Monday, February 2, 2009

L is for...

L is for "list." As in THE list. You know, your five celebs that you get to take off with, no questions asked.

My husband and I have always laughed at our lists. We've had them, mine has changed a hundred times.

On our way home from Disneyland the idea of a list came up. Tad was asleep but all of us were awake. I think I mentioned something about my list and soon mom and I are talking about it. It kept us occupied for a while. My dad didn't name anyone so of course mom was trying to decide who he would pick. Tim couldn't come up with five, even though I know he had five the last time it was brought up.

Well, apparently the list idea got stuck in my mom's head and she and her friend/coworker talk about it (they share an office). So out of nowhere my mom will tell me, "Oh I thought of someone else for my list." It's actually really funny.

So who's on my list? Well, I have a hard time thinking of five definite ones. I have a couple that are a constant. Some of the ones that have fallen off are Barry Zito (I'm just over him), Vin Diesel (also over him) and probably others that escape my mind right now. The new list...

1. Gerard Butler - will ALWAYS be number one
2. Josh Duhamel - he's been there since he was on All My Children, I looove him
3. Josh Holloway - I have to put him on, who doesn't want to get lost with Sawyer?
4. Ben Barnes - he brings the HOTNESS to Prince Caspian
5. Chris Daughtry - I can't help it, it's the singing thing, and the baldness

Numbers 4 and 5 are totally subject to change because I didn't think of them immediately which makes me question whether I would really ditch hubby for them. But there's my list. Who's on yours?

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