Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Ph.D. in Horribleness...

So if you're one of the cool kids, you've seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog by now. And if you're not cool... then I guess you better run over to so you can catch up with everyone. But really, I am pretty much in love with this mini movie/musical.

It stars NPH. And Nathan Fillion. And if you don't know who they are... I've lost faith in you. *sigh* Joss Whedon came up with it during the writers' strike, and it is gloriousness. Pure and simple. I've watched it twice in the past three days I think. It just makes me smile.

Now if you haven't seen it, go away and read this when you come back. There are some people who have actually said it sucks. Um, NO. Joss Whedon wrote this thing and called up the people he wanted. And they did it. All on Whedon's cash. I'm not some Buffy freak who worships the ground he walks on. I never really got into the show actually. So I'm not giving you some biased review.

The songs are great. I get them stuck in my head. I even went to download them so I can have them until the soundtrack is released (and yes, it will be). Actually, I'm at the point where I'm not sure if it's the song writing or the delivery that gets me. I heart NPH. I'm a little sad that he's gay. Cuz if he weren't he'd totally be on my list. Every song he does = FANTASTIC. Especially the finale. Excellent and I can't describe it any better than that. Nathan Fillion is perfectly cocky as Captain Hammer. Not to mention he gets the best line ever. I will probably watch it again tomorrow. It's a nice way to kill some time.

So on a completely different note: I'm in love with James Franco in these Pineapple Express trailers. Makes me miss the days when I hung out with potheads. He gets the stupid, vacant look perfectly. I wanna make out with him. But I doubt I'll see the movie. Maybe, maybe, when it comes out on DVD. Because I just don't love Seth Rogen.

So the moral of today's story is: Watch Dr. Horrible. Friend the blog on myspace. And love James Franco in all his stoner fabulosity.

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