Thursday, January 22, 2009

I can't string together a good entry

So I'm going to share some random things with you today. You may or may not find this entertaining. Ask me if I care.

It's raining today. FINALLY. It's been a seriously dry winter over here, and I just hope the rain continues. Does anyone else love it like me? Wait, I think I only love it because I'm not working.

Speaking of working, I JUST WANT TO GET INTO OUR DISTRICT! Being a sub would even rock right now! I've never wanted to work so bad in my life. And adding to the anxiousness/trepidation is the fact that a neighboring district just put a hiring freeze in place because of the fact that THE PEOPLE RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT ARE STUPID! Yeah, I live in California where apparently the state doesn't understand the concept of "living within your means." Let's hope I can get a job somewhere. I don't want to go wait tables.

I had to make a trip to Wal-Mart this morning (yes, after I complained about it here). And I happened to see the Us Weekly with Fergie (yuck!) and Josh Duhamel (*swoon*) on the cover. Because ya know, they got married. I just wish she would have PUT SOME EFFORT into her look. It's your wedding and your hair looked... well, blah. Really. I'll post pics if no one believes me.

I've become a big fan of the caps lock lately. I feel it really gets my point across. Like in the instances above. I'm enjoying it. It really is like yelling. And slightly therapeutic.

Ducks are funny. There was one outside this morning shouting loudly like a drunk man. I mean it. I laid there and listened to him attempt to raise the dead while hubby got ready for work. Then as I left this morning I had to wait for two ducks to cross the street. I didn't mind. Watching them waddle is funny. Seriously. Watch a duck waddle today if you have the chance. It's amusing.

Okay, I've rambled enough. Oddly enough, those are the things at the front of my mind. Now I'm going to attempt to get crafty. Trying to make a cute hair accessory for a party on Saturday. If it's cute, you know I'll share.

1 comment:

MalContent said...

If it's raining up there when Tim gets home, bloody take advantage of it finally!

I really don't want to have to bring the two of you to a Hollywood studio to make artificial rain so you can finally check that item off. (Although that would kind of be awesome, come to think. But it's gonna be a while until I have the means to do that.)