Monday, March 2, 2009

P is for...

P is for parties. I kind of love them.

Okay, not all of them. I don't like college "parties" where the idea of fun is keg stands and random hook ups. Actually never liked those parties. Even when I was younger.

I'm also not a ginormous fan of kids' parties. Well, I am and I'm not. I love the themes you can pull off, the games, the decorations, the cuteness of (some) children. I don't love brats shrieking because it's not their party. I also don't love large groups of children who can't behave or have parents who let them run around insane.

But I digress, I do love parties. I especially love being in on the planning process. I love finding a theme if necessary or at least an overall "look." I love finding decorations, brainstorming centerpieces, and checking every last detail. I had fun with my wedding, but there was the added pressure of it being MY wedding. I can relax more with other parties.

I wish I had been able to throw a giant party for hubby later this month. But funds don't allow. Plus he's not really a fan of being the center of attention. But I do get to think about my mom's big one next year... that will be fun.

So, anyone having a party? I can totally help...

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