Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Halloween Week! Thursday...
Sorry mom, that's what this post is about. You had to know it was coming. I mean, Claudia and I took off on a zombie tangent last week.
So, take me seriously or not people, but a zombie outbreak could totally happen. Scoff if you want, navigate away, call me crazy. But it could totally happen.
Hubby found this article last week. Okay, let's just start with my issue with the phrase "cheating death." If God wants you dead, you will be dead. Period. But what the article gets at is that by using hydrogen sulfide, you can suspend a body in it's current state. The body systems don't shut down, they just stop. Think of all those movies and television shows you've seen where a character just stops time and everything freezes. It's like that.
Now people might argue, "Oh, but if it's tested right and used correctly, it can totally save lives! What about an accident victim that could have survived if there had been just one more hour for the surgeons/rescuers involved?" And I get that scientists are seeing the benefits of this. But hubby and I discussed how this could totally lead to a zombie outbreak.
(This is the part where you laugh because my husband and I sit and ponder the possibilities of zombies and other such things that are thought of as ridiculous.)
The problem is that you are stopping a body, then reanimating it (a.k.a. bringing it back to life) at your command. Cells are shutting down. The door is wide open for some "freak happenstance" where the person is brought back, but their cells continue to not function. No breathing and normal life necessary. They would be a living dead person.
See? Zombies.
Okay, you could argue that it would be closer to immortality than actual zombies. But I choose to go with zombies. Because with this drug still being experimental there are all kinds of ways for trials to go wrong. Who knows? There may be side effects. Like a strange craving for brains...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Freak Mutant Thing From Hell!

Halloween Week! Wednesday...

I promise I'm done with all the Etsy goodness now. Really. I may even have a post later today. Yup folks. There's a possibility of two posts today.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Halloween Week! Tuesday...

Monday, October 26, 2009
Halloween Week! Monday...
Create a playlist at
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hey Everybody!
Saturday I will honestly make an attempt to get some costume photos up (we may be taking the kids to a church thing Friday night). Let's start the countdown!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Happy Friday

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Right Now
- I am at the doctor's as this is posted. Just my annual appointment. So joyous... NOT!
- Hubby is getting pastries and other such goodness at the bakery I used to work at. He got a craving the other day or something. I am really hoping they have quiche. I miss that quiche, as well as other things they made. I DON'T miss the weight I gained while working there. I seriously dropped about ten pounds when I quit.
- I am thankful for the cooler weather. It means soups and other yummy things for dinner. Last night was a bean and bacon soup. I found the recipe here, but hubby made adaptations to suit our tastes.
- We've been on a wine kick lately. And now we're out. This does NOT happen at our house. We always have wine. Except for right now. So we'll be taking a trip to Cost Plus to remedy that situation today. Seeing as how it's October, we'll get some Halloween-themed wines as well as some Spanish ones. We always buy Spanish wines.
- I have GOT to get started on our costumes. I still need a few supplies, the rest I can borrow from my mom (hi mom! I just need your quilt batting! And maybe some help making pants for me...). I'm way excited though because I had an epiphany last night that should make our masks easier.
- I need to make cupcakes. Darn. I have a recipe I want to try out. Plus I'm making them for my dad's birthday next week. And I've got to narrow down flavors. Maybe I should see what his preference is first...
And last, but SO not least, a dear friend of mine has started a blog. But this isn't just any blog. It's going to be an advice blog. She's awesome and I can't wait to see how all this turns out for her. If you want to visit (and you know you do) just click here. And if you have a question for Dear Rhiannon, email her at Yeah, I threw the email in there for those of you who are too lazy to hit up her blog.
Love you Rhi! And can't wait for the blog to get up and running on a regular basis!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wish List Wednesday
And since some people may want to know, I'll throw in a mini-review. Um, I loved it. I think Tad liked it. I think mom liked it (she had the day off since she just got back from vacation). Hubby liked it. I only cried once (instead of the billion times I thought I would). And I think the best part was hearing the actual lines from the book here and there. Hearing them gave me warm fuzzies. I choose not to address the aspect of whether or not it's a kid movie. If you really want to know, email me.
Let the wild wish list start!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Good Lord
As of right now, Comcast holds the top five spots.
Monday, October 19, 2009
And Now Some Amusement
Go Away, Monday!
I need to call and make a doctor's appointment. I don't want to because I'm being paranoid and I'm sure they're going to refer me to someone else. Once again, it's likely paranoia, but that's what I'm good at.
Something is up with our cable. The power went out last night and since then none of our channels are coming in. All we get is that stinking message, "This channel should be available shortly." Grrrr...
I still haven't heard from the student loan folks. Even if they aren't going to grant deferment, I feel like I should have heard something by now. Come on people!
And I get to go pick up my parents at the airport tonight. Which isn't really bad except that I'd like to go see my boys at their show. But they'll probably play late enough that I wouldn't actually get to see them if I went.
I'm totally over this Monday. Hope y'all have a better one.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Guns and Cars
We didn't miss our chance this time.

