Monday, November 26, 2012

This is not okay. And the news is telling me at the moment that tomorrow will be the same. Booooo. A 25 minute drive turned into 35 minutes this morning. I suppose it could be worse. I still don't like it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Don't Get Your Hopes Up

Hello? Anyone there anymore?

I kinda disappeared for a month... and that turned into two... which continued to be longer.

Can't promise I'll faithfully blog at the moment. Let's be honest - Christmas is right around the corner which means lots of prep work for the house. Plus I'm the resident acting coach for the school musical.

On the other hand I finally feel like things are normal enough that I can possibly write semi-frequently. No telling what the topic will be though. It could be anything from a political rant to how I made a glitter switchplate cover for my sewing room (I totally did).

Hopefully I still have some of you left around. If not, well I guess I have my work cut out for me.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I didn't realize it's been over a month since my last blog. Wow.

Things picked up over here. Things to deal with here and there. School started.

Contemplating the direction of the blog right now. If it gets a direction at all. For now, I won't be around. I may check in from time to time. I may start blogging with a vengeance soon. We shall see...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So I totally didn't blog my nails... they were nothing special. The reason...

I was at Disneyland!!!

We took the nephew. Fun times were had. I'm wiped out. I'll get some of the more fun pics up soon. I gotta go to bed. Too much fun...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekly Manicure

Hey I'm actually getting this posted on Monday morning! WOW!

I'm kind of enjoying this one. The camouflage was a lot easier than I expected it to be. We're going camping this week for a couple nights so I definitely wanted something that wasn't going to show dirt and crap.

This week there may be a mid-week change. Not only because my polish tends to chip when I'm doing wildery things like camping, but also because we're in for some fun stuff later in the week. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


108 degrees is just too damn hot.

There's a good possibility I will melt today.

Today is also July 11... meaning free Slurpee day. Of course they're small so it really won't do anything to cool me off.

If anyone wants to take me to the beach or somewhere cool you have my permission to kidnap me.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Weekly Manicure

This was done yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to put up the pic until this morning. In typical Typhoid fashion, my nails are matching a theme...

And this week's theme is the All Star Game!!! Man I love baseball. Hence the baseballs on my ring fingers. And the leagues (in their jersey colors) on the middles.

We're off to watch the game with my wife tonight (my bestie who is now referred to as my wife for many odd reasons I cannot go into right now). And I'm already thinking on next week's manicure. Which may require a mid-week polish change... we'll see.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekly Manicure

A day late because it was slightly complicated. But well worth it as I was asked to show them off at lunch AND two complete strangers at Starbucks noticed them. (Take that Chip... and you mock my manicure posts.)

BTW, Chip is the pastor I work with and he mocked me earlier today and said, "Did you post them on your blog yet???" in mock excitement. All my closest friends are kinda jerks. That's why I love them. :)

Off to a BBQ tonight. No plans yet tomorrow. We shall see what happens...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekly Manicure

Themed this week... but only if you know my team colors.

Hard to tell, but they're orange. And the ring fingers are white with black and orange splatters. :) Because we're off to a Giants game today!

There may be a polish change midweek this week. For funsies. What else will I do with my summer?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weekly Manicure

So I have to laugh at myself. Here's the process I went through this week...
  • Sunday: apply what I thought would be the base coat. Change my mind when I think about what I want to wear to a party this week.
  • Monday: remove basecoat. But several new polishes. Use none. Settle on some to use. Do my nails. Hate the tape-stripe method I found so I remove the tape. Add a stripe. Add glitter. Hate it. Remove everything except the ring finger at 11:00 PM or so. Start again, watching True Blood to keep me company. Finally finish and go to bed.

    I wanted blue and red because I have a grad party Saturday and I got a cute new dress for it. :) I'm in LOVE with the super pale blue which actually came from Forever 21. It went on really nice. I have another dealer for polish now...
    While doing them I also realized I have the next three weeks planned out already because of various things going on. If I'm brave maybe there will be some mid-week polish changes for funsies.
     BTW, the ring finger and the thumb are my faves... they look like Dorothy's sparkly shoes. :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bad Mommy

Poor neglected little blog.

I just haven't made it a priority. I haven't done amazing things lately. Well... not amazing, but I ran my first 5K last Saturday in San Jose. Actually, "ran" is a bit misleading. I walked most of it. But I was still proud of myself for doing it. I have another (untimed one) in less than four weeks. Then another in September. It wasn't terrible. I obviously didn't die (a sentiment I expressed concern over on Facebook). It gave me a time to beat for the next one at least.

Manicure is coming tomorrow. As I write I still have one more step to complete.

So come back tomorrow. Cuz I love my little mani this week.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Crappy pic, but what else do you expect...

I attempted something like a galaxy manicure. I should really post a better pic... hmmm...

Okay, way better. Not the outcome I wanted, I'll have to try again another time. But it's kinda cool. Not bad for a first attempt.

So my first few days of vacation have been all over the place. I've had TONS of fun, but I've also been sick. Yeah, yay me. Hopefully it goes away this week. Because this whole "summer cold" thing is just ridiculous.

I'd promise to be around more, but we all know that's just not entirely likely. :) If I could figure out how to blog from my phone we'd be in business. Anyone know?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekly Manicure

I went kinda plain again. And this picture doesn't do the color justice.

I went plain with a glittery ring finger again. But this purple... so cool. It's like a neon fruit punch color. And the glitter is a mix of purple and blue. So it's kind of subtle.

Guess what y'all... last week of school!!! Let the adventures begin...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I know I said I'd be around this week but I won't.

My father-in-law passed away this morning very suddenly and unexpectedly. There will be a lot for the family to do in the coming days and I will obviously be focusing on them.

Any thoughts and prayers are always appreciated. So many friends and family have already reached out and helped so much with their kind words.

Hug your family extra tight for me tonight.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekly Manicure

I did my nails this week! Yay! Here's hoping they're not ruined after we go hiking today. Hmmm...

I LOVE this blue color. It's Cinderella from Sinful. It has a shimmer to it and it's just pretty and girly. I threw some glitter polish from Forever 21 on the ring finger. I like.

It'll be a short week this week. But that doesn't mean I'm not already looking forward to Friday. :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh Hey

Yeah I disappeared this week.

I had a big final credential thing to take care of and in typical Typhoid fashion I put it off to the last minute. But it's done. My credential is clear! And I partied Friday in celebration.

Rundown of this week:
  • credential stuff and more credential stuff.
  • OBVIOUSLY happy with the winner of American Idol. Squealed and everything.
  • didn't get fancy with the mani. Just plain ol' orange. I've already started this week's though.
  • fell asleep before 9:30 on Thursday out of sheer exhaustion.
  • partied it up with a couple of friends Friday night. There was a toast to finishing BTSA and other fun stuff.
  • panicked because I couldn't find my wallet yesterday morning. I knew I hadn't taken it out Friday though. And I checked my accounts and everything was fine. Called my bartender friend that was with me and he wasn't answering. So I went down to the bar and prayed some of the guys were there already cleaning and stuff. Thankfully I'm friends with everyone there so the manager let me in and looked for my wallet. It was in the employee locker that my purse was in Friday night. Guess when my buddy took my purse out it fell. Everything was there. I was happy. Had coffee to celebrate.
So things should be getting back to normal around here. I'm going to try to work on the whole video situation. Stupid things not posting...

Eight days of school left. Then summer. Yeeeeee!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Just found out my videos aren't popping up? WTF? I'll work on that. Stupid blog...

American Idol - Top 3

Alright, here we go... at work today we were discussing that most of us have an inkling that Phillip may not make it past tonight. Just a feeling. I mean, the producers obviously want a Jessica - Joshua finale.

Three rounds: round one is judges' choice, round two is contestant choice, round three is Jimmy's choice.

Randy picked "I'd Rather Go Blind" for Joshua. It was a Joshua performance. That's that.

Jennifer chose "My All" for Jessica and she rambled SO LONG about it. It was irritating. Pretty choice. I enjoyed her more than Joshua.

Steven picked "Beggin'" for Phillip. I'm so happy that Steven got to choose for him. Oh Phillip... I really have no words when you're up there.

Time for contestant choice...

Joshua chose "Imagine" and my whole living room groaned (brother's girlfriend is joining us tonight). Well, hubby laughed because this song is untouchable for me. Husband said he's bored by it. I've heard a lot of versions of this and this one isn't my favorite.

