Thursday, April 30, 2009


So I've been really sporadic with this whole blogging thing lately. And I have no good excuse for you. I guess I'm just not feeling it.

I don't do anything interesting on a daily basis. There's times here we do fun stuff. Like if Tad is here, or if I have baking to do. But that doesn't actually occur that frequently.

And I have things to write about, just not many, and I kind of don't feel like writing about them. Partly because I'm afraid some of them will turn out too long and almost boring (I don't want to bore y'all!). And partly because some of it is serious stuff and I like to try and keep it fun and interesting around here. Not question why people are the way they are and make you think, "I totally know someone like that! Why DO they do that?" Because then you'll get in a funk, and I don't want to do that to you guys. I love you guys!

So sorry, not much to say around here. Although I did have to create a new Myspace last night. A.... friendlier one for children. Why?

Because I got home from my sister's surprise party to find a friend request from one of my former students.

I'm simultaneously feeling old for being on the same social networking site as a sixth grader, and flattered that my kids liked me enough to search for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You havent posted in forever!