Wednesday, October 29, 2008

*sigh* There are no words

Yup. No words for this week. I'm so tired.

My poor master teacher... Sunday night I get a voicemail that she threw her back out and got a sub for Monday. I've been there long enough that I pretty much could run the class though so things weren't horrible. She was out Monday and Tuesday. BUT this week was parent-teacher conferences, so she was coming in a few minutes after dismissal so she could get the conferences done. Today she came back for the whole day, but everyone knew she still wasn't doing good. Luckily, our late conference today came in yesterday so we were done by three and she had time to go to the doctor.

I get a text from Lori tonight... her doctor put her on bedrest the rest of the week.

So the class is mine tomorrow (the sub gets to sit and be a helper basically). Not bad, I can handle it. There is the writing sample to think about... I haven't had to give one before, but it'll be manageable.

Then there's the conferences themselves. We had twelve on Monday. I got home at six. Eight yesterday. I got home at six. Today we were done early, but I had class so there was really no rest for me. There's only supposed to be one tomorrow but I'm guessing Lori will reschedule or do a phone conference. Those are going well. I've had a couple parents mention that their kids have talked about me and like me. That's always nice.

Then there's all the little things here and there this week. I had a doctor's appointment today, first thing. Tad was with us Monday and Tuesday (Tim had the days off). I feel like a slacker because I haven't been able to bake. I'm trying to get school work done. I have to get my science unit planned which is proving more difficult than I thought. And Friday I have seminar.

Yes, I have class on Halloween. From 8:30 to 2:30. Laaaame. And on top of that, it's interview techniques and such and there will be HR from several school districts there. Which means no festive Halloween t-shirt. Nope. Nice interview attire. Super lame!

Then there's no rest because we're taking the kids out that night. Plus Beth wants to go out. Plus I have a baby shower the next day. Oh, and tomorrow is my dad's birthday.

Throw in the fact that my allergies have been making me feel like crap every morning and I'm completely out of ways to describe my week.

So sorry if I'm slacking here. I will try to keep up, but as of right now - no promises.

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