Saturday, March 28, 2009

Trailer Time: Childhood Faves Edition

So I mentioned seeing a trailer for Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs yesterday. Hubby somehow had no clue what book I was referring to! Well, the theater we went to happens to have a bookstore in the same plaza, so we went there afterward. Because how could I miss the opportunity to share the book with hubby and the kid??? I bought it. Came home and read it to the kid.

Just watched the trailer again. And even though they changed the story a bit, I'm still looking forward to it.

Then there's Where the Wild Things Are. The book has been a favorite of mine FOREVER. And I was really excited when the kid took to it. We even have puppets that he HAS TO HAVE when we read it. I already confessed that the trailer made me a little misty. It's the monsters! They're perfect and I love them!

Of course it looks like they had to add a bit to the story about Max, but that's kind of expected when you look at the length of the book. I can't wait for October...

Looks like my movie season is extending into fall this year...

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