So my formatting went insane with my cupcake post. Now I'm starting over. So you get a super short post with no recipe to speak of now. Because I'm cranky.

I made chocolate cupcakes with coffee whipped cream filling last night. Filling with whipped cream was definitely different than filling with something denser and more substantial. I'll have to work on my whipped cream method.
I made the whipped cream. And still have a bunch left. I'm contemplating more cupcakes. We'll see.
Have some pictures now...

Yes, I cheated and used cake mix. I'm a made-from-scratch virgin. And that isn't sewage in the bowl. I added about a tablespoon of instant coffee to the water that the box calls for. Made a very very subtle difference.

Whipped cream ingredients. That's more instant coffee (one tablespoon, dissolved in a tablespoon of HOT water). And two tablespoons of sugar. I could have cut this recipe in half. next time I probably will.

So my solution to the whipped cream not being dense and heavy? I poked holes in the cupcakes with straws. haha... I'm a creative baker!

Here's the babies all frosted. Before I added a little spot of whipped cream on the top. The spot of whipped cream looks like a nipple. I swear, my mind isn't in the gutter.

And here's the beauty cut in half. They're amazingly tasty. I will definitely be making them again. And again.
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