It's kind of funny to me that I'm totally having a hard time deciding what to write. When he wrote about my birthday, he wrote about the first one we celebrated together. But we didn't really do anything for his first birthday that we celebrated. The past couple years I've set my alarm early and gone to get him Starbucks and that's as close as we come to a tradition.
There have been years where we were broke and didn't even get each other gifts. But that didn't matter. This year, he gets a real party. We're getting family together for a barbecue. Of course he gets to choose everything to eat. Which means we're having tri tip. And for dessert he requested cheesecake (made by sissy) and cupcakes (made by me of course).
And let me just tell everyone this. Just because hubby is turning thirty does NOT mean he has grown up in any way. He still laughs at words like "duty" (because even spelled right, it sounds dirty). He sings children's songs with our nephew. Even when our nephew is not around.
But I don't mind. I like his little kid moments. Which is why I picked the picture for this post. Yes, it's a picture from our wedding day. And yes, the guys stopped the ice cream truck while they were waiting to go to the church. And it's so him.
So happy birthday honey. I love you, and I hope today is exactly like you want it to be.

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