Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Really China? Really??

I haven't followed the Olympics much, but I have heard and read enough to start thinking that maybe we shouldn't have given China the honor of hosting the games.

I mean, come on. Who thought it was a good idea to send representatives and athletes from all over the world to one of the MOST repressive countries in existence? So I give you evidence of their assholery.

The little girl "singing" in the opening ceremonies? Lip synching! Because the girl with the good voice wasn't cute enough for the country's standards. Way to look like human beings China. Now you just look douchey. Here's the article. http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-world/20080812/OLY.China.Lip.synched.Song/

Then there's the fact that in China "their internet is slow" so even though they promised the media freedom when they put in their bid, hmmm, some websites are blocked. Shaaaady. You can read a blurb about that here. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/07/30/2318963.htm?site=local

Wait, we can't forget about the disgusting air over there. We're not supposed to exercise outside on bad air days and these poor athletes are expected to perform at peak levels? That's definitely not a good thing. And here's an article concerning that. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/18062008/58/beijing-2008-twin-problems-asthmatic-athletes.html

Those are just my random observations. You can argue that there will be problems anywhere you go. But really China? You're going to be your oppressive bully self at a time like this? Have fun. Hopefully they'll be more selective in their next choices.

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