Some call them Holly and Landon. Or if you're my dad you call them Molly and Brandon. And they're old now. They're fifteen. If we were real Mexicans they'd have a quinceanera. But we're all coconuts. haha...
I remember when they were born (here's me sounding old). I was in sixth grade, and sitting at home with my dad one Saturday morning. My brother must have stayed the night at someone's house, because he wasn't there. And mom was working or something. So when we got the phone call that my aunt was in labor we went to the hospital.
Man we waited forever for these girls. They wanted to make an entrance. My uncle Tim and I played games for money in the hallway. Who could slide a quarter closest to the opposite wall without hitting it. Who could make a paper airplane out of a dollar and fly the furthest. I made a couple bucks that day. Which I promptly spent in the gift shop.
Anyway, Holly came, then Landon via C-section. And they were so cute! I've always loved babies, but these girls were some beautiful babies.
It's funny having twins. They have their moments where they are identical, then there are the moments where they're totally different. I was the one who got to take them to have their eyebrows waxed for the first time. Yay! Then we went shopping. I love girl trips with them. They make me miss high school sometimes.
These are two of the strongest girls I know. I'm proud that they're my little cousins. Love you girls!

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