I'll give you the breakdown of everything after the picture.

There are the six kinds I made. If you can't read the little tags, the cookies are (from left to right), peanut butter kiss cookies, my grandma's sugar cookies (the ones I'm semi-famous for), mocha crackles, cinnamon spritz (made with the cookie press!), chocolate peppermint cookies, and lemon meltaways. The latter four were all first attempts, and I believe pretty successful.
The peanut butter and the sugar make regular appearances on my cookie plates. The mocha crinkles were eagerly eaten by my uncle. He LOVED them. I know what I'm making for his birthday! The spritz was light and pretty tasty. Just enough cinnamon. They'd be perfect with coffee. The chocolate peppermint were good, possibly too chocolatey for me. And the lemon meltaways... oh Lord. They were awesome. I'll definitely make them more often!
So you wanna know what exactly went into this adventure?
- roughly twenty hours mixing, rolling, baking, frosting
- at least four episodes of Lost
- about three hours of various doughs in the fridge
- 14 1/2 cups plus 3 tablespoons of flour
- 6 cups butter (yes, that's twelve sticks)
- 4 3/4 cups granulated sugar
- 3 cups powdered sugar
- 11 eggs
- plus various other ingredients that weren't obscene amounts
And that's why my kitchen still isn't clean. I started the first batch Monday night. I finished frosting the last of them at about two on Christmas Eve day.
And I'm totally insane enough to do it again next year.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Oh, right. I slept in (hey, leave me alone, I've been fighting something off). Then I sat on my butt and watched some marathons on TV. All while blog-stalking and wishing I was creative like some of the other people writing.
Now I've gotta take a shower. Cuz we got a last-minute invite to watch the fight tonight at cousin Luke's. I totally meant to post pics of my cookie insanity that happened this year, but I was distracted by all the beautiful blogs out there.
Maybe tomorrow...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday Photo... finally!

My pops, my husband, and my nephew-that-should-be-my-child. This is the bone cage over on Tom Sawyer island, which is also Pirate's Lair. And there's the boys doing what they do best - being strange. I like how Tad is kinda "meh" about the whole thing. Almost like the other two are too strange for him...
Next week maybe you'll get something Christmassy. Or New Year's. Who knows?
It's Over
I hate when it's over. I'm stuck looking at a kitchen that needs to be cleaned, empty boxes that held presents at one point, new things to be put away, and a tree that needs to be taken down at some point. Everyone is pushing their after-Christmas sales now, and I have to get ready to write a new year on my checks next week.
I'm delaying the holiday clean-up for now. I'll clean the kitchen, otherwise I'll never be able to cook (what a dream!). But the tree is staying for now. Maybe when Tim has time off next week we'll tackle it. I just don't think I want to do it alone. Or so soon.
Crap. Just realized it's Friday and I owe you a photo. Check back later.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas movies
1. White Christmas: It's hard for me to pick an absolute number one, but I think this is it. At my mom's we watched it while decorating the tree every year. And of course, there were a lot of moments where we were watching the movie instead of decorating the tree. My brother knows every word to every song in this movie and will randomly sing them for my mom. I think it's the combination of the greatness of this movie, and the memories it gives me that makes it number one.
2. A Charlie Brown Christmas: Super, super close to number one. Every time I hear the Peanuts theme, I have to do a little dance. Mom and I have always done it. Now we do it for Tad while he looks at us like we're a bunch of freaks. But I'll get him to dance at some point... Until then, just know that this is a must every year for me.
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas: This is a must here. It'll be a tradition thing when we have kids.
4. Elf: Seriously, I could never do Christmas without this movie. Will Ferrell's best role I think.
5. Rudolph: Because "she thinks I'm cuuuuute" is a regularly quoted line with me and mom. And really, if you don't like Rudolph, you must be a terrorist or something.
I will give It's a Wonderful Life an honorable mention. We watch it on Christmas morning at my mom's. So how about the rest of you? Any traditions or must-watch movies?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A moment
Yup. I'm making spritz cookies. Ya know, those little butter cookies that you use a cookie press for? Never done it before. But I desperately wanted to try this year. There must be something wrong with me. We'll see how it goes...
Wish me luck with my cookie press! I'll have pics one way or another tomorrow.

I painted the kids' names for their rooms! How cute did they turn out? Cole loves the Colts so the horseshoe symbol was perfect. Tad (Paul, which I will not call him) has Spiderman stuff on his bed, so Spiderman letters it is. Taytem's letters could possibly be my favorite. They've got sparklies! And Anthony's name just looks cute.
I'm pretty impressed with my work. The letters are out in the garage now letting their clear sealing coat dry. I hope the kids like them Christmas morning!
Those things took an unbelievable amount of time. I painted the surface, then I had to do the sides, then I had to fix any mess-ups, then I had to put on all the details! And after that I even had time to bake a batch of cookies.
Watch out Martha. I'm gonna take your job.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Shout out!!!
I'm following her, but if you're too lazy to see who I'm following just click here.
First I got my buddy James to start one, now my Bon... I'm determined to make Tim do it!
F is for...
I've already told you about some of the craziness that is my family. But I love that craziness. It keeps things interesting. I don't know if any family laughs as much as mine does. Whether it's my mom's side teasing each other about moments where they're just like my grandma, or my brother and cousin quoting Will Ferrell movies, or Grandpa lying because it's Wednesday - we're insane.
This is the biggest week for family for most people, but especially in my family. We have a house full of people at my grandma's on Christmas Eve for tamales. And I mean, full of people. It's awesome. Then there's Christmas day with my mom's side. There's an insane amount of food (no wonder I gain weight this time of year) and a house full of people again. We usually find some new board game to play and it always ends up being boys against girls. Which isn't always the best idea, because I swear my husband and his brain full of random and useless knowledge puts them at an advantage.
This year is especially awesome because Grandpa is here. It just doesn't feel the same when he isn't here.
F is also for first, as in first married Christmas. Yeah, Tim and I have already had six years of stockings and presents, but this year we're finally married. It probably won't feel much different, but it still is. So that's one more thing to make this year a little more awesome.
So as a side note, I have one other friend who's blogging now. And he's doing his own ABC list. So when are the rest of you going to step up???
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Randomness for your Sunday
Yesterday at dad's (yeah, it's easier to just call my father-in-law "dad") was fun. There was a ton of really good food. And all of us were together, which doesn't happen nearly enough. Dad and Michele (okay, mostly Michele) picked out the best presents on earth. They got me baking stuff. And Michele liked it so much that she contemplated getting some for herself. Now I'm itching to bake...
