Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yeah everybody makes them, but I still feel like posting 'em. And I'm going to put a twist - hopes for people in my life. If I can do anything to help you can bet money that I'm going to.

But first, mine...
  1. Get in shape! I lost weight for my wedding last year, but it totally came back. I'm going to keep it off this year. And be super hot in some skanky Halloween costume (just kidding mom! It won't be totally skanky!)
  2. Get organized! This would be much easier if I had a house with mucho space, but oh well. I'll try to at least keep my place cleaner than I do currently. It would be nice not to panic because someone shows up with a ten-minute warning.
  3. Learn to sew! Like, real sewing, not just blankets because they're straight seams. I want to make stockings this year for Christmas, and a tree skirt, and some adorable little felt guys, and maybe even clothes!

Okay, I'll keep it to three. Any more than that is probably where people go wrong and get too much to do and quit one. Right? Now, what do I hope for the people around me? Let's see... I have to keep this name-free but still semi-specific...

  1. I hope my single friends make awesome choices in dating. No time-wasters, no jerks... I could go on. I also hope that people who are in need of evaluating their relationship (and yeah, I know a couple) do so and decide whether they really have what they want.
  2. I hope the people around me learn to cut back on the drama. It is seriously needed! So you heard someone say something about someone else? Unless it was a threat toward the other person let it go. That's how crap gets out of hand. Is it really worth alienating people that are your family?
  3. As part of the drama thing, I hope people can learn that if there's a problem, go to the source, not someone else. Have something to say to me? Tell me, not my sister or cousin or your mom. Let's get it out of the way.
  4. And for everyone (not just my friends and family) I hope we can bounce back this year. I know money and jobs are tough, but maybe this is the year to learn the difference between "want" and "need." I really want a house, but do I need it? Not when I already have a roof over my head that I can afford. Do you need those cigarettes, or do you need gas in your car to get to work?

So there ya go. Hope I wasn't too preachy for you. I tried not to be, but with the crap I've seen in 2008 (And between families! Shame on you!) I felt some of it was needed. Now if only the right people read this blog...

Have a great new year everybody! And thanks for stickin' with this little ol' blog in 2008.

1 comment:

MalContent said...

Good resolutions, and I really like that you also had "resolutions" for the people in your life. That's... well, I wanna say "sweet" but the word seems at odds with your "evilness", ha ha. A cool idea though.

Good luck with accomplishing yours and -- can't be said enough -- Happy 2009!