This made me happy...

And that's the bulk of the interesting Vegas photos. We did go get cupcakes on a few different occasions and I of course took pictures of their beautimousness (yes, it's a word! I have a friend I say it with all the time). So there's that. But there ya go. My vacation in a few blog posts. Unless you really want to hear about the stuff that there's no pics of. You decide.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Hey Look!
So like I said, we did a lot of bumming around and I really didn't take a huge amount of pics on this trip. Tuesday we went to the longest time share presentation on Earth and I thought hubby was going to start throwing punches by the time we left. So to feel better we headed over to Rio to eat lunch and see about getting Penn & Teller tickets.
Okay, hubby LOVES Penn & Teller. He watches their show, Bulls#&t, during his downtime at work. Penn has reached hero status for my husband. So when we managed to get our tickets for HALF PRICE (if you really want to know how, just email me) he was pretty stoked. Hell, so was I! Half price tickets in Vegas? Gimme.
So we went to see them Tuesday night, but there weren't any photos allowed during the show. I didn't know how anal the place would be so I just left my camera at our hotel.
Ugh. Never again.
Penn and Teller were outside after the show. Signing autographs, taking pictures, Teller was TALKING (that was weird)... and I didn't have my camera. So we were slightly bummed. Until I suggested that we be lame enough to go back the next night after the show. With my camera this time. So we did.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wish List Wednesday
I found this first bunch at FlippinSweetGear
And I found all these freakin' awesome ones at CafePress
Surprisingly, it's a little difficult to find shirts online that aren't lame. There are countless ones saying some crap about "this is my costume" but that is SO not hubby. We dress up. That's what Halloween is for! I love all the ones above and if I had the money I'd totally buy some up for hubby. But not enough money is the story of my life right now...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No, this isn't a random picture of Domo (and don't you dare ask who Domo is). 7-11 has Domo cups!!! Which made me stupid happy. So we got some after we got cupcakes (which will be a different post). Coffee is better in a Domo cup.
We also eventually went out on Monday. But I was kind of a slacker and didn't take many pictures on this trip. So my Vegas posts might be kind of wimpy. But there are a couple good ones coming up later this week! I promise.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dear Las Vegas
I've seen you before, so the lights weren't overwhelming. Neither were the smut-peddlers or time share pushers. And yes, I think the time share employees can be called pushers. They can also be called aggressive and annoying.
You should probably put your cab drivers through anger management. Or medicate them. I can't remember the last time I heard that much honking. It got to the point where all I could do was laugh. But seriously, one of those guys is going to lose it one day and his head will explode causing a serious accident.
While we're on the subject of driving, let me tell you something... paint is totally affordable. See, elsewhere there are these lines painted in the road so drivers know exactly where their lane is. This helps them avoid straddling two lanes, which helps lower the frustration level of people sharing the road with them. It's also nice to know just how many lanes there are in the road you're driving on. Just a suggestion. Or maybe you don't do it because of the never-ending construction going on all over town. ALL OVER town. Everywhere. But that's a different story...
Not to sound like I had a terrible time. I enjoy the weird, random people. I enjoy shows. I enjoy cheap food. I had fun, I promise. And I'll be back.
But one more suggestion.
For a place known for their all-hours gambling and popular night-life, I have to say I was disappointed with food selection later at night. Why is it so hard to find food late at night? People are gambling, which probably means they're drinking, which could lead to them being hungry. People are coming out of shows, and they might want to go grab a bite to eat. I'm fully aware that eating late at night is not exactly diet-friendly, but it's Vegas! There's nothing friendly to personal health there anyway. So keep a few of those restaurants open. It stinks when you have to leave the strip to find some food.
Will you listen to any of these? Nope. But I'll be back. And I'll keep things in mind for that trip. See you in a few months.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I'm Back!!!
Okay, so maybe it wasn't totally fabulous. But hubby and I had some fun while we were there. I didn't realize until we were on the road that I never made a wish list for Wednesday... oh well. Hopefully you can forgive me. If the so-called "resort" were nice they would have free internet. But nooooo. You can pay per day, or sit through "their short ninety-minute presentation" to get it for free. Um... no. Even janky little motels have free wireless! But whatev... hubby and I have already decided not to stay with this particular group again. Enough already.
I'm hoping to have normal posting resume Monday. But we'll see. I have pictures to upload, thoughts to process, and I may even try to get hubby guest-posting (or at least throwing his two cents in here and there). In addition to that, I'm going to be out for at least part of the day tomorrow. Shooting with hubby and my brothers (my real one, and the two I've kind of adopted over the years), hopefully getting up to see the newlyweds... you know, fun stuff.
For now, you can peruse my Twitter account to see what I was up to during the week. Can't wait to discuss with you this week!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wait... is that...
AHAHAHAAAA!!! That is so a fanny pack!!!
I spotted this on my favorite site and had to share. There's a few choices if any of you are dying to bring it back. And don't you dare call it a waist purse like the seller is.
It's a fanny pack.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Just Cool