Jessica got ballsy and picked "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing." Another one that's dangerous for me. I love this one. Actually I like it. I approve. Well, I didn't enjoy the last bit.

I actually watched Phillip's hometown visit. ADORABLE. Seriously. I almost cried.

Phillip picked "Disease." Brother's girlfriend gasped. We may have a fan. *swoon*

Jimmy's picks are up...

For Joshua he picked "No More Drama." Meh.

For Jessica he chose "I'll Be There." Good. Better than Joshua to me. But I'm so over Joshua. Obviously.

For my Phillip he went with "We've Got Tonight." Yeah, I said "MY" Phillip. Woo... okay... breathe. Holy wow. I have nothing PG to say about that performance. Oh my... it's warm in here.

So even though I have the same inkling as my girls at work, I'm holding out hope that our finale will be Phillip and Jessica. Then it'll be worth watching.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

I am currently OBSESSED with this song. It's my favorite Kings of Leon song. And I'm working on getting my cousin's band to cover it at an upcoming show. Because they could totally do it.

Happy Tuesday. I'm off to a baseball game with my kiddos. No joke. We're watching our local minor league team today. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekly Manicure

So I had a problem last night... I waited until about 9:30 to touch my nails and I was feeling incredibly lazy. But this still isn't bad for lazy...

It's a peachy color. I had a different plan but ya know... no motivation and all. It's still cute. I still enjoy it.

I'm gearing up for so much over here. Field trip tomorrow, open house Thursday, baseball Sunday... finishing a TON of work by next Monday. Eek. Seventeen more school days until I can lounge and read and work out and watch movies and go to baseball games...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

American Idol - Top 4

We're already in the top 4. So glad too, because by this point I usually don't want to put in the effort of watching the whole episode. haha

So Skylar's gone. There's that. I'm happy, obviously. I also can't wait to see Phillip tonight because my friend was already texting me mid-swoon. Sweet.

Idols get more than one song again. Apparently the first theme is "California Dreamin'." Whatever THAT means... oh songs about California. Or artist from here. Then they're doing the song they wish they wrote.

Phillip is first. Thank you for not making me wait. :) He picked CCR... good choice. No guitar? Oh well, at this point he still makes me sqeal. And like I said, smart song choice for him. I love him. I care not what the judges say so let's move on...

So Randy had his wardrobe department make a jacket from a picnic blanket... that's special.

Hollie is up. And singing Journey... yeeeee! She chose "Faithfully." The wind machine that they constantly give her makes me laugh. I liked it, but not as much as I wanted to. She still did a damn good job. I think I just wanted her to blow it up.

Now is Joshua. He picked Josh Groban... slightly predictable. But oh well. Husband commented that he always looks like singing hurts. I love having people to watch with me. He sounds good of course, but again I'm distracted and slightly put off by the fact that he has an entire production for his performance. The producers aren't even hiding that they want him to win at this point. Over it.

Jessica is finishing the first round. She picked Etta James. Without even hearing I'm gonna throw this out there... she needs to be younger. Younger choices could be good for her. She sounded good of course. But everyone expected that.

Duet time... "This Love" by Phillip and Joshua. Can I have a version with just Phillip? And maybe we'll recreate the video? *wink wink* I don't enjoy them together. Wish I could. But I don't. I love Phillip and all the screams that start when he sings.

Hollie and Jessica are singing "Eternal Flame." Funny to me because do they even know who The Bangles are??? I grew up on this. They sound good together though so I'm liking them more. I also have to say I think Hollie sounds better on this one.

Group performance singing Foreigner. Meh. Phillip was my highlight of course. :)

Round two... start!

Phillip... *swoooon* Singing "Volcano" by Damien Rice. No clue. But he has his guitar again. :) Oh wow. I can't breathe or function right now. Wow. Just wow. Holy... oh... I think I have a new favorite song. Period.

Hollie picked Bonnie Raitt. One of my favorite songs. I'm excited. Aaaaand yes. I love it. If I weren't voting for Phillip I'd vote for her.

Joshua's turn. He's singing "It's a Man's Man's Man's World." Good choice. It fits his voice. this is actually the first time I've enjoyed him in awhile.

Jessica finishes it up for the night. She picked "And I Am Telling You." Good choice. Feels predictable. And still leaves me wanting her to be young.

So my bottom two (because that's what I'm picking)...
1. Joshua
2. Hollie

I don't want Hollie to go so I'm definitely hoping that Joshua goes home. We shall see.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

So I'm slightly obsessed with this song. I love it. And it popped up all weekend which just made it plant itself in my head. The video isn't terribly impressive, but just start the video and then work in another tab while you listen. That's what I do.

 Back to work today. SO glad I took the extra day off after my weekend. I needed it.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Flash Mob!!!

So as a part of the nerd fest last week we had a flash mob. Not just any flash mob, one that ended in a proposal. Here's the best video I've found so far.

If you want to see me just look at the girl in the white shirt centered between the couple when he's proposing. Guess I picked a good spot. haha

Weekly Manicure

It's the return of crappy webcam pics!!! :)

Navy and pink. I was really feeling the navy last week so I stuck with that as the base color again. The pink was inspired by my fun dress I wore for my girlfriend's graduation party yesterday.

So my weekend didn't happen EXACTLY as planned, but I still had a lot of fun. Took today off so I'm spending it with the husband. Now that he's maybe FINALLY feeling better. I'm thinking movie, maybe lunch. Whatevs.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Further Evidence of My Nerd Status

I participated in our city's first (hopefully annual) Star Wars Pub Crawl!!!

Met so many cool people that night and saw some awesome costumes. I also got to be in my first flash mob!!!! Sadly no good video to show yet. I'm workin' on it.

I don't know the guy who dressed as Lando at the top but he was way too legit for me to NOT post a picture. I mean, really.

Good thing my husband finds my nerdiness endearing...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

American Idol - Top 5

Sorry, you don't get a legit, snarky blog tonight. My household is sick (by that I mean husband and brother) and I'm trying to avoid it because I have a weekend of amazingness planned.

So I relinquish the couch and am going to bed.

I did watch snippets of performances online. Here's my quickie take:

Phillip... oh honey. While you can't possibly top DMB last week (at least for me), you are still sexy. *kisses* Can I just say I melted a bit when he and Joshua sang "You've Lost That Loving Feeling." I've had that badly sang to me more than once, but I can appreciate why it's a must at karaoke when you're crushing on a girl. Phillip, feel free to sing that to me ANYTIME.

Skylar... go away. Now.

Hollie... look at you girl!!! I'm lovin' you.

Jessica... I want to like you more. You are talented, but I'm not your target audience and I'm starting to feel it.

Joshua... well done of course. I've heard that I'm not the only one who believes the producers are pushing you for a win.

Obviously I only watched snippets of everyone BUT Phillip. He could be on continuous play in my life and I'd be ecstatic. Seriously, he makes me feel like a ridiculous high school girl. *fanning self*

I'll give you a bottom two because I just will. Holding out hope here...

1. Skylar
2. Jessica (just a feeling, not really based on anything)

Typhoid out.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

I feel like I should just change this to "Tart it up Tuesday." lol I happen to choose skanky songs a lot. :)

I went to a burlesque show Saturday (!). So much fun. Met up with a girlfriend there and the whole atmosphere had me remembering this CD. So I popped it in the car and this song came up!


I kinda kept the CD in and have had a couple days of guilty pleasure music. :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekly Manicure

I really did mean to post pics earlier... it just didn't happen. But it is now!

So the nails look purpley here... they're totally not. They're a navy blue color. Thank the flash for the crazy color change. And the stripes look boring and like they have nothing to do with anything... but they do.

All will be revealed Friday. Actually, Saturday probably. We'll see.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

An Update

The list is in desperate need of an update. I just read my old one out of curiosity the other night... yeah. We definitely need an update.

This time I thought I would make it fun and add pictures. You're welcome.

1. Brian Wilson - Yes, he's at the top. I know people hate the beard and some people think he's too weird... but I just LOVE him. To the point that some inappropriate things are said here at home. Hubby laughs it off, no worries. But that man... wooo. *fanning myself*

2. Joe Manganiello - I feel like a picture is necessary here because I know not all of you watch True Blood. Talk about hotness. And he's EXACTLY what I pictured from the books. Actually, he exceeded expectations.

