Yesterday I baked. And made filling and frosting. Sissy was having a party at her house and I was going to make cupcakes. It was one of "those" girl parties so I wanted to do something appropriate. That's when I realized the contents of the shot known as a Blow Job would translate into some EXCELLENT cupcakes. And I was so right.

Chocolate cake with just a little coffee and Kahlua. Bailey's filling (some STRONG Bailey's filling). And Kahlua whipped cream frosting. So. Good. I may play with it a little before I make them again. Because whipped cream loses it's prettiness when left out. And the filling may be too strong for some people. But, WOW!
And the fun part of yesterday... I totally burned my arm. I haven't burnt myself cooking since high school. And this one's a good one. So turn away if you have issues with wounds. It's not gross, but some people...

See? Ignore the funky lines around it, I had just taken off my band-aid. It's not bad though. I'm still functioning. I even braved the oven again today. But that's another blog post...
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