Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Let's get something straight here

I never followed the story because I had better things to do. But I'm going to go ahead and throw my opinion out there.

The "pregnant man" who got on Oprah and everything... NOT a man. Sorry people. This is no miracle. It's a woman who wants to be a man. Huge difference.

I give you an excerpt of a New York Times article printed in June:

Mr. Beatie does not have a penis; his clitoris was surgically reconfigured to mimic a phallus. And the person born in Hawaii in 1974 as Tracy Lagondino also altered his body with chest reconstruction surgery, took bimonthly testosterone injections for years to suppress feminine sex characteristics, grew a beard and saw his hairline change. Like many transmen, he chose not to remove his female reproductive organs.

Well look at that. A woman with a uterus and a stretched out clitoris gave birth. So unusual isn't it? Gimme a break. It's ridonkulous that we even give this woman all the media attention we have. That's why this will be the only time I post about this. Just had to express a little frustration at the stupidity about all this. When a man who had a penis at birth gets pregnant, then let's put him on Oprah.

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