3. Josh Duhamel - He will never leave. Never. He's my Leo. *sigh*

4. Gerard Butler - He almost didn't make it. But then I thought of Phantom. And his accent. And his general sexiness. *drool*

5. Phillip Phillips - I feel like a cougar posting this. I know I'm not THAT much older, but I feel like I am. He's just so adorable!!! And his singing... oh that boy makes me swoon. ESPECIALLY after he sang some Dave Matthews last night. I was a ridiculous, drooling mess. My husband may or may not have been shocked a little...

We'll see how long this one lasts. I just appreciate God's work a bit much sometimes. ;)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

American Idol - Top 6

Oh Idol... you just won't be the same without Colton tonight. I'll confess, I cried a little watching the results last week. I totally knew the results too. But when Phillip looked super sad over him leaving, and then Colton picked the song he did... tears. He'll get a contract. And I'll buy everything he does.

Oh yeah... QUEEN THEME TONIGHT!!! I love this night, it's always amazing or awful.

Um, so Jennifer decided to channel C3PO tonight... wow. Just no honey. I'm your BFF and I feel the need to let you know that you look terrible.

We are currently debating whether Joshua is being pushed as the winner by the producers. I just get that feeling. And that makes me like him a little less.

Also, I let slip a simple, "Oh hi" to Phillip and got a stare from the husband. hee hee

Overall take on the medley. Like. Eric keeps telling me to write what he is saying. It's kinda funny. I think he likes being featured every week.

Jessica is singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" which she will probably nail. Oh gag, the effect with her on the screen behind her is no bueno. Too much producers. I like this a hell of a lot better than her ballads. She's much more fun. P.S. I'm skipping the judges again. No me gusta.

Skylar (*snore*) is up. Oh honey don't try to be cute, it doesn't work. She picked "The Show Must Go On." Good song. So I tried something new and didn't look at her while she sang. I liked the beginning, but then it went downhill. Eric tried my method but said he looked up and it ruined everything. lol

Joshua is doing "Crazy Little Thing Called Love." Definitely one of my faves. Good choice for him. I'm laughing because husband is hearing the Dwight Yoakam version and it makes me laugh. Mostly that I know that's what's going through his head. I'm enjoying this though. I approve.

Elise has picked "I Want It All." I gasped and said, "I love this one!" But I think I've said that to every song. Oh the hazards of loving a band... Good choice for her. I liked it. A LOT.

Phillip is doing "Fat Bottomed Girls." YES. I squealed and fanned myself. I'm utterly ridiculous over here. *sigh* Wow. Phillip, call me. CALL ME.

Hollie's turn. Singing "Save Me." Good choice for her. I liked her. I always do though. Eric likes that she doesn't "slut it up" with her outfits.

So for round two I guess we get contestant song choice?

Jessica is singing "Dance With My Father." Husband just made a good point, girl can sing, but she's not exciting. He actually said she bores the something out of him. But I do try to keep it PG around here so I won't type the word he used. I also can't help but laugh at the wind machine.

Skylar's turn again. She's singing something by Jason Aldean. I don't know it. She's TOO twangy. I like country, but she's nasal and twangy and I don't like it.

SADSIES I caught up and now I'm watching live. Boo.

Joshua is up. He's singing "Ready for Love." OMG another standing ovation. Husband just wiggled his fingers and said, "Dance puppets! Dance!" They are so fixing this for him to win.


Elise has chosen Jimi Hendrix. Yes. I want to like her. But I'm just not feeling it much. Some of it is slightly too screechy. Husband likes it.

Phillip. I'm just gonna die right now. Because I already heard he's sing DAVE MATTHEWS BAND. Oh... wooo... no words. Really... no words. Can I just say that I was listening to DMB in the car today and I totally thought to myself, "When oh when will my Phillip sing some DMB?" AND THEN HE DOES AND HE NAILS IT. Apologies to my husband but I am IN LOVE.

Truly, I do not see his performance being erased from my DVR. I'm still swooning. And I want one of the shirts his parents were wearing. I would wear it ALL THE TIME.

Hollie is up and singing "The Climb" but I can't hear it because we have a severe storm warning. Not even for my city. Boooooo. Love the choice for her. And she looks adorable. AND the judges stood for her. Good. Eric was diggin' on her little celebration hop/dance that she did after her song.

Well Phillip for the win tonight. I'm about to propose marriage to the boy right now. Now to get down to who's out tomorrow. Instead of a bottom three we're going with a bottom two at my house.

Eric's choice:
1. Skylar
2. Elise

Tim's choice:
1. Elise
2. Joshua

My choice:
1. Elise
2. Hollie

I know, I didn't put a certain non-fave in there. I'm hoping since I don't predict it she'll leave. I can hope, right??

Elise is the only common thread through all three of us so I'm wondering if it'll be her.

We'll find out tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

I didn't take something from my running playlist this week. I had this Kings of Leon CD in my car last week. I think for the whole week. If not it was pretty darn close. I think it's my thing at the moment. And I LOVE this one.

 It's mellow. And lovely. It kinda reminds me of my cousin's band (technically my husband's cousin, but we're close enough that he's just my cousin too).

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekly Manicure

Ummm... so I logged in to write my blog and things look WAAAAY different around here. Here's hoping I don't screw something up...

Not the most outstanding picture. It looked better on my phone. I did grey with some coral tips. Then added an image from my new stamping plate I got this week. Kinda crooked... oopsie.

I'm not quite ready for another week. But I keep telling myself I only have seven weeks of school left before I get vacation. And I know that seven weeks will fly by...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

American Idol - Top 7... Take 2

So no one went home last week. The judges used their save on Jessica. So two go home this week?

Just warning you, this will be a quick less than sunshiny post. I'm tired and just want to go to bed at the moment. I probably won't even listen to the worthless judges tonight.

Let's do this.

Hollie gets to go first. Hollie if you ever read my blog, GET IN TOUCH WITH ME. I'm telling you you'd be perfect for my brother. :) She started with "Rolling in the Deep." Love this song. And she seems like she's having a much better time tonight. She's kind of engaging the audience a little. And of course she sounds good.

Colton has a red stripe in his hair now. It made brother in law think of the beer. He's doing "Bad Romance." And changing it up a little. YES. I liked it, but I like it better when he makes me swoon.

Elise is up. She's doing "No One." Good choice for her. She sounds good, but I don't love it for some reason. I'd still keep her over a certain obnoxious "country girl."

Oh Phillip... he's doing Usher. Like, really. REALLY. I loved this song back in the day. OMG. No coherent thoughts... drool... puddle of Ashley on the couch. I just want to jump him!!!! Hm I am fanning myself and swooning all over the place. To the point that husband looked at me and said, "I'm sitting RIGHT HERE." This man... oh this man... Jennifer called him sexy and that's still an understatement.

Jessica gets her turn. She's singing Alicia Keys. Good choice, if not a little predictable. Good. As expected. I think I'm getting too used to her.

Skylar... gotta admit, I'm not gonna watch the whole thing probably. Even brother told me to fast forward. haha She countryfied Lady Gaga. And I am slightly impressed by the arrangement, but I don't like her. Hello remote. Assist me with the fast-forward button.

Joshua's turn. Time for the judges to gush and swoon like they do every week. I like him, but he's not the best there is. Sorry. I also wasn't listening to the song he chose... so I couldn't tell ya. I will tell you the producers are so trying to pimp him as the winner. He always gets backup singers, and dancers and such. They want him for some reason. And he sounds good of course. I like that he has his niche all figured out too.

Round two goes way back. Apparently we're celebrating the spirit of Soul Train. Hmmmmm...

Hollie is back. And she looks adorable in pink. Like a little Barbie. She's singing "Son of a Preacher Man." I just see a Barbie when I look at her in all that pink. I love it! Oh yeah, she sounds good too. But this song was a good choice for her.

Colton... is singing "September." WOW. Husband didn't even recognize the song. I LOVE IT. Perfect for him. Better than his first performance for sure.

Elise part two. Ooooh she's singing "Let's Get It On." Good in theory... not so much in reality. Sorry Elise.

Phillip! *squeal* Singing "In the Midnight Hour." Another thing I love about him is there is no way to mistake his voice. I'm in lurve...

Jessica is singing... I missed it. I was too busy squealing over Kris Allen (because I totally saw him at California Adventure and freaked out). Husband is distracted by the awful pants she's wearing. Honestly, meh. I'm not loving.

Skylar... "Heard it Through the Grapevine." Meh. Do y'all even want to hear how much I'm not excited by her?

Joshua gets the final spot. "A Change is Gonna Come." Fitting for him, but this whole genre kind of does him a favor. So I'm not surprised.