Tim and I went to the video store last night to get the next few discs of Lost. I think we have the rest of season three on our coffee table. Did I mention we've been playing catch-up? I'm determined to be able to watch the new season when it starts in January. So we came home and I wrapped some presents, we had some wine, and watched some Lost.
Today is semi-lazy. I may be going shopping with mom later. I've been wrapping presents and catching up on my soap operas. I got to read the paper. The weather was depressing though, well it should be. The forecast for the whole week is rain. But I love the rain. Especially when I get to sit home and stay under a blanket. Which I get to do with Tim on Monday and Tuesday! He'll be off, so we can have a couple days to relax before the craziness of Christmas.
And, being me, I'm already thinking ahead to New Year's Eve. Anyone know of anything? I know some people playing shows here in town, but I don't know if I want to be out or not. Shoot some ideas my way.
Alright, I've bored you enough with my oh-so-thrilling life for today. Hope everyone has a moment to relax this weekend before Christmas hits.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Easiest cookies ever: cake mix cookies.
That's right, you're using cake mix to make cookies. Any flavor mix will work. For yesterday's batch I used french vanilla and dyed the dough in Christmas colors.
You need:
1 box of cake mix (as I said, any flavor)
1/3 cup of vegetable oil
2 eggs
Mix everything together. Roll it into balls and place on a cookie sheet. Flatten them a little (or a lot if you want a crisper cookie) and stick them in an oven heated to 350 degrees. For soft cookies, my oven only took about six minutes. Obviously, longer time would make crispier cookies.
I frosted mine. But apparently people go crazy with adaptations to this recipe. You can add chips (chocolate, peanut butter, white, toffee), vanilla or other extracts, nuts, whatever you want. Play with them. They're pretty tasty for how simple they are. My master teacher was thrilled with how easy they are. And the kids loved them.
Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I've gotta get going now. Talk at y'all later.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cookie time!
Actually, the cookies I'm baking today are beyond easy. They use cake mix. I'm not going to upload pics right away, but I'll give you the recipe tomorrow. They're not quite worthy of a fancy cookie plate, but they'll work for my sixth graders. I'm going to their Christmas party today. And I'm not about to go empty-handed.
So yeah, check for the recipe tomorrow.
Friday Photo

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Losing it...
But last week crap started happening.
Someone is letting their dog do his (rather copious) business right by my unit. I'm talking there were three piles within ten feet of my door last week. Right now, Tim walked out to go to work and there are three piles in my planter. About two feet from my door.
I complained last week. No one picked it up. So Tim went in the office right now and got a little mad at them. Then he called me. I took a picture (gross, I know). And if that crap isn't gone in an hour, I'm going to go to that office and wait for someone to follow me and pick it up.
It's not my dog. I don't have a dog! I have serious issues with this. And I really don't have to explain myself here, do I? I swear I'm going to stalk everyone that comes by with a dog. And if they don't pick up the dog's business, I'm taking pictures of the people and following them to their door.
Screw neighborhood watch, we need a crap patrol around here.
Actually, how funny would that be? I'll make shirts with a steaming pile on them... haha.
Alright, I'm off to count down these thirty-five minutes until I scare the people in the office. I definitely won't be making any friends tonight.
Things to do, things to do...
Today I have a field trip with my former class. Walking up to the IMAX to see a film about the space station. Should be fun, but freezing.
Saturday is a big thing at dad-in-law's house. First it's Tim's grandma's birthday lunch, then we have our early Christmas with his dad and stepmom. So I've got to finish that shopping. Actually, I bet I can get Tim to do it tomorrow...
Then the baking needs to get underway. I have a couple new cookies I want to try this year. We'll see if that happens for me or not. I so wish I had a bigger kitchen for that project. It's gonna be tough to get everything done in my tiny kitchen with no space.
I have to finish my shopping. And then wrap everything.
I love Christmas, but there's never enough time to get ready for it! Anyone else running around like an insane person this week?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
So much fun. I can't even begin to describe it. You would be here for hours reading about every little thing that Tad said or did. He loved it. He told me we should live there. And of course I would be totally okay with that. He was also so well-behaved. He made most of the other kids look like beasts. He waited in lines (although the longest wait we ever had was maybe thirty minutes - maybe) without complaining. He only let go of my hand and walked away once. He got a whole two feet away from me. And I scared him so bad he never did it after that.
The weather was mostly good. Especially given the forecasts I was reading in the days leading up to the trip. Monday morning (my birthday of all days) was the only day it rained. And that was done by lunch. We even got to watch a parade Monday night! It was the Pixar parade, and I thought Tad was going to pee his pants seeing all the characters.
I've decided I need to go back for my birthday every year. The cast members have to tell you happy birthday if you're wearing your birthday pin. I got mine and put it on my hat because I'm an attention whore like that. But I've never had so many happy birthday wishes in my life! Even Minnie jumped up and down when she saw my pin.
Tad decided he's magic. He used his magic a few times over the days we were there. We watched Fantasmic on Saturday night (which he loved) and I think seeing Mickey do magic stuck with him. Sunday night we were hoping for fireworks, but about ten minutes after they were supposed to start, there were still none happening. So Tad started saying, "Abra cadabra, fireworks come!" And he was swinging his arms around and everything. But nothing was happening, so Tim and I took him to get in line for Nemo. Well, then I heard the music start, so we took off running to the spot we had been sitting at (mom and dad were still there). He said, "I knew my magic would work!" Cutest thing ever! He also used his magic to make the parades and keep the rain away. And since it worked every time, I think he's convinced he's really magic.
He's still processing it all I think. And I'll let him look at all the pictures so I can listen to him talk about it again.
This is like, the shortest summary of the trip ever, but I really doubt you all want to read every last moment of the four days. So look for a story with the Friday photo maybe. And maybe the Friday after that. And the Friday after that...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sad face
I'm meeting up with my girlfriend Liz and her husband because today is the first day of their Disneyland vacation! Yay! I miss her, I haven't seen her since my wedding. I'm excited!
When I get back I'll have an insane amount of pictures to go through, and tons of Christmas stuff that needs to get done. Gimme a call and stop by. We'll look at pictures and decorate cookies together!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ash-uh-lee's birthday!

Sunday, December 14, 2008
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
At Christmas, always paper. And it's always coordinating. Bags only happen for exceptionally large or exceptionally small presents.
