Monday, November 30, 2009
Last Day...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I have trips to take, presents to make, and cookies to bake (like my cheesy rhyme?). And I'm not entirely sure I've given myself a good amount of time.
Actually, I'm really excited about my trips. Going to SoCal with my parents (sadly, hubby has to work) for a big party. I get to see family I don't get to see nearly enough. Then as soon as I get back I'm going to Tahoe! Seriously, as soon as I get back. I'll come home sometime Sunday, repack my stuff, and head out Monday morning.
I'll attempt to keep good blog posts coming, but I may get caught up in getting ready for Christmas, so forgive me if posting isn't regular. I know y'all will understand.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
We have firewood.
I'm thinking... fire, blankets, hot cocoa, a Christmas movie, and lots of snuggling with my little Tad. And maybe some more pumpkin pie. Because he's WAY into it. With "whooped cream." haha
We had a lazy day, which is translating into a lazy blog post. Sorry about that. Have a great Saturday night!
Friday, November 27, 2009
The good news is that I plan on uploading some pics this weekend. So you should be treated to some random fun.
P.S. - Tad really likes my chili. He told me I should make it every day. He's back with me this weekend.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
One More Thing
I'm thankful for my husband. :)

Love you honey.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Turkey Day friends!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Then I got married.
I ended up with parents, step-parents, grandparents, four more siblings, over ten aunts and uncle, and close to one hundred cousins.
Hubby has a big family. And that's an understatement. But I like having a ton of family. So today, that's what I'm thankful for.

I'll finish with the thankful list tomorrow. And the wish list that normally shows up today, will show up Friday. Because, duh, it's Black Friday and you guys will need to know what to buy me...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Today I...
So today I'm thankful for my random cake baking/decorating talent. I just wish I had more opportunities to use it.

Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday and...
This is kind of a given, but I'm unbelievably thankful for this kid.

I'm thankful that he's such a wonderful, compassionate child. We're beyond lucky with this little one around. He's funny. He loves so easily. He sings. He's just amazing! I hope when hubby and I have our own one day, ours can be as cool as Tad.
Okay, so I was kind of sappy today. But I've spent the last couple days with him and I'm loving every minute of it. From making snowflakes and cards at my mom's, to making up songs, to playing pirates with my brother... this kid rocks.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
That's Tad
Me: Okay, Tad. We're going to Starbucks before we go home.
Tad: Why?
Me: We're going to meet my friend, Steven, over there. He has something for me.
Tad: Ooohh. Not Steven the cat, huh?
*Steven the cat is my mother-in-law's cat
Me: (laughing at this point) No, not Steven the cat. Steven my friend.
Tad: (very seriously) Yeah, because cats can't drive, huh?
Seriously, this kid cracks me up. I love it.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Listen to a 5-year-old play in his room for a little bit. Smile as he does his Wall-E and Eve voices.
Snuggle on the couch with that same 5-year-old because the apartment is cold.
Make oatmeal with the 5-year-old. Let him help and avoid freaking out when he makes a bit of a mess.
Let the 5-year-old put the brown sugar and cinnamon into his oatmeal. Dread the coming sugar buzz when you see the heaping spoonful he puts in.
Watch The NeverEnding Story and relive your childhood while wishing it kept the kid's attention better. Also, try to convince the kid that Falkor is NOT a dog. Even thought he has dog-like ears.
What's next on our perfect Saturday? We're going to my mom's as soon as we're dressed. We'll veg in our jammies a little longer.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Best. Husband. Ever.
Oh yes. The very things I wanted most from my wish list this week. I talked about them as I wrote and then yesterday he asked me if I really did want makeup for my birthday. And then he said, "Okay, we'll order it when we get home. I don't want to go IN to Sephora."
So these lovelies are on their way here! I'm really hoping that UPS is quick enough to get them to me next week, but it'll probably be the week after with Thanksgiving throwing a wrench in service days.
And yes, I'm aware (as is hubby) that my birthday isn't actually for 25 more days. But hubby figured I would probably want to wear the fabulousness ON my birthday, and if it gets here in time, ON Thanksgiving.
He's the best ever. Thank you honey!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Time to Shop!
But actually, today is about a little event coming up in town. I MUST go. If any of you enjoy my wish lists that come from Etsy, you should probably go too.
I got this from a friend a couple weeks ago. He knew I'd be interested. I'm assuming you can read, but just in case you haven't figured it out, it's essentially a craft fair.
I'm going. If you want to come with, hit me up. And if you want to share this with everyone in your address book, feel free.
Here's the blog I got it from in the first place.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wish List Wednesday
Sadly my finances prohibit me from heading there unless I'm at the point where I NEED something (we're getting dangerously close to the end of my mascara over here...). But when I got an email from them yesterday I decided to go play.
Oh how I miss you, Sephora.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Haha, She Did It!

