Monday, December 29, 2008

G is for...

G is for great news!


Remember the test at the beginning of the month that I was super stressed about?? I got my "unofficial" results today (unofficial because they're through email and not on a piece of paper) and I passed!!!! I'm so unbelievably relieved. Now I just have to finish my portfolio for my exit interview and I can have my credential!!! Well, I have to hope I passed my TPA, but there's no reason I shouldn't have. That was easy.

G is also for gotta go call my mommy. She'll be stoked!


MalContent said...

AWESOME! Congratulations!

I have good news too, but I'm not up to "G" yet. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knew you would pass. CONGRATULATIONS. "G" is 'Gargantuan' as in the year ahead.

Anonymous said...

I never had a doubt about you my friend! Yippee!