2. Real tree or Artificial?
This year, real. Probably real for at least a couple years. But we will get artificial at some point down the road.
3. When do you put up the tree?
Whenever we get time, but sooner is better than later.
4. When do you take the tree down?
We'll see when we do it. Around New Year's probably.
5. Do you like eggnog?
Nope. I'll pass.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Right now I'm awfully reminiscent for the Nintendo we got as kids.
7. Hardest person to buy for?
My dad is pretty difficult sometimes. I have to get an explicit response from him or ask my mom what he needs every year.
9. Do you have a nativity scene?
We don't. I don't know if I'll get one or not. Oooh, would it be wrong if I made one with Nightmare Before Christmas characters?!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail for sure.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Hmmm... I'd have to think on that one. Maybe a sweater that wasn't really my style?
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
It's a three-way tie: Peanuts (gotta dance with mom!), Elf (love love love it), and White Christmas (aMAzing)
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Depends. Sometimes I start early if I find something that will be perfect.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Nope. But I've contemplated it.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
I can't pick one. Christmas Eve is tamales. Christmas day is an insane amount of food that makes me feel fat all day (yay for Chex mix!).
16. Lights on the tree?
Already there, and they're the multicolored.
17. Favorite Christmas songs?
I like lots of them. But I'm pretty partial to Michael Buble right now.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Furthest we travel is Madera.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Ummm... Rudolph, Donner, Blitzen, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Dasher, Comet, Cupid... I did it! I totally had to sing the song though.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Neither this year. Haha... there's a Jack Skellington who looks like he has hydrocephalus perched at the top of my tree.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
We do presents with my dad's side on Christmas Eve, everyone else is Christmas morning and day.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
That there's a (yet-to-be-proven) correlation between holiday shopping and dropping IQs. Have some patience people! And move your shopping cart from behind my car!!!
23. Favorite ornament theme or color?
Bright colors with white (hot pink, turquoise, lime green, orange, red... matches my sheets).
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?
Our dinner is typically lots of choices, we don't do a big turkey or anything.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year?
All I want for now is good weather for Tad's first trip to Disneyland.
26. Who is most likely to respond to this?
Nobody. I'm not really forwarding it.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
On our way
Keep those good weather vibes coming so we can have a dry trip!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday Photo
Tad woke up early this morning so I've been up with him since seven. We're super stoked for Disneyland tomorrow so I thought I'd grab a couple hats and we could show you how excited we are...

This kid's in need of a haircut and I'm in need of some sun, but oh well. We can't wait for tomorrow!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Happy Birthday x Two
Some call them Holly and Landon. Or if you're my dad you call them Molly and Brandon. And they're old now. They're fifteen. If we were real Mexicans they'd have a quinceanera. But we're all coconuts. haha...
I remember when they were born (here's me sounding old). I was in sixth grade, and sitting at home with my dad one Saturday morning. My brother must have stayed the night at someone's house, because he wasn't there. And mom was working or something. So when we got the phone call that my aunt was in labor we went to the hospital.
Man we waited forever for these girls. They wanted to make an entrance. My uncle Tim and I played games for money in the hallway. Who could slide a quarter closest to the opposite wall without hitting it. Who could make a paper airplane out of a dollar and fly the furthest. I made a couple bucks that day. Which I promptly spent in the gift shop.
Anyway, Holly came, then Landon via C-section. And they were so cute! I've always loved babies, but these girls were some beautiful babies.
It's funny having twins. They have their moments where they are identical, then there are the moments where they're totally different. I was the one who got to take them to have their eyebrows waxed for the first time. Yay! Then we went shopping. I love girl trips with them. They make me miss high school sometimes.
These are two of the strongest girls I know. I'm proud that they're my little cousins. Love you girls!

Almost there...
And now, wait for another blog later today. I has another berfday blog for you.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It was a real interview. For the district. It was not a sub interview like I thought it was.
So I think I did okay. I hadn't overthought anything because I didn't realize it would be for a position when one opens up. Holy crap!!!
So there's my day. Now I'm finishing up the last stuff on my TPA so I can submit it. Then tomorrow is laundry, cleaning, and picking up my child in Madera.
Because Disneyland is almost here!!!
Happy Birthday
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Okay people
Right now the forecast is saying rain on Monday and Tuesday next week.
Yes, that's while we're in Disneyland.
That. Cannot. Happen.
So start the magic vibes and such people. Because I am NOT going to have rain for Tad's first trip.
Monday, December 8, 2008
E is for...
E is for excited.
And there's so much to be excited about! I got a new camera yesterday!!! *happy dance* It's a Nikon. *another happy dance* My mommy bought it for me. It's little and purple and awesome. I can't wait to use it at...
DISNEYLAND!!! I have five days left. I'm beyond excited. It's going to be so fun! I'll have so many pictures of Tad it will be ridiculous. I don't even know how I'll sleep Friday night. You guys are probably sick of hearing about Disneyland by now too. I'm still debating over whether I'll write some posts ahead of time. Probably not for all four days that I'll be gone. Or it would just be boring filler.
E is also for energy. Which I am in serious need of right now. Tim is off today and we're going to clean so that we can go get our Christmas tree. But I'm so not motivated. Ugh, I hate cleaning...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I admit
On a completely different note, I'm hooked on hot tea right now. More than coffee. I just bought some red tea (strawberry and passionfruit) and some vanilla caramel truffle last night. I know, you're probably thinking that the latter sounds nasty, but it's not sugary. It's really subtle. And tasty.
We did end up going out last night. And now I have to finish getting ready so I can head over to my mom's. She's throwing me a birthday party. Yeah, it's early, but we'll be in Disneyland on my actual birthday. So I'll talk at y'all later.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
But the rest of the day was pretty alright! I hit Old Navy this morning to do some shopping for hubby. Then went to mom and dad's to use their printer and visit. Dad's doing fine after surgery, he's just bored out of his mind. It's pretty funny.
After the test I did more shopping. Several stores. Bought a couple things for Tim, but I'm not quite done yet.
Now I'm home and little brother-in-law calls to see if we're going to this party tonight. Which we totally forgot about! To be fair, I've definitely had other things on my mind. But now we're waiting around for another phone call to see if it's still a good time for us to come over. Supposedly it started early... we shall see. I know I wouldn't mind a good time after today!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Can you tell I'm a little lazy right now?
Actually, it's not laziness. My brain hurts. I'm studying for my RICA tomorrow (Reading Instruction Competence Assessment). I have to pass it to get my credential. No pressure or anything... It's my own fault I waited to take it.
