Carson and my brother got all the funny genes in my family. And the tall genes. And if you ask Carson, he'll tell you they got the genes that gave them the "chiseled faces of a Greek God."
I was trying to think of a good story to tell about Carson, but I couldn't come up with anything that didn't also involve my brother. What does that tell you? They're inseparable and weird. Like when we were in Alabama and they bought toy shotguns at Wal-Mart. Carson named his Betsy. Carson likes to throw around the random Spanish. He likes to call our Mexican grandma "Abuelita" and our other grandma "Kare Bear" (her name is Karen). He's pretty stinkin' handsome, and if I had ended up with him for a little brother I'm pretty sure I'd have beaten down a desperate little girl by now.
Carson is awesome. And I'm struggling with the fact that he's 20 today. It makes me feel old. But either way, happy birthday cousin. Try not to get into TOO much trouble. I know what you're capable of...
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