I realized a couple days ago that I didn't write my alphabet post last Monday. I guess no one noticed though, because I didn't hear anything about it. So to catch up I'll post THE ENTIRE REST OF THE ALPHABET today. Because I can. Because it's my blog. And because next week I'll be out of town and haven't decided if I'm going to write ahead and let it post for you...
So let's start!
U is for until. As in, four days until I go out of town with hubby! We're going to San Diego, which we had hoped to do last summer, but the funds didn't allow it. We're going to Sea World for sure, but the zoo is still up in the air. Bumming around San Diego sound so much better than being in town right now though. I'm very excited.
V is for vampires. Of the sparkly variety. Yes, I finally watched Twilight yesterday. And yes I sat here and (as my friend James put it) "mooned over the sparkly emo vampire." I just can't help it! Claudia, I am with you on every Twilight-related event you ever want to go to. Let's go to Canada and stalk them on set!
W is for wedding. Mine was almost a year ago now. Which is the reason behind our San Diego trip. First anniversary! It's crazy that it was already a year ago. And I wish I could do it all again. It was so much fun! Need proof? Me, sissy, and good friend Nicole singing and dancing...
X is for eXes. Yeah, it doesn't fit technically, but I'm not going to write about xylophones just because it fits. That would be ridiculous! So, I'm going to sound totally evil and mean right now, but I recently heard about an ex that caused much drama in my life. And even though it's totally immature, it was nice to hear that he got his in the end.

Y is for yolks. No, not a mispronunciation of "jokes." Egg yolks. I have some that I need to use today. So I'm thinking maybe a mousse. Or a pastry cream to go with some eclairs. Or a pastry cream for strawberry tarts. Whatever I decide, something will be made. And mom, you'll probably be getting some at home.
And Z is for Zooey Deschanel. Because I couldn't think of anything else. And she's hot. And totally a girl crush of mine. And her hair totally influenced my decision to cut mine.

Image found here
1 comment:
Thanks for that shout-out, lol.
It's not that I didn't notice the lack of alphabet posts, it's that I figured you'd get to it when you were good and ready. I'm sure it was the same thing for your other faithful readers.
Have a good time in Sanny Eggo! Take lotsa pics (like you needed to be encouraged, ha ha).
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