Anywho, just wanted to take a break to say that I just love everyone in my life right now. I went to mom's yesterday and was unloading everything that I have to do before we go to Disneyland (this test, another one, a rationale, pick up paperwork for the district, schedule a fingerprint test) and she just went on about how she knows I can do it. That's always nice to hear. Tim's been telling me the same thing about this test. My friend Lauren has been telling me she knows I'll pass. And now my friend Lucy (who's also taking it tomorrow) is telling me she's positive I can do it.
I just love my friends and family. It's nice to know that they all believe in me. And they aren't afraid to say so.
So forgive me if I don't get a photo up today. Studying is getting top priority.
That, and Plant Tycoon. It's such a low-maintenance game that I can play it while I study. Gotta have some fun...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I did
Only for about a minute. Probably less. And it wasn't ugly crying, just some tears. I tried not to, I swear.
My master teacher had planned this whole thing all week without me knowing. The kids brought treats and we had a party this afternoon. And as the kids are sitting there asking me a million questions, my master teacher comes in with this bag that one of the kids brings up to me. She made me a book bag with little apples on it, and the kids each signed an apple. So I take one look at it and started crying. The kids had FILLED it with stuff that I can use as a teacher: paper, folders, note cards, pens, highlighters... it's overflowing. And I just couldn't take it.
So I had a great day. I feel super loved. Got hugs as they left. And reassured them that I will be back in two weeks to go on their field trip with them.
I love those kids. And my teacher. And that school. If I could stay I so would. But I do have to get a real job.
Today just made me feel awesome.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ha, what a half week
Monday was my first day of my last week. Not much going on. I did go tutor after school though. Yesterday was my interview. And I tutored after that too. Then today comes...
Last class was tonight. It was science, which I actually like. And we were only there for a couple hours so that wasn't bad. And it was my last class of the semester. Nay, last class of the credential program. That feels so weird. I don't know that it's registered that I'm done with college. Unless I decide to get my Master's. And that's a fat chance right now.
So I'm on my way home, and my mom calls me. She's at the hospital with my dad. I didn't freak out, but that's probably because she didn't sound freaked out. He was having some major abdominal pains so he went to the doctor today. Which is HUGE for him.
Let me explain something about my dad. My dad is total man's man. To quote Little Rascals, he's "a he-man so manly, that if he fell off a building he'd go out of his way to land on a girl." Okay, so it doesn't totally fit, but the quote popped into my head and wanted to escape onto the blog. Anyway, yeah, my dad doesn't go to the doctor. He doesn't even get sick. Seriously, almost never. We were in Pismo once on a trip with church and he went off a dune that had a blind drop. So he tumbled over this drop on his quad. Damaging his ribs and face in the process. Not bad, but bad enough. He couldn't breathe deeply for a while after that, which makes me think there was some bruising that could be looked at. But did he go anywhere? No. I had to go buy butterfly band-aids for the cut on his chin. He kept putting regular band-aids on and thinking nothing of it when they bled through in an hour. Jeez... now I know how parents of stubborn children feel...
So he went to urgent care today and they decided it was his appendix. So right now as I write this he's in surgery. But it's laproscopic. Which means tiny incisions for a camera, and the tools. The whole surgery is done through those tiny incisions. So it's totally better than a big slice. And recovery is faster. And I know the surgeon doing it! I used to work for him and he's the best. So no worries. Dad will even be home tonight.
Tomorrow is my last day of student teaching. I hope I don't cry. Some of the kids have been acting funny which makes me wonder if they're up to something. And one girl told me she's going to cry. Dang it. No crying. I will not cry, I will not cry...
ummm... candy (I wanted a reward for getting through my interview), a magazine, and some clothes (last week)
What are the last three songs you downloaded?
ha! I don't know what the last three were, probably Christmas songs
What were the last three places you visited?
my ex-uncle's, Target, my sissy's
What are your three favorite movies?
can't pick three best, but three I love are 300, Phantom of the Opera, and Sweeney Todd (which I've been wanting to watch lately)
What are your three favorite possessions?
I'm gonna go with my three favorite things at the moment: my Mukluks, my blanket from Grandma, and my yoga pants
What three things can you not live without (other than family and friends)?
phone, camera, computer
What would be your three wishes?
magic weight loss pill, perfect hair, and a fancy car
What are three things you haven't done yet?
gone to Spain, gone wine tasting (May, right MP?), and had my very own classroom
What are your three favorite dishes?
well I like my mixing bowls, and I pretty much love my cake plate... oh, not those kind? well then, pizza, Grandma's chile verde, and a good enchilada
What three celebrities do you want to hang out with most?
Gerard Butler (hoooooot!), Katy Perry (I think she would be weird and fun), and Brad Paisley (seems like a good guy)
things that freak you out?
strange noises at night, worms, your mom (haha!)
Name three unusual things you are good at
knowing when a date falls on the calendar, remembering birthdays
What are three things you are currently coveting?
I don't think I'm coveting anything, but I want things. Like a house with a big kitchen and a double oven.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
You've been waiting so patiently
I had my other interview today. I think it went well. Or maybe I just felt better going in so I wasn't as worried. I had two of my letters of recommendation this time. Those definitely helped.
So I was in there for an hour. Which is super long, but like I said, I feel like I did pretty well. I guess we'll see.
I also had my final evaluation today. All 4's again. Big surprise, I got all 4's on my midterm evaluation too. So everyone thinks I'll be an excellent teacher. Which is always nice to hear.
Now I'm home. Starving. And tired. I want a nap. Maybe I'll feel better after I eat. Tomorrow: my last class on campus. Yay!
Monday, December 1, 2008
D is for...
I have four days of student teaching left. I have ten days to finish my TPA (you don't wanna know how much work it is). I have twelve days to get ready for Disneyland. I also have twelve days to decorate my house for Christmas. Because I really want it done before we leave.
Since I'm kind of on the subject... D is for DISNEYLAND!!! I love it every time I go, but this trip will be special. I get to take my Tad for his first trip ever. He's going to love it. I think I might cry when he sees Mickey and Buzz and all the other characters though. I'll have the tissues ready just in case. We already asked him what he wants to ride first when we get there. He wants to go in the "pooky house" then Pirates. Yes, the "pooky house" is the Haunted Mansion. He knows Jack Skellington will be in there. And he totally knows songs from that movie too now! I'm so proud of the rugrat. I'm at the point where I think about the trip every day now. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep the night before we leave. My mom and I are probably more excited than Tad!
