Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lost: The Little Prince

Why, oh why do you leave me with more questions every week Lost? Why? Do you enjoy hurting my brain? Do you enjoy making me obsess over things?

What's up with the lawyer-guy? Why does he have his finger in everybody's peanut butter? He's dealing with Claire's mom, Kate and Aaron, and apparently Hurley. And reporting to Ben in the process. WTF? Hubby says he's from the island and one of Ben's cohorts.

Hubby also totally called the fact that Ben was the one demanding a test from Kate. All to get her back to the island.

Okay, and who sent Sun the gun? BTW, I love the fact that it was in the box of chocolates. I told hubby that would be a perfectly acceptable way to give me a gun. Disguised by a layer of tasty, tasty chocolate.

And I so KNEW Jin wasn't dead. This made me very happy. I told hubby there was no way he could be dead. So he's been floating around close enough to the island that he's been going through all these flashes in time? I'm assuming that's what happened.

And one more thing. IS ANYBODY ELSE SICK TO DEATH OF JULIET?! Ugh, her mere presence is annoying. I have a problem with the fact that she seems to show absolutely no emotion. Hubby said it's part of being an Other. I don't know if I buy that. But I do buy that she sucks. She'll die at some point, right? Right???

So anyone else have any other observations/questions about last night?


Eugenia Loli said...

>Hubby says he's from the island and one of Ben's cohorts.

He is right.

>Okay, and who sent Sun the gun?

Widmore. Sun is working for Widmore now, secretly. It is very obvious.


Wait until she gets together with Sawyer.

Negative said...

I don't really watch it. But I have to say, Eugenia you are a massive annoyance with your know-it-all attitude.

MalContent said...

Gonna have to agree with Negative about the 'tude.

I totally forgot to watch. I'm going to have to go do that now. I hope I haven't missed more than one episode...

Juliet does keep a game face, doesn't she? I do tend to think it's got something to do with being an Other, but it's as likely she keeps shit bottled up.

Anyway, going away to watch now...

MalContent said...

Okay, I got to see it finally. I called the Ben harassing Kate thing too, although I might have been tipped off from your blog and forgotten.

LMAO @ the gun under the chocolates. That's a lame disguise. No one is going to heft a box of chocolates and think they're THAT heavy. But I have to agree it was probably Widmore.

Seemed to me the lawyer was working for Ben to get Hurley out. Probably without Hurley even knowing. Especially considering he doesn't WANT out.

I didn't even realize Jin's survival was a question. We saw him running around buying a big panda while Sun was giving birth, remember?

I don't have any further observations as such.