Monday, January 12, 2009

I is for...

I is for idiots.

I've decided there are far too many in this world.

How else do you explain the men that beat their wives/girlfriends/baby mamas and claim it's because they love them? How do you explain the moronic women that stay with them? Sure people will say that upbringing plays a large part. I agree. Their upbringing turned them into idiots.

There's also evidence that many people driving around our streets are idiots. I think I've lost count of the number of times I've had to maneuver to avoid an accident because someone did something stupid in front of me.

Girls getting knocked up when you can get free birth control at some clinics? Idiots. Boys wearing their pants around their knees because it makes them look tough or something? Idiots. People who cry global warming at every twist and turn? Idiots.

The people who run the city I live in are pretty stupid too sometimes. Apparently they have an abundance of money or something because they are essentially paying people to go out and snoop. My parents have received notices about the trash cans being visible (yes, that's against city ordinance) complete with a photo taken by someone that probably gets off on telling on people. There's supposedly people who drive around on no-burn days (yes, there are days where we can't have a fire in the fireplace) and cite people for burning. The ironic part of that is that no-burn days are supposed to help our air quality, meanwhile how many little city employees are driving their gas vehicles to go nosing around neighborhoods? Idiots.

I could probably go on, but I won't. I could be here all day telling you about idiot moves by politicians, celebrities, people I actually know... ugh. So go about your business today, but watch out for the idiots.

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