D is also for decorating, which I mentioned already. I'm so ready to decorate for Christmas. And there will be pictures. Oh yes, there will be pictures. We have a lot of Nightmare Before Christmas stuff that I'm really excited to put up. I already got the throw blanket out, but everything else has to wait.
And just for something different (hey, another D word!), D is also for dare. I have a couple people I've been bugging to start blogs because they have entertaining things to share. It's also a good way to get a little writing (even if it's just a funny conversation) into your day. So I'm telling you people (you know who you are), start a blog. Make it your New Year's resolution if you have to. But I need some blogging buddies. Do it!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Lazy Sunday
Now I'm finally revising all my rationales. Thankfully it's going quick. My advisor pointed out the exact spots that need work so all I have to do is go back and change those spots then I can resubmit.
Interview Tuesday... I'm not nervous. I think I'm too tired to be nervous today. I do need to figure out what I'm going to wear though... I've got a cute idea. I need to print out another resume too.
No shopping today. Unless I can convince hubby to go out tonight. Which I doubt. It was hard enough to get him to go out Friday night.
Hope everyone else had a relaxing day before we start this work week. For me it's my last "work week" for a while. Last week of student teaching! Then I have to prep my portfolio and finish my TPA. Then it's vacation time!!! Finally, I've been counting down for ages.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Super Tired
So many things, not enough money.
Then I went to my grandma's all day with my parents and my aunt and uncle. They're in the process of working on her place for her so I went to help. Now I'm tired. So I'll rest for a bit before I have to get ready for our party at Beth's. See y'all tomorrow.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday Photo
These are the ones that were waiting on the porch for me when I got home from my first interview. Aren't they cute? I heart them. So much. My hubby is the bestest.
So there's your photo. Now your day can go on as planned.
A Few Things
So I'm in what equates to the entertainment or spotlight section and all these things made me smile. I even texted Tim about two of them. First I see that Let's Go Bowling is going to be at Club Fred tomorrow night.
What? You don't know who Let's Go Bowling is? Well, I'll go with how our paper described them: my town's "Forefather's of Ska." And if you don't know what ska is, then I've given up hope on you.
Anyway, I would love to see them, but we're having a party at Beth's tomorrow night. So I guess I'll have to skip it this time. Would be fun though...
Then I flip a couple pages and see that the Philharmonic is doing a night of Hollywood movie scores. That's just plain fun. It's not like we're fans of the Philharmonic or anything, but come on. Hollywood movie scores??? We're actually contemplating going.
I kept flipping and found the dates for Christmas Tree Lane here in town. There are always two walking nights and I want to go. The first one is Tuesday, which might be a nice way to relax after my interview. Then there's one on the 10th. I kind of want to take Tad again (he fell asleep last year). So maybe the one on the 10th will work...
Just thought I'd write. Because I know everyone cares about what makes me happy. Hope nobody's got a hangover (turkey or otherwise). I'm off to do homework... ugh.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day
Hope everyone has a great day. Hopefully no one strangles a family member and no one drops their plate of food on the floor.
Don't forget to really think about what you're thankful for. Whether it's coffee, fresh laundry, food on the table, or the color of fall leaves. There's plenty that I could list, but it could take a while.
So don't eat too much! And if your family drives you nuts, just let them be crazy for the day and be glad you have them there to make you insane.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
No stew for you
I did have a productive morning though. I wrote a rationale (which I have to go turn in in an hour), went to my mom's to get my diploma (which I need for Fresno County), and baked some cookies. Wow. Now I have to get dressed and find something to eat before I go down to school.
Then it's come home and frost said cookies (yes, they're the famous sugar cookies, my sisters will love me). Find something for dinner (it may be a takeout night). Do my nails (I've been meaning to for weeks now). Clean the kitchen... okay. There's my day. Hopefully you guys are doing something more fun than me.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I heart my BFF
And I totally did end up baking. I made some pecan squares. Like pecan pie, but little squares. But they're going to Tim's work. Or getting saved for Thursday. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of saving them for Thursday. Especially since one sister-in-law already myspaced me and asked if I'm making cookies tomorrow (doubtful). Maybe the pecan squares can be a peace offering.
So anyway, there was much conversation had. We discussed the importance of marrying down and how cute Asian babies are. Quite a random day. But so fun. Lauren made my day.
Best of all. Lauren's coming over! At least I hope she still is. I think we might bake. And watch movies. And who knows what else.
Unfortunately that means I need to finish cleaning. Yuck. We actually did some cleaning yesterday, but then I cooked last night and I need to finish cleaning the kitchen. And the bathroom. My two least favorite rooms to clean.
BTW, is anyone else totally ready for Christmas? I can't wait to get a tree (making space for it should be interesting in this living room the size of a postage stamp). I got out all my Christmas music last night. And I shall be downloading more today. But let's save that for another day. Look for me later. I may blog about the fun that my BFF Lauren and I come up with. :)
Just for fun
My birthday song: "Physical" by Olivia Newton John. Great. One of the worst songs of the eighties and it was number one when I was born. Tim actually got my hopes up. He read 1982 instead of 1981 and told me that my song was "Maneater." At least I could get a laugh out of that one.
Tim's birthday song: "Tragedy" by the Bee Gees. Now you could take that title and run with it, but I won't. I'll be nice to my husband. I mean come on, he got stuck with a Bee Gees song.
Day of our wedding: "Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey. Ick. I hate that song. But yes, go ahead and laugh at the title of it and that it corresponds with our wedding day. Done laughing? Let's continue then.
Day of our first date: "A Moment Like This" by Kelly Clarkson. Okay, I have to laugh at that one. It's just too cheesy and perfect for the day we met. I laughed and Tim looked ashamed to say it.
Day we actually decided to be exclusive: "Dilemma" by Nelly and Kelly Rowland. Ugh. Why did the song for that day have to be one that uses one of my most hated terms of "endearment?" That's right, it says "Boo." Stupid.
I also looked up some family members' birthdays. And there were some bad ones. I mean baaaad.
My brother's birthday: "Flashdance... What a Feeling" by Irene Cara. OMG, one of the worst songs and my poor brother got stuck with it. Why couldn't the Misfits have had a number one? Oh, right. Because then they would be popular, and we most likely wouldn't feel the same way about them.
My sis-in-law Kristen's birthday: "I Love Rock & Roll" by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Seriously? How come I couldn't get a good song like that???