Okay... we're losing two tomorrow. So instead of a bottom three I'm just gonna guess who's leaving.

My call:
1. Elise (it'll finally be that week for her)
2. Hollie (same)

Husband: (he's going with who he HOPES leaves)
1. Skylar (a.k.a "Little Okie Chick")
2. Joshua

1. Elise (prediction)
2. Skylar (want/wish)

Obviously I'm not alone in my non-fandom of a certain female contestant. :) We shall see tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

It's an old one. And a scandalous one!

Watching the video last night made me laugh. So naughty! But when this song came up on my run yesterday I knew it had to be the video today. I mean, how hot is Nelly Furtado? I'd kill for her stomach in this video.

My running playlist is full of old stuff like this. You guys are in for it. :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekly Manicure

Hey guys.

Monday... blah. I was exhausted for no apparent reason. And running sucked. I didn't want to go, but I made myself since that's probably the grown up thing to do.

All I know is I'm gonna Rockstar it up tomorrow morning.

At least my nails are cute though.

I love them. Appropriately springish. And I stepped away from the plates this week. This was by hand. As you can tell from the less than stellar hearts.

Got a new nail plate in the mail today. Good chance I'll be using it next week. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

American Idol - Top 7

So I wasn't here last week and just watched it all on the DVR. Not much to say about it. Ready for tonight. Wow, the finale is just over a month away? That's fast! And I just realized the girls outnumber the guys at this point. I'm pulling for a Colton - Phillip finale.

So this week's song choices are anything from 2010 to the present. Could be really good or really bad. We've had some crappy music come out the last couple years.

Skylar is up first (meh). She wants a Kellie Pickler song. I feel like the chorus is a little shouty. But then, I'm not a fan in the first place. Randy liked her. Jennifer did. Steven did. Moving on...

Colton is next... *swooooon* My friend already texted me to tell me he's amazing tonight. OH we're at the piano again... he's singing "Love the Way You Lie." I don't know it, but it's cool because it's COLTON. And he's amazing. AMAZING. Jennifer liked it. Steven said he could've recorded that RIGHT now and sold it. Randy liked him. I'm sold.

Oh yeah, we have duets. I forgot.

Phillip and Elise are our first duet of the night. It's "Somebody That I Used to Know." Eeeeeee!!! I like the song already. And Phillip KILLED. Elise was good too. They're just amazing together. I think I like this better than the original. Phillip can come sing it to me anytime.Steven loved them. Jennifer insulted my Phillip a little and I don't know if we can be BFFs anymore. Randy liked Phillip better. Boooo...

Jessica is up. She's singing "Stuttering." Which Jimmy barely knows. And unknown song isn't always fun for me. It's a good choice for her. It fits her voice. Randy tried to sound special by saying he knows the song. Blah blah... Jennifer said it was beautiful. Steven loved her.

Joshua is singing Bruno Mars. I like it. Good choice. But we need to ditch the "dancer." She's just distracting. Standing o from the judges.

Colton and Skylar (bleh) are our next duet. Skylar wants my boy and I don't like it. Woo... fanning myself. They're singing "Don't You Wanna Stay." Which I LOVE. And Colton... well honey YES. Skylar is no Kelly Clarkson. Ouch. The whole living room cringed on one note. Colton makes me wanna stay... Skylar not so much. Eric and I are being mean now and having such fun. We just keep throwing random "nope" at Skylar.

Hollie is adorable. We like her in my house. Ooooh she's singing Pink. Love Pink. Have for years. WHO is the boy on the guitar with her??? Hmmmm... I like this acoustic version she has going. I love her. I stick by my statement a few weeks ago that she should hook up with my little brother. They would be the cutest couple in history. And then my kids would have an aunt with an accent. :) Jennifer was not nearly nice enough. Steven disappointed me. Randy liked her better than last week. Stupid judges. I'm going to get to the point where I just fast forward their worthlessness.

Phillip!!!! Squeals, unicorns, rainbows and love!!! He's doing Maroon 5. Oh that boy and his guitar... here comes the gibberish. The boys have learned to leave me alone so I can have my moment. Because this boy... oh this boy. Wow... that's all I have to say. Steven loves the way he's changed since we started. Jennifer called him underwhelming and I just screeched a not-flattering name at her. Randy said it wasn't his greatest but I DON'T CARE. HE IS PHILLIP AND HE IS FANTASTIC!

The last duet is actually a trio. Hollie, Jessica and Joshua are together. They're singing Kelly Clarkson. They actually sound good together. Fun song. The judges liked them. And I'm done listening to them because they don't like my Phillip.

Elise gets the last spot. She picked Lady Gaga. But a semi-normal song, "You and I." I like her. I still feel like she might be in trouble tomorrow because it seems to be a common thing right now. But she did good.

Alright... so my bottom three for tomorrow... not sure. I would love for Skylar to be in the bottom, but I doubt that'll happen. Here goes...
  1. Hollie
  2. Elise
  3. Skylar (because I'm hoping)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

Let's see if I stick with this. Because I listened to A LOT of music over break. Just because. A lot of time spent in the car. Some late nights downloading. New playlist for my running. So I'll share every week. Not that all of it will be new. I'm not claiming to be some amazing producer-in-the-works who knows what will be "hot" next.

For now, a new song. I'm addicted. I put it on Facebook last week. And added it to my phone. And my workout playlist. It's definitely going to be an obsession this summer.

Off to work. Hoping my kiddos aren't insanely tired or insanely wired. *fingers crossed*

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekly Manicure

I was a bit lazy this week. I went with the nail stamp again. Feeling kinda uninspired. Maybe it's because spring break is over and I go back to work tomorrow. Sadsies. :(

It was a good one though. Much fun was had and I even caused a little trouble. ;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lookie lookie...

I'm here! I know y'all have missed me. My last post was LAST WEEK. So long ago, right? But I've been crazy busy and having crazy amounts of fun. Let's break it down for ya.
  • Thursday, March 29 - Had a day off so I could take care of some BTSA stuff. Which led to me being home slightly earlier than normal. So I got a relaxing afternoon. AND I got to see Third Day on Thursday night!!!
  • Friday - Half day at school. Most of which was spent having an Easter party. Then got home, packed and off to So Cal!
  • Saturday - Lounged around all morning then went to a wedding. At the risk of sounding conceited I looked pretty dang cute. And we had so much fun. There was a photo booth that we got crazy in. There was a random guy who tried to dirty dance with my grandma (you know I was watching for him the rest of the night). Plus we sat at the hotel bar for awhile afterward just chillin'.
  • Sunday - Morning after get-together at someone's house. It was a BEAUTIFUL day so we chose to spend the rest of it at Disneyland. Always a wise decision if you ask me. 
  • Monday - California Adventure. It was another gorgeous day. Spent the whole day over there. Visited the preview center thing because it was all about Cars. I cried watching the video because I am apparently a total girl and cry about stupid crap now. But listening to the people talk about it... and I'm so excited to take Tad!!! We finally saw World of Color that night too. Please people, if you haven't gone you NEED TO. It was amazing.
  • Tuesday - Morning at Disney... with my cousin!!! She was down with her boyfriend and we met up since we have somehow never been there together. We had stupid amounts of fun for only being there a few hours together. And I accomplished a goal... I WAS THE REBEL SPY ON STAR TOURS. See they redesigned it and now at the beginning you get stopped and a picture of the Rebel Spy (a random person from your ride group) gets flashed on the screen. Just the day before I had told hubby that my goal was to be the rebel spy. AND I TOTALLY WAS. I raised my arms and cheered. People laughed. Sadly we only spent the morning there because we had to head home.
  • Wednesday - BASEBALL!!!! Hubby bought tickets for exhibition a couple months ago. We bought 14 together and just got a group of people. SO much fun. Especially because it was the A's vs. the Giants! I was actually torn about wearing my Oakland shirt. I think I might be turning into a full-blown Giants fan... but I wore it. And people said how cute it was that hubby and I are an interleague couple. And my A's won. WHAT?! I know. 8-1. Maybe that was a sign I shouldn't give up on them yet.
And now I have a few days left to have some fun. Visiting the cake supply shop today. Maybe going to a movie. Still crossing my fingers that SOMEONE will be willing to head to SF with me tomorrow. I just want to stay busy and have fun.

And because I wasn't here Monday, here's a manicure pic for you. I didn't do them until Tuesday, but at least I did them.

