Hey there folks, guest blogger here. I'm not Ash if you haven't figured that out yet. I couldn't let her wish herself a happy birthday. That's for single people and loser emo kids to do. Ashley is neither.
Anyway, I've known the b-day girl for 6 years now. It seems like forever to me (that's a good thing, not like "oh my God will this never end" sort of forever) but that's only a fraction of how long she's actually stuck with me. :)
The first birthday of hers that I was around was her 21st. Was there drinking involved? Just by me. Was she all rowdy and party animal like? No. Why? I have no clue. She probably just wanted to spend a quiet night at home with me, have some dinner, and relax, so back off!!! Anyway, by that time we had only been together for 2 months. I already knew that I loved her and that it would take an act of God to keep me away from her. I figured she felt the same way being that she gave up a night of getting wasted on free booze to hang out with me. I had no friends, no one to hang out with. You all probably think I'm lying, but I'm not. I was a loser (current status debateable, but it looks to have swung in my favor).
We've been married now for nearly 8 months, I'm almost 30, and I hope to be around for at least 70 more of Ashley's birthdays. By the way, if you hadn't figured out who the guest blogger is, it's me, Tim, and you're either slow or have never read any of Ashley's other posts. Get with the program, people.
Long story short, I love you Ashley, happy birthday. I hope you enjoy the battery I got you! I know you can use it!
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