My sis-in-law Beth's birthday: "Maniac" by Michael Sembello. Haha... the title says it all. Does it not?
I won't give you all of them. You should be looking up your own important dates now. Check out the site. It's a fun way to kill some time and come up with connections that you have to reach for.
Monday, November 24, 2008
C is for...
I love doing things. And making things. I will gladly sit down with the kids and play with Legos for hours. Or Play-Doh. It's fun! I love coloring with Tad. We color in his coloring books together. Scrapbooking is super fun for me. If I had the free time and the right amount of space I would be a scrapbooking queen.
My new thing is sewing. Have I actually started? No. But I have projects in mind. And the material. I just need the time to get to my mom's and use her help and her machine. But I'm determined. Especially now that I'm so close to being done with studying. Soon I'll be correcting the homework, not doing it.
I think I'll extend creativity to the home area. Now my apartment can't really be that creative. It's rented. And I would still like my deposit back. So no paint and such. But when I get a house... it's on. I already have files saved and mental images. I can't wait. It will be a glorious thing.
Let's also throw in that C is for cupcakes. Which I'm obsessed with. And I do still aspire to be good enough to sell them. Maybe not have a store, but at least take orders or something. (BTW, Tim said we can have a double oven when we get a house - SCORE!!!) C is also for cookies, something I'm so good at that my sisters sometimes email me just to ask when I'm making them next.
And this week, C is for cranberry sauce and cranberry relish. I only get the relish when grandma is with us on Thanksgiving. And it is amazing. To say the least. Now I'm hungry...
So there's this new show...
They are eco-terrorists. Plain and simple. And jerks.
So we were discussing how Animal Planet will give anyone a show now. Maybe we should get a show. But then I realized I don't think animals are people. And that's a problem if you're going to be on Animal Planet. And Tim said, "I have an idea. In light of recent political events... Whalin' With Palin."
He's rather proud of himself. And if anyone steals our idea, we have an uncle who is a feared lawyer. So think twice.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
"Dude. There's a recipe for squirrel on here. WTF?"
"I've told you before honey. There are people who eat squirrel."
"Then they shouldn't be allowed to have internet."
Finally... the interview
Wow, that's a depressing thought.
Anywho, had my interview with one of the schools on Friday. I had class before my interview so I went early to talk to my advisor from initial student teaching. I wanted to tell him, and I figured he might help me calm my nerves. So I went to his office, he happened to be in, and actually did make me feel a little better. He made me laugh, which helped out. Then I went to class, told Lauren,my girlfriend, and she got all excited for me. And told me something funny.
She found out where my interview was and said, "Oh, is it a combo class?" I told her I didn't know and she tells me that her ex just left that school and the interview might be for that class. I thought that was a weird coincidence and contemplated throwing off the interviewers by saying that I knew the teacher who left (I totally wouldn't do this, it was just an amusing thought).
Went to my interview (this is a school I used to work at BTW, don't know if I mentioned that before). Waited a bit, then the principal came out to get me. And I walk into a room with three more people already sitting down. Yes, I was interviewed by four people. And totally wasn't ready for that. Intimidating much? I got through the interview though. I think I did alright, but I'm not sure I want to go back to that school. I'm not sure my personality would mesh with the principal's. I don't want to get into it much, just that I think we might butt heads a little.
Turns out it was the class Lauren's ex just left though. Which made me laugh. But that means it's a combo class. For those of you who don't know what that means, there are two grades in one classroom. So I would have a mix of fifth and sixth graders. There are veteran teachers who dread combo classes, and they want to give a brand new teacher a combo class? Eek!
Well, as soon as I got out of the interview I texted Lauren and Tim. They told me I probably did great (I have the best husband and BFF ever!) and I told them I'd talk to them later. I got home and as I'm walking in the door with an armful of stuff, my phone rings. I took it out of my pocket and didn't recognize the number. But with all the job stuff going on I answered anyway. It was the principal from the other school I'm interviewing at!
So this guy is totally funny. I actually enjoyed talking to him. He joked around and told me everything about the job (it's another combo class) and even told me I made his Thanksgiving break by saying I'd be happy to interview. So that interview is Tuesday, December 2. But having gone through one, I'm not as nervous now. Plus the principal was super nice on the phone and I just have a better feeling about this one.
So that was my Friday. We went to dinner that night to have a mini-celebration. And now I'm just soaking it all in. I texted my master teacher and she's super excited for me. I'll tell everyone on Thanksgiving (unless I have family besides Micah who reads my blog). Now I need to think about how the heck I'll teach a combo class if I get one of these jobs...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Seriously! Head over to their website. They have this cute little convo announcing it. I'm dying. I wanted to go see them in high school but dad said no. Now I'm an adult and I get to go!!!!
No dates yet, but I'm going. Anyone else in?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Photo
I heart my little Bumblebee.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Holy crap
So I'm sitting this afternoon, on my couch, doing nothing, and the principal at the school I'm at calls. She asked how I was doing and then told me she talked to her boss (remember the post from way back in September about the big visit and the guy who watched me teach a lesson?). Her boss asked about me (!!!) and said he was going to have some job openings and wanted to know if I was interested! So my principal gives me his number and tells me to call him in a few minutes, after she calls him back. I wait and try to mentally prepare myself for whatever might come.
So I call, and he's asking how it's going and what the status is on everything I need to get my credential. Thankfully we just got told all the important dates and stuff last week so I was able to tell him when I'll get my scores, when my exit interview is, and when my credential should be ready. So after telling him all of this, he tells me that there are several upper grade (5th or 6th grade) openings available. Like, as soon as I'm done! He told me the schools, and what's funny is I used to work at one of them. So we get some information down and get off the phone. I call my mom, super stoked. Then my other line starts ringing and it's him again. He got the okay to schedule interviews for me with the principals of the two schools!
I could actually have a real job in January!!!!
So now I just have to get all my paperwork together. I have class tomorrow at the university, so I'm going to go to my old advisor and ask him to help me prepare. But OMG! I'm dying, right now. So keep me in mind over the next month or so. I'm excited, but I'm also kinda scared right now.
I feel like poo, but can I stay home? Nope. TPA today (wish me luck on that), class tonight (blah), and I'd like to be able to suck it up enough for Thursday. Sometime before Friday I have to churn out a couple lesson plans and three rationales.
At least I can look forward to next week. We have the whole week off! I can sleep. Or whatever else I feel like doing. Yay! I am so looking forward to it. Anyone want to come join me for a day of movies or something?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Guess what?