Happy Thursday. If you think you can contribute to my fun then hit me up.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

American Idol - Top 9

Hello Idol. And hello Phillip. *sigh* I love him. LOVE him. Sexy beast.

Oh, sorry about that. Having an inappropriate moment. But that boy... *whew* he just does things for me!

Oh whatev Ryan. Quoting Hunger Games? Not cute... so tonight's theme is the idols of our contestants. Anyone else tired of Tommy Hilfiger styling them? I feel like he's boring. BUT Stevie Nicks is our mentor!! She's amazing.

Colton is first... OMGOMGOMG COLTON IS SINGING LIFEHOUSE. I shrieked when he said that. My mom texted me just to ask if I saw him. Melting. Into a puddle. I have an ex who used to sing this. Plus I saw Lifehouse live. So I have standards. And seriously... I'm rambling and sounding ridiculous but this boy... oh my. I turned my phone off so I wouldn't be interrupted because I had two people texting me and it was just too distracting. Steven called him a dream come true. Yes. Yes. YES.

Awwww Colton... seriously. Killing me. KILLING me.

Skylar had to take my moment away. No surprise that she likes Miranda Lambert... I find both of them obnoxious so it makes sense. I'm tempted to fast forward... but I guess I won't.

*tangent to distract me during a song I don't enjoy... I posted a video of Phillip on my FB and my buddy who is NOT into Idol at all watched it... and was impressed. The power of Phillip...

Oh yeah... so Skylar. She sounded like I expected? She didn't mess up? Husband called it karaoke. The judges like her... I don't get it. I just don't.

First trio of the night is Colton, Elise and Phillip AND THEY ARE SINGING FLEETWOOD MAC. Thank you for the cleanse after Skylar. Perfection. My husband and brother in law may or may not be thinking I'm losing my mind. I'm screeching, swooning, and squealing.

Heejun is up next. Singing Donny Hathaway. His voice still surprises me. Like really. He sounded REALLY GOOD tonight. Steven told him he doesn't even know how good he is.

*aside... Stevie Nicks is AMAZING! I love her!

Hollie is doing Carrie Underwood. I can see her doing that. She has the pipes. Is it just me or does she get the smoky stage effect every week? Brother said it's because she has "that angel thing going." Yup, she rocks it. I love how tiny she is with her giant voice. It's cute. She'd be perfect for my brother. Because I picture my brother with a little petite girl. And she can sing. And he likes to play music. Maybe I should work on that...

*tangent... in case you haven't noticed, I don't care what the judges say tonight. It may be my new thing.

DeAndre (a.k.a. Hairography) is next. He's singing Eric Benet, which I can totally see fitting. Yup. It works for him. Like. Standing o from the judges. Brother said it was boring. But he's a boy and I'm pretty sure he's not the target audience.

Jessica is taking on Beyonce. Brother is a fan of her... which if you know him is no surprise. He's trying to predict her as the winner, but I'm trying to let him know that girls just don't win recently. Especially when we have options like Phillip and Colton... drroooool. But wow... if you don't look up she almost sounds like Beyonce. Good call on her part. Even husband commented... and he hasn't done much except roll his eyes at all my girlishness.

Oh... medley of Michael Jackson for DeAndre, Heejun, and Joshua. Heejun is adorable in his fedora. Haha, he's fedorable. I think DeAndre and Heejun are strongest here. I just don't think it fits Joshua.

PHILLIP!!!!! Stevie Nicks said she thinks he's going to be famous and she said if he had been around back in the days of Fleetwood Mac he would have been asked to join. And she called him gorgeous. I agree. Good call woman. Anyway he's singing Johnny Lange. And being Phillip. He's so adorable it kills me! I could listen to him forever. But again... I have a ridiculous weakness for guitar players. Brother is a fan too. I knew I let him live with us for a reason.

Joshua picked Mariah Carey. Interesting, but I can see him doing it. Brother just asked what was with the dead trees on stage. Without missing a beat husband responded, "Cuz they can't live." Do you see what I live with??? I should charge admission to their ridiculousness. Anyway, back to Joshua... I was right. Good choice. He totally pulls it off. Even the boys here liked him... even if they try to say otherwise.

Last trio is doing Madonna. Hollie, Skylar, and Jessica. Jessica nails it right away. And Hollie. Again... not a Skylar fan. No one here is. But we're all loving Hollie and Jessica. Plus, Skylar's outfit is not doing her any favors. Jeez I sound catty... but I'm just throwin' it out there.

Elise is doing Led Zeppelin!!!! LEGIT. Stevie Nicks even said that Robert Plant would be proud. They even sang together for funsies! So cute. Whoa. Whoa. Such a good choice. She's just meant for this style. Love her. Daaaaamn. That is all. No other words without gushing.

Damn. Like really. I can't get over that. She was awesome!!!

Okay, so... bottom three? They were too good. I dunno. But here goes...
  1. Skylar (wishful thinking)
  2. DeAndre (people may have been bored)
  3. Hollie (I just get a feeling)
I just don't know. I do know that I wish Phillip would walk into my living room and sing to me. *sigh* Maybe if I swoon enough husband will be motivated to pick up his guitar...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekly Manicure

What whaaaaat...

I have a manicure for ya. And I love it.

The picture could probably be a bit better, but it is what it is. I did a gradient/ombre color job then stamped over it with my Konad plate and black polish. I'm kind of in love. But it's chipping like a beast on the tips. Probably because my nails are too long... hmmmmm.

I'm ready for Friday. Is that bad? Because next week is SPRING BREEEEEAK!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I get home from church...

American Idol is not recording.

Seriously. Comcast had to resend a signal today because of an equipment issue (NO SURPRISE THERE JERKS!) and apparently it erased my programmed recordings.


So I'm off to attempt to find performances online. Probably only Phillip. And so there won't be a blog. Because really... no.

Have a manicure, since I never got around to posting it this week...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

American Idol - Top 12...

So unless you don't follow anything at all on the internet, you were aware coming into tonight that something happened with Jermaine.

ANDOHMYGOD the contestants are singing songs from their birth year... the years range from 1983 to 1995. WHAT??????? I had to take a moment and pause I felt so old. Yuck.

Phillip is up first... let's just get the swooning out of the way. And he was the sweetest looking little baby. He sang "Hard to Handle" and I felt old when I found myself thinking that the song isn't too old. He nailed it. I'm still in love. Madly in love. The judges are too.

Jessica next, born in 1995. Jeez. I was in junior high already! She chose "Turn the Beat Around." Word of the night comes from "swaggernaut." haha I dare y'all to use it tomorrow. I don't love her performance. The verses are a little manic. She sounds better on the chorus. But it didn't wow me. It's gotta suck being so awesome last week and having to meet those expectations again. No pressure!! Steven said the rhythm was "a little shady." Then he and Jennifer complimented her sparkly pants... as soon as you get an outfit compliment you know you weren't amazing.

Heejun is the bestest. His parents are goofy too and it's adorable. He picked "Right Here Waiting." I want to love the song because I love him so much, but it felt to breathy at the beginning. I was a little sad that I didn't love him as much as I normally do. Jennifer liked it by the end. Randy and Steven backed me up with the breathy sound. I knew I was smart...

Elise was saved by the judges last week when it came down to her and Jeremy. She's singing "Let's Stay Together." Of course they had to compare her with a certain president who sang it recently. I like her take. Mucho. I think it worked for her and she proved she should still be there. Steven gushed a bit. Jennifer said it was right on every single level. Randy was annoying. (Gosh, it didn't take me long to start tuning out Randy and calling him annoying, did it?)

Deandre's turn... born in 1994. He looks like daddy. He wanted a song from The Lion King. Jimmy and talked him out of it. And talked him into "Endless Love." Sorry, but that's a little snooze-worthy. Just sayin'. And he sounded good, but I was bored. Sorry. I miss the hairography right now. The judges agreed it wasn't a great choice. And Randy had a non-annoying moment when he agreed with me and called it boring.

Shannon is up. And I about hemorrhaged because SHE DIDN'T KNOW "DON'T SPEAK" BY NO DOUBT! Wow. Like... you're a baby. She ended up going with "One Sweet Day." I remember that one. I'm bored again. Maybe because I'm sleepy and ready for bed after doing NINE parent conferences and then going straight to church tonight... but I'm not feeling it. Jennifer said it was beautiful. Steven agreed. Randy name-dropped and I stopped listening to him.

**ASIDE: if this show wasn't on a school night I would already have my own official drinking game. Including Randy's name-dropping. SO predictable.

