Monday, February 16, 2009

N is for...

N is for negative.

I know I said that I wouldn't post unless I had something to say, but this is kind of something to say.

I feel icky lately. It's not just being sick, it's the fact that everything seems to be going to hell. I'm waiting on the state to get me my credential so I can just get a job already. Hubby is waiting on the state for one last test he has to take. No one is hiring in our area. Having a tiny apartment stinks sometimes, but it wouldn't be smart to pay what we don't have for a house right now.

I've been distracting myself with books. And the kid. But it's just hard to keep a happy mood with everything going on. Layoffs and shorter hours everywhere you look. Hiring freezes. The cost of EVERYTHING going up. What next? Will they tax me if I breathe too much? It's all quite ridiculous.

So I've just been feeling poopy and negative. I'll get over it. I'm not looking for sympathy, just had to spit it all out.

This negative poopiness is what's leading to the issues with me blogging. I just feel like I have nothing positive to say. Nothing great. Nothing to make you enjoy the blog at the moment. Maybe I'll go out on an adventure this week. Something to get out of this mood...

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Aww girl, ya things suck ass right now, but they will get better. Recessions come to an end eventually. Right now is just the time to enjoy the little things I guess, slow down, take stock of what's important and all that jazz...

Make cupcakes!