What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?
Well, Tim has his manly soap (I think it's Old Spice) and I have my minty fresh stuff from Bath and Body.
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
I hope not, because if we do, it's so old it's toxic.
What would you change about your living room?
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
Clean. Tim ran it today.
What is in your fridge?
Eggs, ground turkey, some random veggies (some of which are probably bad), a few leftovers, a pitcher of water, some vitamin water... do you really want me to list everything? Let's just say "food" and be done with it.
What is on top of your refrigerator?
Random crap. Including whey protein powder and napkins.
What color or design is on your shower curtain?
I haven't taken down my Halloween one, so it's still skeletons. It will eventually be changed back to the blue stripes.
How many plants are in your home?
None inside. But I have two on my front porch and one on my back.
Is your bed made right now?
No, we don't do that often.
Comet or Soft Scrub?
Comet, probably because that's what my mom used growing up.
Facial Wash?
Well... there's always St. Ives apricot scrub (or a knock off of it), and my fancy expensive acne stuff. And right now there's a second fancy expensive acne wash.
Is your closet organized?
The stuff that's actually in there is...
Can you describe your flashlight?
My favorite is my mag lite. It's black and I could kill people with it.
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Depends. We have both.
Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?
I don't believe so.
If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
It's cluttered in one area, but the rest is pretty organized.
Curtains or blinds?
We have blinds that everyone has, but I need some curtains. Mommy...
How many pillows do you sleep with?
One right now. It'll become two again at some point.
Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
The night light gets turned on when Tad is here.
How often do you vacuum?
Tim vacuums more than me.
Standard toothbrush or electric?
What color is your toothbrush?
Blue and orange, my next one is pink I think...
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
We do. It has monkeys on it.
What is in your oven right now?
Nothing. I don't use it for storage and we sure aren't cooking anything right now.
Is there anything under your bed?
Yes, but it's all in plastic tubs, not just random crap strewn about.
Chore you hate doing the most?
Cleaning. Just in general.
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
Nope. The spare room belongs to my Tad. And Micah when she stays here.
How many mirrors are in your home?
Five. One of which is so high you can't see in it, but it's decorational, not functional.
What color are your walls?
Some creamy color.
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
My husband is a weapon. haha... actually, given a threatening situation, I would turn just about anything into a weapon.
What does your home smell like right now?
Like my house.
Favorite candle scent?
Cinnamon vanilla.
What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?
Dill. No other kind is acceptable. Ever.
Ever been on your roof?
Nope. Not here, not at Tim's old house, not at my mom's.
Do you own a stereo?
Yes. Thanks to my father and stepmom in law!
How many TVs do you have?
Two. And we only have two because Tim's coworker gave us one that he wasn't wanting anymore.
How many house phones?
Zero. We don't want to pay for it. We would never use it.
Do you have a housekeeper?
HA! If only!
Is there a smoke detector in your home?
Yes. And I hate it. It's inches from the kitchen and super sensitive so it's constantly going off.
In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip?
If Tad was here, definitely him. I'd try to grab the laptops and my photo CDs. If there's time, I'd go for the jewelry box. Man... we need a fireproof safe, I have crap that needs to be in there.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
If you didn't see the movie, buy the freakin' DVD and watch it. I dare you to tell me it's not one of the BEST movies ever!
By the way, if anyone buys it and wants to bring it over this weekend, feel free!
If only
So if any family members are reading this, some JoAnn's gift cards or even Wal-Mart gift cards would be awesome. I'm trying to be creative here!
Monday, November 17, 2008
B is for...
I only have two nieces, but four nephews. I'm surrounded by boys. But when it comes to kids, I think I'll be better off with boys than with girls.
Now girls are cute. They have cuter clothes so they're more fun to shop for. They have hair you can braid and curl and do whatever with. They like princesses and sparkly things. What's wrong with those things? Nothing. But girls also grow up. They turn into drama queens. They get interested in boys. They worry about their appearance. They fight with their friends about the studpidest things. And if I have a daughter, she'll be as much trouble as I was in high school. I don't know if I can take that.
Boys are different though. Sure their clothes aren't as cute. But they're messier so that doesn't matter. And you can't curl or braid their hair. But they can have mohawks! They might not be into princesses (hopefully), but they love superheroes and cars. Those can be just as fun. And let's think about when they get older. Boys don't hate their moms in high school as much as girls do. And boys don't create drama. They're actually kind of oblivious to it all. Just ask Tim. They don't fight over girls. And when they do fight it's not the evil rumor-spreading that girls do. It's a couple punches and then they're over it.
I bring this up because it's possible that I may have twins one day. It's just the way it falls in the family. It's either me or Micah and I doubt she wants them (right MP?). If I have twins I really hope they're boys. Or one of each. I just couldn't handle two girls. One mini-me will be bad enough. Think about it, fighting over clothes, fighting over boys, fighting over who gets to be Cinderella for Halloween... I can't do it! I've already told my mom, Tim, and a few others, if I have twin girls I'm leaving one at the hospital. I don't want both. But actually, if any of you want the extra let me know.
Twin boys would be great. I can handle wrestling and fighting. Bumps and bruises are easier than the wounds that girls inflict. So maybe they'll fight over which race car or superhero they play with. Maybe they'll fight over who gets to be Batman. At least they won't come up with, "I'm prettier so I get to be Batman."
So bring on the boys! Although, I do want one girl. Just to dress up and stuff.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
An Open Letter
I know you're busy curing diseases and such, but might I make a suggestion to you? While you're busy finding an obesity gene, or a cancer gene, let's look around for a drama gene. No, not the creative drama, the pointless drama that makes ya wanna backhand a b*tch. Ya know?
I know, cancer and obesity are serious problems, but drama can be too! It causes needless rifts in families. It gives us those annoying couples who break up and get back together every other month. It takes up precious time that could be spent doing better things. It pulls in third parties and creates a problem for them. Drama sucks!
I know people will say, "Just don't hang out with those drama queens." Easier said than done friends. Especially when it's family (blood or otherwise). You're supposed to be nice to these people that are talking about a new "scandal" every month? If they're not mad at you, they will be next month. Maybe you looked at them wrong. Or you breathed on their drink. Or you took someone else's side. Good Lord, could we get over it already? This is where the drama gene comes in. If we turn it off, think how peaceful family get-togethers will become.