Oh hey Colton... what's up baby? I died a bit... because there's a picture of him WITH CHRIS DAUGHTRY!!! *double swoon* He picked "Broken Heart." And he was told to make it hard rock. Yes please. Aaaaand... I love it. It's like a little concert. I want to be at that concert. When he leaves the show and opens for Daughtry I'll be there screaming like a pubescent girl. Jennifer said the beginning made her think, "Colton's a lover." I sighed. She's crushing a little too. She pointed out that he looks pretty when he sings. Steven didn't like it... WHAT?!?! I can't believe it!!! I actually listened to Randy and I'm happy that he liked him.

Erika is picking "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. Just from practice I think it's a perfect choice. I enjoy her. She has a big voice and it seems kind of effortless. Steven was... undecided? But said he still loves her voice. Jennifer was unsure of the arrangement. THANK YOU Randy. At least he said he liked it. But then he kinda criticized and I'm so confused.

So here's our big "reveal." We all knew it was Jermaine going home. He had FOUR active warrants out. And apparently that wasn't the point as much as him being dishonest about it. So of course they show him at Tuesday's rehearsal nailing his song. I just shrieked! It's the song from "American Tale!" I'm giggling.

Skylar was apparently a psychotic child... and she's singing "Love Sneakin' Up On You." I feel like she's predictable. It doesn't help that I already don't enjoy her. She gets on my nerves. The judges like her. Meh.

It's time for Joshua! He's singing "When a Man Loves a Woman." I'm liking. I like him a lot. I also like that Ryan brought a ginormous tub crawdads (or crawfish as Joshua calls them) and my whole living room was a wee bit jealous. Judges are standing, Jennifer is jumping up and down... well done.

Hollie is going to sing Celine... "Power of Love." For half a second I was doing the math to see if she was possibly young enough to do the song from Titanic. She nailed it. Eric wowed. Judges loved her.

Soooooo... tomorrow we'll have a normal bottom three? I'm assuming. Here's my bottom three prediction:
  1. Heejun
  2. Shannon
  3. Deandre
Just a guess. Now I'm off to bed. I'm faaaaar too tired for this. Except I'm not too tired to squeal when Ryan said Chris Daughtry will be on the results show tomorrow!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

5 Things

OHMYGOODNESS. Still not feeling totally recovered. I came home from work yesterday and took a three hour nap. No judging. Wait until you hear the breakdown of my weekend. I posted it on Facebook Sunday...

From Friday night to Sunday morning I spent 19 hours in high heels (like, the 4 inchers), 22 hours with the seester, three bars, one couch guest, and nine hours of sleep at night. I threw in a couple short naps for good measure. *whew* The sleep is what is still killing me. We got in at three in the morning once, then five in the morning the next day. That time change screwed us up there...

So what did I DO? Well lemme tell ya...

Five Things I Did This Weekend
  1. Celebrated mommy's birthday! Went to dinner and hung out a bit.
  2. Shopping with the sister. No major damage, just a couple cute little things.
  3. Met a lacrosse team. This was only unique because I have never met anyone who plays lacrosse. Cool people too. And funny.
  4. Met a super white guy with the most Hispanic last name ever. I obviously won't post it here, because what kind of creeper would I be telling you some random stranger's name? Just trust me, we didn't believe it was his name at first.
  5. People watching. People watching so hard. This is what we do at bars. I actually became famous among the people we were hanging out with for my people watching skills. They told me it was one of the fun parts of their night. If you want to be entertained, take me to Tower on a Friday or Saturday night. Or both. Just don't keep me out late.
Now in case you're wondering, husband is fine with me going out. Because he does this absolutely insane thing that apparently very few people have heard of... he TRUSTS me. OMG shocking! Or it would seem that way when people ask why I'm not out with my husband. His sis and I are super close and have each other's backs. We're good.

This weekend? Much less festivities. Maybe trying to cheer up a newly single friend. Guess we'll have to see.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekly Manicure

Hard to see... but there's plaid there. A really light, really fine plaid. I bought stamping plates which are the BEST THING EVER. Okay, maybe not ever, but they're pretty freakin' awesome.

I'm not playing today. I'm a zombie. Super fun weekend. But I didn't get enough sleep to function. So... yeah. You can hear about it if you show tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

American Idol - Top 13

Gotta start with... Jennifer shouldn't wear an unflattering white onesie-pantsuit-thing. Not her best look.

So hello there! The girls are singing Whitney Houston tonight, the guys are singing Stevie Wonder. I have a feeling Jessica will pull off Whitney best. When everyone was introduced I totally gave a little squeak for Phillip. He just makes me sigh. In such a happy way.

So tonight is a bit different. They're going to reveal the lowest guy and the lowest girl tomorrow night... then the judges will pick who goes home. Ooooh... aaaah. The suspense!

So let's start...

Joshua is singing "I Wish." I liked him. His hopping was a little distracting at times, but he was on. Randy loved him. Jennifer wanted to punch him again... not really, she giggled about it. Steven said he keeps getting better and better.

Elise came next with "Greatest Love of All." Well, she wanted to anyway. Jimmy convinced her to change to "I'm Your Baby Tonight." I like it. Not sure I love it. She's been better, that's for sure. She definitely nailed the end though. That kinda sold me right there. Eric popped up with a comment about her being good. Jennifer said it wasn't her best. Steven didn't think the song was right for her particular voice. Randy pretty much echoed the other two.

ASIDE: What in the name of God is on Randy's jacket?? Honestly. Oh! And the fur collar! Oh Randy... can I call Stacy and Clinton on you?

Jermaine chose "Knocks Me Off My Feet." He's good. And I get that his deep voice is unusual and intriguing. But he's boring to me. I need to you get my attention. Steven said the song "fit him like an Armani suit." Love the analogy. Jennifer liked him, but wants him to "connect" more. Randy didn't love all of it, but he still likes him.

Erika is singing "I Believe in You and Me." I enjoy her. Very much. And I have to say she's lookin' good tonight. We only had good things to say in my house. I liked her a lot. Randy loved her. Jennifer got her "goosies." Steven loved her.

Colton is doing "Lately." Oh Colton... with your skinny legs and crazy hair. You're adorable. I am thoroughly enjoying him. Hubby said he sounds mumbly. OH final note killed me. Let me pick myself up off the floor... Steven told him he was outstanding. Jennifer thought he was great. Randy got booed for a minute because he didn't swoon over him. Then he said he was flawless by the end.

Shannon, or as I may start calling her, Ginormica (I mean that in the nicest way possible), picked "I Have Nothing." I like this song. I really want to find her perfect, but she's not. Eric and I are discussing the few rough patches we've heard. OUCH. There was particularly bad one. A for effort, but poor baby didn't kill it. Jennifer told her she needed to relax more because she knows she can do it. Steven blamed her nerves. Randy reiterated what the others said.

ASIDE: I just noticed Steven's mic has a scarf tied around it. Winning. Love that man. Also, I'm dying laughing at how short Ryan is next to Shannon. The jokes are flying over here.

Deandre is still adorable and he's singing "Master Blaster." I don't know this at all. But Deandre is rockin' out and enjoying himself on stage. Which I love. Eric said he reminds him of a mix between Marvin Gaye and Bob Marley. I liked him A LOT. Good performance. Steven loved him. Jennifer gushed. Randy loved that he showed another side of himself tonight.

Skylar picked "Where Do Broken Hearts Go?" Eric just watched her practice session and said she can't be an American Idol because she's not hot enough. These are the realtime conversations in my house. This song got decidedly country with her voice. There's even some steel guitar in there. She sounds good and all. But hubby just said she's no Carrie Underwood. I agree. Jennifer said it wasn't all perfect, but she liked it. Steven liked it. Randy agreed with the others that she was stronger by the end.

Heejun is HILARIOUS. I lurve him. He's singing "All In Love is Fair." I enjoy him. He's so surprising! I want him to be my best friend. Jennifer told him she loves him. Steven gushed a little. Randy said it wasn't perfect but it was "reeeeally good."

Hollie is singing "All the Man I Need." She made Eric wow. She's so bitty but she's so good! I liked her. Possibly best of the girls so far. Randy said she nailed it. Jennifer gushed. Steven loved it.

Jeremy chose "Ribbon in the Sky." I'm sitting here talkin' him up to Eric. I liked him. He's good. Steven enjoyed him. Jennifer said it was beautiful. Randy thought it wasn't his best. I kinda agree, but I still liked him.