Okay, now take a peek at this pretty thing.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Random Things...
- I know I mentioned wanting to look cute at the gym last Wednesday when I made my wish list. But don't go thinking I get all made up and make my hair look perfect too. The only time I wear makeup to the gym is if I already had it on and didn't have time to take any of it off. So I can't help but laugh at the women that come fully made up to work out. Honey, if you are exercising correctly, you should be sweating. Sorry, but the gym isn't the place to look ready for a beauty pageant.
- Along the same lines, the girls who check themselves out amuse me. Not the ones who glance to make sure their form is correct when they're lifting weights. I'm talking about full-blown checking themselves out and fixing their hair. And I've seen it. It just looks ridiculous.
- Maybe I'm weird, but I absolutely love when the treadmill tells me, "Great Workout!" after I'm done. It would tell me that whether I finished a thirty-minute mile or a ten-minute mile, but I like it.
- I get really annoyed when the cleaning staff cleans around me. Like, they are vacuuming within centimeters of my feet or wiping down the machine that I am using. Seriously. Could you wait? Or maybe just leave me alone? I don't know about the rest of you, but my allergies make the smell of most cleaners almost unbearable. So I don't want it sprayed that close to me while I'm breathing heavily. Too much to ask?
- I always laugh when someone races to take the parking spots right in front of the doors. I've seen people get cut off several times. Because God forbid you have to walk more than six feet to get into the gym... WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO WORK OUT. Um, walking is free people. Park a little farther and call it your warm-up.
- There's a woman I've seen at the gym a couple times and I think I have a gym crush on her. She has amazing arms. And she is HARD CORE when she works them out. I want to be her best friend.
That's all for now. There are other little things that irritate me. Like the guys that stare and such. But those are just random observations about the gym. I think my favorite is the treadmill complimenting me on my workout. Seriously, I wait until I see those words to move on with my workout.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Why I'm a Jerk
So today's fluff... I mean post, is a random smattering of photos I've taken involving something that made me stop. For one reason or another. Enjoy.