I'm also curious to see what else the drama gene will be connected to. The back-stabbing gene? The having-multiple-baby-daddy-is-awesome gene? The I-only-date-losers gene? The I'm-entitled-because-I-have-too-many-kids gene? The possibilities are endless!
So scientists, let's get to work on this one. You'd make mothers of teenagers happy. Anyone with a daughter would fall down and kiss your feet. We could change society as we know it! I've even got some test subjects for you. Just gimme a call. I've got plenty to choose from.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Gimme a shout. Otherwise I'll call my brother-in-law and hope he can help me.
Some randomness to start your weekend
I am: ready for Disneyland.
I think: I'll be productive during my break from school.
I know: that my honey loves me.
I have: wet hair.
I wish: I could sew. That's gonna be worked on after Disneyland.
I hate: housework. But doesn't everyone?
I miss: being a size 4. Hell, I'd settle for a 6.
I fear: worms.
I hear: Scrubs. Awesome show.
I smell: nothing. Maybe I should cook...
I crave: Thanksgiving food.
I search: only when I desperately need to find something.
I wonder: what our kids will look like.
I regret: nothing.
I love: creating.
I ache: because I'm sitting on the floor. I have horrible posture.
I am not: good at time management.
I believe: in sitting on the couch with a glass of wine and my husband.
I dance: when I want to have fun.
I sing: with Tad. We love Veggie Tales and Backyardigans.
I cry: only if it hurts reeeeeally bad.
I fight: to keep my mouth shut sometimes.
I win: burping contests. Sometimes.
I lose: my sanity. Often.
I never: forget lotion after the shower.
I always: kiss on my nieces and nephews.
I confuse: my students when I talk to myself.
I listen: to Adam Carolla in the mornings.
I can usually be found: procrastinating.
I am scared: of worms. Didn't I already tell you that?
I need: to put on some chapstick.
I am happy about: school almost being over.
I imagine: that I will be crafty at some point in the near future.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday Photo
Don't mind my funk. I'm in a current state of annoyance. Add to that the fact that my weekend will be spent doing homework and blahhhhh... Okay, enough of that. Let's have a zen, fall moment with the Friday photo, shall we?
Taken from my back porch last week. Gotta love the sky on a fall day.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful Thursdays
I'm thankful for my family. Both my blood family and my in-laws. Without my Beth and Kristen I wouldn't be a tia. Without Eric I wouldn't have a functioning computer. I could go on and on, but what about my own family? I'm so my mother and I'm completely okay with it. I have incredibly strong grandmothers who deserve awards for some of the stuff they've dealt with. I have cousins (mine and Tim's actually) who are some of the best friends I could hope for. I just have an awesome family. There's no way to argue otherwise.
I'm thankful that I've got my education. And that it's almost done! Yay! I've always known what I wanted to do, I just got distracted along the way. Then I met Tim and it all came together. I had to quit screwin' around and get school out of the way. And here I am almost done. I met some awesome people and learned a ton along the way.
One more for the week... I'm thankful for color pencils and Sharpies. I know, it's not a serious one, but I love them. I'm looking at them sitting on my coffee table next to my little journal. I've been feeling particularly doodly since I decided I want to learn to sew. I want to make little felt dolls for the kids. And for me...
What are y'all thankful for? Blog it with me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Super Cute Mushroom Meadows
I wish I could doodle like her.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Monday...
Funny how a trip that we took with the intent of picking up "a few things" turned into a total of almost a hundred buck. On the upside we've got enough meat in the freezer for quite a few dinners. Tilapia, chicken, steak, ground turkey, turkey sausage... oh the meal possibilities. Then of course there's the lamb chop (that I won't eat) from Tim's dad. And the bear sausage.
Wait, did I forget to mention the bear? I won't eat that either. But you don't care about that, do you? You just want to know why the bloody hell there is bear sausage in my freezer. You're thinking, "This girl is woodsy? I didn't know mountain folk have internet!"
No. I'm not a mountain girl. I have family in Alabama*, but I am definitely not backwoods. I have two Starbucks stores within a mile radius.
Tim comes from a family of hunters. This doesn't bother me because he would never force me to eat something he shot. So a couple weeks ago his dad was out hunting and shot a bear. And gave us some sausage. Yay (said with much sarcasm).
Sorry, that was a tangent there. I've got ADHD. Windows are a dangerous thing when I'm supposed to be paying attention. Oh look, a leaf fell off the tree... see what I mean?
So back to my Monday. After this trip to the store we decided that we needed to have a date. So we went to lunch after going home to unload. Had some pizza (mmmm, tasty, tasty pizza). Then hit the $3 theater to catch The Dark Knight again. We saw it the first time around, but wanted to again. And that was quite the interesting trip...
There was a girl sitting down the row from us waiting for someone. When he got there he decided to climb over us instead of going around (which would have made sense seeing as how she was on the END OF THE ROW). So he got on my fecal roster from the start. Then the couple was arguing. They were trying to do it quietly, but Tim and I could obviously hear them. So I got the giggles. I kept them to myself, but I couldn't help it. Really? You're going to get to the theater and argue with your girlfriend? Then it took a different turn. She started to get up and he grabbed her belt or something and pulled her back down. She didn't yell or scream, just continued whisper-shouting at him and he wasn't letting go. I saw Tim tense up out of the corner of my eye (he trains in jiu-jitsu for those of you who don't know, and we have been witness to a loved one suffering an abusive control freak). I put my hand out to take his hat that he had been holding and knew if the guy didn't let go Tim would put his ass to sleep. But the guy let go and the girl walked off.
At this point the jerk decided to follow, but apparently thought it would be faster to climb over us, again. Well, even though he said excuse me, there was no way in hell I was making it easy so I kept my feet out and even crossed one so I could make a higher barrier. He just stumbled his way across (I've never wanted to see someone trip so bad in my life) and walked out. They eventually came back in for about ten minutes then left again. But I seriously thought Tim was going to have to restrain the guy.
Besides that the movie trip was fine. There was a group that must have dropped hundreds of pieces of round candy, because I heard it rolling down the aisles several times. I wanted to laugh each time too. We got out and came home. Then vegged, watched some Lost on SciFi, and I baked.
And because this was such a lengthy post today, I'll reward you with a picture. I made brownies tonight, but put them in foil baking cups. And put some leftover Halloween M&M's on the top. And they are miiiiiighty tasty...
*This does not mean that I am profiling my Southern family, or anyone from the South. I loved the people on my trip down there. I'm simply tying my lineage in here.