Jessica could have won me a bet if I had put money on her. She's going with "I Will Always Love You." I so knew she was going to. Sorry for the language but HOLY SHIT. Jennifer was crying. Our house was silent which DOES NOT HAPPEN. I got goosebumps. The judges do not even matter right now. They loved her, blah, blah...

ASIDE: I love how Eric is SO into this now that he lives here. I'm loving this. I have him watching so many shows.

Phillip Phillips!!!! AAAUGHHHH!!!! Die and come back to life and die again from love. He's singing "Superstitious" which is probably my favorite Stevie Wonder song. I feel like he sounds like Dave Matthews would sound if he covered this song. I just love this boy to pieces. Jennifer was making some serious bedroom eyes at him. The judges loved him, as they should. Give this boy a contract now and let me have concert tickets. My friend Kristie and I are starting a fan club. I am in lurrrrve!

Alright, my tops are obviously Phillip and Jessica. Hubby likes Phillip and Jessica. Eric likes Hollie and Jessica. My bottom two are Shannon and Elise (I like them, but they were weak). Hubby isn't playing. Eric said Deandre and Shannon.

Soooo tomorrow. We'll get a bottom two. I'm voting. And I'll report back tomorrow to see who goes home.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekly Manicure

Keepin' it simple this week. Grey with a bunch of criss crossy stripes. Wasn't feeling too inspired by anything in particular.

Four weeks to spring break. Not that I'm counting. I have plenty to do before then. Theme night at church this week. Conferences next week. Hubby's birthday. Baking for a wedding. I will be so ready for break when it gets here!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

American Idol - Official Top 13

Why is Jennifer wearing a sparkly paper sack tonight? Um...

So I'll be honest and confess that I just went ahead and read the spoilers to find out who's staying before I even watched. Results always feel like they take too long. And I was in a mood so I just decided, "Go for it!"

I'm so happy I have friends at work who watch this. It makes it so fun!

So let's do this. America voted in ten finalists. From those the judges will pick three more "wild cards."

Guys are up first. I have to throw out the best comment in a write up I read this week. Chase looks like Robert Pattinson and Brenden Fraser had a baby. I just paused so hubby could look. Go find a pic. For reals. You won't be able to unsee it.

Hey, um... why did we have to bring in Jimmy already? I can't stand that guy! Although he did say he would sign Phillip RIGHT NOW. And I love that.

I'm not even nervous because I know who's going through. I am gloating though. And squealing in anticipation. I do still feel bad for Jeremy. He's so good. Aaaand IT'S PHILLIIIIIPPPPP!!!! Pink sparkly hearts everywhere!!!!

Girls up... no sympathy for Brielle here. Not a fan. And poor Hallie looks so giant next to tiny Jessica and Hollie. Happy that the two of them made it.

Commercial. Candy break. Texting with my friend Kristie (hey girrrl!!! Shout out! haha)

Boys again. I loathe Jimmy more for disliking Heejun. You leave my boy alone! AHAHAHA!!! Heejun busted him by answering Ryan's question about Jimmy with... "Who's that?" I died. And applauded. So going through... Joshua and Heejun! Yay-yuh!!! I really wasn't sure Heejun would make it, but I'm glad he did. He is so far from boring. Also, pretty sure he and my Phil have a bromance going on.

Girls' turn. Shannon is such a giant. A pretty giant, but a giant. Baylie's dress is fab. I want it. But I guess I should get to the important stuff. Shannon and Skylar are through. Let's be honest here, I want Skylar to leave. She bugs. Just sayin'.

Boys again. Jimmy being obnoxious again. I think people hate Jimmy so anyone he hates they'll love. I think this particular group was pretty messed up. Why call up three guys that aren't even in the top 10? Ouch.

Ladies... and Elise is through. I liked her, but I'm a little irritated she's been sitting through this whole episode looking depressed. At least fake positivity.

Lots of screams for Colton... I approve. ;) Deandre's hair also stole the show right now. And Colton is through. More hearts and unicorns. lol And then the last spot goes to Jermaine. Which honestly surprised me because I thought Eben would have the Bieber factor going for him.

So now six contestants get a chance for wild card. Basically, sing for your life. The judges chose...
  • Jen Hirsh - She chose "Oh Darlin'" which I LOVE. Great song. She started a little tame and had me worried, but then she went for it and I enjoyed myself. 
  • Jeremy Rosado - I couldn't hear what he said he was singing. LOOK AT JENNIFER LOOK AT HIM. She wants to squeeze him. So do I. The kid has a voice and I love him. And he cried!!! Werk it Jeremy! America loves you right now. Myself and my BFF Jennifer included.
  • Brielle Von Hugel - Attacking Ryan with your overzealous hug is probably not the way to go. She sounds pretty good, but then the camera went to Phil and I pretty much blocked out everything else and saw hearts and rainbows and puppies. I also wish they would quit showing momager. I might like Brielle more without her in the camera every other minute. Ouch... the judges are pretty brutal.
  • Deandre Brackensick - My friend and I were discussing how he is just a swoon-worthy young man. And I confessed that I feel too old and inappropriate and cougar-ish for loving these young boys. BUT HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM? Boy has some serious hairography! Plus that voice... he's a yes. Please.
  • Erika Van Pelt - She picked Lady Gaga which is usually enough to turn me off... but she's good. I totally forgive her. She's totally real and passionate and I truly enjoy her.
  • Reed Grimm - He's so weird. In a fun way. Hey Reed, can you come sing at my next party??? He wears me out just watching him all over that stage.
So moment of truth... the three wild cards are... Erika, Jeremy (who promptly dropped to his knees and made me and my girl Jennifer tear up), and Deandre.

So our top 13 is:
  1. Phillip Phillips
  2. Jessica Sanchez
  3. Hollie Cavanaugh
  4. Joshua Ledet
  5. Heejun Han
  6. Shannon Magrane
  7. Skylar Laine
  8. Elise Testone
  9. Colton Dixon
  10. Jermaine Jones
  11. Erika Van Pelt
  12. Jeremy Rosado
  13. Deandre Brackensick
A'ight. Off to gush about Phil. Thank goodness I have a husband who lets me gush and be a nerd. :) Next week they're doing a tribute to Whitney. Shall we place bets on who's singing the song from The Bodyguard?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

American Idol - Top Girls

So after the guys tore it up last night, I almost don't even want to watch the girls. Especially when I'm getting texts from my friend at work that the girls are stinkin' it up. Guess we'll have to see. A chick hasn't won in five seasons. I don't see this being their season...

Chelsea Sorrell - "Cowboy Casanova" - I don't remember her. Hubby doesn't either. Meh. Some notes are working but I definitely hear a couple falling flat. I could pull a Jennifer and say, "At least she looks cute!" haha I dig anything with sequins. Randy is already questioning her song choice. Jennifer said she was a little nasally. THAT'S what I couldn't put my finger on. I stand by my "meh."

Erika Van Pelt - "What About Love" - I DO remember her. I liked her audition and I liked her in Hollywood. She sang a song by Pink. Good stuff. Couple notes that made me scrunch my face. And her jacket with the awful shoulder pads is causing me physical pain... but overall I like her. She has power behind her voice. The judges love her.

Again... Ryan is so tiny! Like he's part fairy or something... I feel like I forget this every year and by halfway through the season I'm over it again.

Jen Hirsh - "One and Only" - I feel like Adele might be the latest artist to sing something that amateurs shouldn't take a shot at. I don't think I've heard anyone nail anything by her. Still, she does a pretty good job. I like her. Better than the first girl. The judges like her.

Ugh. So tired of the word "swag." First of all, what the heck is it supposed to mean? Second, do we have to say it SO MUCH? Thanks Randy, for reminding me how I don't enjoy that word.

Brielle Von Hugel - "Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay" - I have to get this out of the way... I can't stand her momager. Yeah, I called her that. She's nuts. I'm hearing good things and bad things in this song. I like her more than I dislike her I guess. Although wardrobe obviously isn't a fan since they put her in a dress that makes her look a little sausage-y. Highlight of her turn? Steven Tyler singing a couple notes afterward. Love him.

Hallie Day - "Feeling Good" - One of my favoritest songs ever. Someone does it every year. I usually prefer when it's a hottie, but oh well. I loved her beginning, but once she started wandering the stage she lost me a little. I wanted to love her. The judges liked her well enough. And I hope she stays because I think she could be good.

