Wednesday, January 14, 2009

American Idol - Night #2

Ready for more friends? Let's jump on in... Kansas City tonight.


8:03 - Chelsea says she has emotion and power in her voice. Um, the emotion and power of a dying cat at 3 am. Poor thing.

8:04 - Hilarity, Simon just called her a dying cat too.

8:06 - Ashley... first you pick a song that Simon co-wrote, then you mess it up a little. But he's a total ass for calling you out. In the middle of singing.

8:09 - The screaming girl preview... oh I need to make sure I'm not eating while she flips out. Because I'm the jerk who will laugh and end up with food on the computer screen.

8:14 - Okay, Casey is cute. Not hot, but cute. Haha, my husband and I just read each other's minds and decided she kinda reminds us of Mandy Moore. Who we love... but back to the audition. She's good too. And she's going through to Hollywood.

8:17 - Um... what's up with this guy. The v-neck and chest hair combo is killing me. KILLING me. It's pretty much wrong.

8:20 - Medley of tearful rejects.... haaaaa! There's the screamer. She looks like she's auditioning for a horror movie.

8:25 - So they're highlighting David Cook. And I just remembered how much I love him. It's a lot.

8:26 - Why would this skinny do this to this song? WHY???

8:27 - Okay, first one of the year singing "Amazing Grace." And have I told you what I think of that song? It annoys me. Everyone uses it when they're challenged to sing. And I hate it. Overused. You're beating a rotting, decaying horse people.

8:28 - Vaughn, is it? Take it down about five notches. I have a feeling he'd be better if he didn't try to show off so much. Projecting is not always your friend. And now they're making me wait until after the commercial to find out his outcome.

8:35 - Okay, he made it through.

8:36 - EEEEEEEE!!!! I love Jason!!! So they're talking to him now. And I'm loving him all over again. Erm, don't love his brother as much. HA! But he called him girly! And they're both potheads. OMG, I can't even tell you how amused I am by them... okay, audition time. Wow, he's good. Not quite the same sound as his brother, but kind of similar. I like him. But not nearly as much as I loooooove Jason. There's just something about a pothead with a guitar...

8:39 - My husband just said that Paula only let him through for one reason. "Paula only wants to bone Jason and she wants a better chance at it. And you can quote me on that."

8:45 - Haaa! Some girl just tripped on the stairs. Good stuff...

8:46 - Matt has a seriously cute little kid. Ooooh, I love this song. And I like his voice. He's no Chris Daughtry, but I like. What is it with me and bald guys with facial hair?! Awwww... Randy doesn't like him. Kara does. Figures that Paula does. It's on Simon... HE'S GOING TO HOLLYWOOD! I hope he proves to be good. I'll totally vote for him.

8:49 - Um, Jasmine looks like a spaz. Srsly. Craaaaaazy. OH! And she can't sing. No surprise there. The freaky ones never can. The crazy eyes told it all.

8:52 - Jessica... she's holding a guitar which gives me some hope. OMG, her grandma rocks!!! She just said, "These are my crazy pills." Her glasses make her resemble Lisa Loeb. Ooooh, she's good. And she's not a perky, annoying thing either.

9:00 - We have sisters... and they're auditioning together? I smell disaster. Oh, and they're rapping. Mistake numero dos. Oh my... their names are India and Asia. Hmmm... um, their rap scares me. Oh, now they're singing for real. Big girl isn't great. Little one isn't either. Oh, little one made it through. Surprising...

Un momento... on the phone. Paused the TV.

9:03 - Jamar isn't as good as I think he thinks he is. Did that make sense? It did to me. He sounds like he's yelling sometimes. He started out way too loud. Kara got it right... overdone. But they all agree he's good if he doesn't shout. He's in.

9:05 - Dude, he's got a piercing like, under his EYE!

9:10 - Now we have Daniel, he's Jamar's best bud. Ohhhhh Lord his wife died four weeks before the audition. Holy crap. Not gonna cry... I'm not. Whew... okay, can we get to the audition? He's good. I like him. I'd vote for him in a second. Plus he's a little cute. That never hurts. Even Simon "really liked him." He's totally going through.

9:13 - Haha... this girl looks scared. And her voice scares me. Oh, another bad female. We've got a string of them going... ouch.

9:14 - Hello eyebrows! Haha... he's a bit of a smart ass. It's funny. OMG, Anoop, you can sing. Dude, this guy looks like an awkward nerd and he can SING! Holy crap. Okay, will you do some manscaping on the brows if you make it through? He's so going through. Yup. Unanimous.

9:17 - What. Was. That. Another medley. Pretty bad. At least they aren't butchering Bon Jovi tonight.

9:19 - Can I remind y'all that Jasmine is just PAINFUL?

9:24 - Pointless freak medley. I don't care what they do for attention. Get to the singing.

9:24 - Ugh. A guy brought some cheer rejects. Great. I'm done with him already. These girls are wasting my time. FINISH BEFORE I FAST FORWARD!

9:25 - Andrew is finally up. Meh. I may be biased because the cheerleaders annoyed the crap out of me.

9:27 - He's singing something else. And still not gonna make it. Stupid cheerleaders are crying for him. Ugh. NEXT!

9:29 - Middle school band director? That would be Asa. He's got a pretty cute little girl too. I like him. Haha... Simon didn't know why he picked his song. He said, "Cuz I like it." Straightforward. Everyone likes him. He's gonna go through. Keep an eye on him readers. He's good.

9:36 - Don't shoot me, but this was the conversation my husband and I just had.
Me: Man, why do they let special needs people on? He's gotta be. (I hate the way they're mocked when they appear to have something wrong)
*after intro where guy says where he's from*
Husband: Oh, he's not special needs, he's from Nebraska.

Like I said, don't shoot me. Let's get on with the show...

9:37 - Wait, he just said his own mother doesn't think he can sing. Why would you try out?! OH! It's gonna be an original song... ouch. I'm hurting for this guy. Make him stop please. He's embarrassing himself.

9:39 - Okay, now he's singing a song about his grandmother. I'm scared. They should really let him down already. Okay, now they are. Whew... who tells these people they should go after it???

9:40 - Yesssss! Slow-mo evil Simon laugh! I love those.

9:41 - This guy is telling Simon he had a dream about him. I'd be scared if I were Simon. Okay... he's not god-awful. But he's certainly not going to Hollywood. Hmmm... methinks he resembles Urkel a little.

9:42 - Dennis has resorted to begging. Just stop dude.

9:43 - Still begging. Stop running your mouth.

9:43 - The judges have lost it. They let him through. This guy is a spaz.

9:50 - Hee hee... our next contestant is asleep in her chair. Oh, oh, oh. She's singing "Loving You." You know, the high pitched one? Not good. And she's still la-la-laing... haha!!! Let's send her home. She looks like the hissy fit type.

9:52 - Ha, she's calling them ridiculous? And freaking out some poor kid sitting next to her. Ignore the cameras now honey.

9:53 - We've got, Lil , a girl who basically survived a tornado. She's good. I'm not surprised, they've been pushing her story at every commercial break.

9:55 - Simon called her "absolutely fantastic." And "classy." Damn. They looooove her.

Alright people... auditions continue next week. Look for more live blogging then. Because this is seriously super fun.

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