Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

Let's see if I stick with this. Because I listened to A LOT of music over break. Just because. A lot of time spent in the car. Some late nights downloading. New playlist for my running. So I'll share every week. Not that all of it will be new. I'm not claiming to be some amazing producer-in-the-works who knows what will be "hot" next.

For now, a new song. I'm addicted. I put it on Facebook last week. And added it to my phone. And my workout playlist. It's definitely going to be an obsession this summer.

Off to work. Hoping my kiddos aren't insanely tired or insanely wired. *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

MalContent said...


That lady sure has a lot of bras. And she takes dance cues from Willow Smith?