Side note: I swear it's like people are getting cash just for saying Adele's name lately. I feel like she's been mentioned SO MUCH already this season. I could probably turn it into a drinking game. Hmmmm...

Skylar Laine - "Stay With Me" - Sorry but my first reaction was, "What on earth is she wearing?" It's like something from the set of Dancing With the Stars. Hmmm... when I look past the outfit she sounds pretty good. A little too bouncy. Hubby think she sounds too "generic country." And now she's spazzing. Wow... this is more interesting than I thought it would be. The judges loved her.

Oh yeah, Randy is an attention whore. "Look at me! I'm relevant! I recorded that song!"

Baylie Brown - "Amazed" - Totally saw this song done live. Just had to say that. :) And... sads. It's no bueno. Hubby and I looked at each other and shook our heads. Poor thing. At least she looks pretty! haha I'll be surprised if she stays tomorrow night. Poor thing. I should also mention that Steven AND Jennifer told her how pretty she was. Death sentence...

Hollie Cavanagh - "Reflection" - She had me unsure at the beginning, but then she busted out the chorus and I kinda like her. Had to laugh at hubby right now who suddenly blurted, "That's from Mulan!" He was a little proud of himself for figuring that out. I'll give her one of the three best of the night. So far. The judges loved her.

Haley Johnsen - "Sweet Dreams" - First, I want her hair. Second, I don't want her dress. Third, odd song choice. For reals yo. Sorry. My inner Randy was coming out. I would love to love her for being brave and choosing an unusual song. But I don't. She had some good notes, but it was... weird. Jennifer was sunshiney and tried to figure out nice things to say.

Shannon Magrane - "Light Your World" - Did I get that title right? Whatevs. She sounded good. Definitely one of the best so far. It's crazy how good she is at sixteen. The judges gushed.

Jessica Sanchez - "Love You, I Do" - I don't know if I like the song itself. But she sounds good. Like, probably best of the night. Must be, judges stood up for her and Randy couldn't stop saying "yo." Which apparently means a good thing. We need a dictionary for Randy-speak. Anyway, she was good. End of story.

P.S. Jennifer said swag and made me cringe. I've got a new game in the works for this season. Mentions of Adele, mentions of swag...

Elise Testone - "One and Only" - Hubby got a confused look and I had to go double check my notes when Ryan gave the name of the song. Yup. Two girls singing the same song. And sorry Jen, but Elise KILLED IT. I like her a ton better. The judges seemed to like her better too. She has to make it through. Because if she doesn't get voted in,she'll get picked by a judge.

Alright... who's sticking around? Last night it was hard for me to pick the guys. Tonight feels a little easier. I'm not going to call these actual predictions. I'll just say that I'm hoping for them to stick around. I'm not voting tonight. But I did vote for Phil last night. A lot. I won't reveal the actual number.
  1. Elise
  2. Erika
  3. Hallie
  4. Hollie
  5. Shannon
  6. Jessica
We'll have to see tomorrow. I'm not cheering for any of the girls like I am the boys. I will definitely be crushed without my Phil.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

American Idol - Top Guys

I like how they pretended it was a shocker that we got another guy. I also like that I see Jennifer Lopez and think to myself, "Oh I totally saw her in person at Disneyland." And yes, she is that pretty in person. And according to my husband, yes, her booty is that big.

I'm just glad we're finally to the real competition. I won't vote yet. I always save that for at least the third or fourth week. But I am pulling for Phil and Colton. No secret there. Sooooo... this week the finalists chose any song they wanted. Could be interesting.

Reed Grimm - "Moves Like Jagger" - I kinda enjoy him. He's kind of weird. In a good way. All you have to do is look at my family to know I'm used to weirdness. I wasn't thrilled with the song choice, it was good though. Tangent: WOW Randy's shirt is obnoxious! Judges agreed his jazzy take was a good start to the night.

Adam Brock - "Think" - I had to laugh at him being told there's a large black woman trapped inside him. He definitely has some diva actions when he's singing. He's good. Good song choice for him. Hubby and I are both thinking that he may not get far though. I don't know if he's marketable to the audience that's left, even if he is good. The judges liked him though. A lot.

Deandre Brackensick - "Reasons" - This song is a bit older than him isn't it? I don't think I like it. Greenlee is putting her head further into the blanket she's sharing with me so I don't think she's impressed. :) I wanted to like him a lot more than I did. I wish he would have picked a different song. He's adorable though and I think he'll stay. The judges are enamored.

Colton Dixon - "Decode" - Let me get this out of the way... *sigh* I do lurve him. It didn't look like Jennifer was feeling it right now... oh well. He'll make it through strictly on cuteness for a bit if nothing else. The judges liked him plenty. So apparently I can't read faces...

Jeremy Rosado - "Gravity" - Love him. Love this song. Love love love it. Such a good choice for him. Goosebumps. Jennifer looks like she wants to cry and I am right there with her. YES. YES. YES. Favorite so far. Steven even called it "as beautiful as beautiful gets." Jennifer gushed. Randy decided to sound stupid even though he could have kept it simple and told the kid how great he was.

Aaron Marcellus - "Never Can Say Good-bye" - Me gusta. I don't love him. But I definitely like. Judges are in love. Standing o.

Chase Likens - "Storm Warning" - Don't know this song. He's totally comfortable with it. It fits him, that's for sure. It's good, but I don't know if it's outstanding. The judges liked him anyway. Tangent: he makes Ryan look so TINY! haha

Creighton Fraker - "True Colors" - Good choice for him. He's good. Especially when he really gets going. The judges enjoyed him, but I have a feeling he may be too "unique" for the majority of the voters.

Phil Phillips - "In The Air Tonight" - HE HAS ME WANTING TO VOTE STARTING NOW. I would easily compare him to Dave Matthews. Agh. No words. Only gushing over here. I would buy his album right now. Call me a fangirl. Jennifer gushed while he got that "aw shucks" look. Randy already got booed for not gushing. And he just compared him to Dave. LOVELOVELOVE. I really might have to vote on the first night for the first time ever.

Eben Franckewitz - "Set Fire to the Rain" - No. Brother-in-law just said it sounds like karaoke (he has now joined us). It's flat. Not exciting. I almost feel bad for the kid, because wasn't he better than this before we go to this point? The judges were too nice. He'll stick around because he has that flippy little Justin Beaver look.

Heejun Han  - "Angels" - Meh. He sounds good. I was more amused with his pre-song video. He makes me laugh with his awkwardness. I wanted to like him more. Jennifer nailed it when she said that the song didn't show off all his vocal skills.

Joshua Ledet - "You Pulled Me Through" - I hate when I don't really know the songs. In this case I don't need to know the song to know that he's killin' it. He just GOOD. I've enjoyed him and I continue to. If he doesn't stick around that'll just be wrong. Standing o from the judges. And they gushed. Because he was so good Jennifer wanted to punch him. She really said that. We all laughed.

*Mystery Surprise Comeback of Mystery*
Jermaine Jones. Not surprised. Kind of amusing watching him next to Ryan. So teeny tiny. I'd probably look like a cow next to Ryan.

So Jermaine sings... "Dance With My Father" - Good. Not exciting. It doesn't make me want to jump up and vote. Randy is praising how different and unique he is... but it might not grab the typical voters.

Okay... so we're losing SIX guys this week. And I cannot even begin to predict. So instead, let's just post the seven that I want to stay the most.
  1. Phillip - DUH
  2. Jeremy - kid gave me goosebumps
  3. Colton
  4. Reed
  5. Deandre
  6. Joshua
  7. Aaron
It was tough to pick. Seriously. As long as Phillip and Jeremy make it I can survive. Tomorrow night is girls. If I can convince the laptop to keep working I'll keep up the blogging.

Vote for Phillip! 5709 Gotta get on that...

Mama Bear

You don't have to be a mom to have a mama bear moment. I've been feeling fierce lately and after spending too much time online last night I decided to have some fun with one of my favorite internet memes...

If you don't get it... I'm sorry. I know hubby will get it and laugh. To start, one that I found that made me REALLY laugh. Hopefully y'all understand my love of GSP.

 And here's the one that fierce mama bear/big sister Typhoid made...

I'm picky about the girls that hang around my little brother. Pretty much no one is good enough. Just sayin'... I'm sure you big sisters out there understand.

Sorry for the crap quality. My computer wanted to be a jerk so I went ahead and grabbed the pics with my phone for the blog. Good stuff. And it makes me smile. And hopefully you get it and smile too.