Monday, November 16, 2009
Yup, It's Monday Again
I very much want a French Bulldog now.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My Weekend...
And that's pretty much it.
I'm now painting my nails (with the foulest-smelling nail polish ever, don't tell me it's gone bad, it's brand new). And I should probably call my grandma.
I should really be more productive seeing as how Christmas will be here quicker than I would like. But oh well.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Our discussion continued on to include cold fried chicken the other day. He gagged. And it got me thinking, I can't be the only weirdo who enjoys some leftovers cold. Can I? So I went to Facebook hoping for some input.
Here are the answers I got:
- Chinese food (I actually had three people respond with Chinese food, which makes me contemplate trying it)
- plain spaghetti noodles
- pizza (six people were with me on this one, I started doing it at the suggestion of my dad)
- tri tip (LOVE that one)
- pancakes
- fried chicken (only one person went with me on this one)
- meatloaf, especially on a sandwich (it's debatable whether or not this is limited to Steven's mom's meatloaf)
- chicken/turkey (this makes me excited for Thanksgiving)
- au gratin potatoes (the argument is that if they're reheated the sauce separates and gets yucky)
- pasta with pesto (I just can't work with that one)
- and cold hot chocolate. Wouldn't that be chocolate milk? Courtesy of my sister-in-law. Other than that, she's with hubby and thinks food needs to be hot.
So, do any of you have input? It's kind of funny to see what you learn about people through these random surveys. I may have to it every once in awhile. Feel free to give me your thoughts!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Only 68 days until Lost. Guess I should start that rewatch soon...
Happy Friday!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
So. Stoked.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wish List Wednesday
I need a tree skirt. It's not like our tree is up now or anything, so it's not immediate. But since I plan on making it, I'm on the hunt for fabric. I found these super cute fabrics on Etsy, but they're sadly not how our Christmas looks. But someone please swoop in on these babies. I might even make your tree skirt for you just so I can experience the cuteness.
Let's start with a collection from Sheri Berry. Pastels wouldn't quite fly with hubby, but I love them!

My favorite of those is EASILY the piece with the deer. It's so cute!! But again, not so sure it would actually "go" with our Christmas stuff. I should probably stick with something safer. These came from Fabric Closet, Buttercuppity Fabric, and The Fabric Farm.
Well, I guess I should go look for fabrics that hubby will actually LET me use. Off to do some research...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Good Stuff
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but my husband is weird. His whole family is weird. Proof of such...

Second bit of randomness: I won another giveaway!! The so-cute Holly over at Berrysprite had a giveaway last week and I'm actually one of the winners! I'll be sure to take pictures when I get my little peach.
Happy Tuesday! I'm off to clean and come up with activities for my little visitors today (the oldest niece and nephews).
Monday, November 9, 2009
Here It Comes
I promptly cursed the man.
Everyone tends to have a lot going on this year. So in order to make some of you feel better, I'll share the upcoming stress with you.
3 days until cupcakes for mom's work.
11 days until New Moon (I'm not actually seeing it opening day though, so this doesn't technically matter)
12 days until a cupcake order for a birthday party (I'm super excited about these)
17 days until Thanksgiving (maybe I should offer to make my pumpkin cupcakes)
32 days until I head to SoCal with the parents (hubby has to work) for a big party
35 days until I leave for vacation (Tahoe!)
36 days until my birthday
40 days until we celebrate Christmas with my father-in-law (he always gets the Saturday before Christmas)
45 days until Christmas Eve
46 days until Christmas
Holy crap. Somewhere between days 36 and 45 I have loads of baking to do. It's not Christmas without a kitchen (and dining room) full of cookies. I also have sewing to do. Because I'm a genius (or crazy/stupid/insane) and decided that I want to make some gifts this year.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I Need Suggestions
Most of you know that I'm also that aunt that lets the kids do and make whatever they want. So I'm going to try and get them involved with Christmas. I already have a couple ideas (especially an easy teacher gift) and can't wait to get them over here. But I need some more suggestions.
Requirements? Preferably something that only takes a couple hours. Between attention spans and the fact that I have to drive twenty or so minutes when I want them, these things need to be easy. It would also be great if I could get some ideas that use a lot of stuff I might already have. Or supplies I could find SUPER cheap.
So send your ideas my way! And if you've ever been a recipient of homemade gifts (that you didn't find lame), send some ideas my way.
Now I'm off to my mom's so we can hit the fabric store. Enjoy your Sunday!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Except Playhouse Disney.
So now I'm enjoying Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and really wishing Tad was here to watch it with me. Also kid-related? I set my DVR to record The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. There's a good chance I'll watch it even without Tad.
Okay, off to help my mom out today. If only it was Christmas sewing, but we have other things to do first...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Bust Out the Tissues
Five-year-old Noah Biorkman is celebrating Christmas this weekend. He was diagnosed two years ago with Stage IV neuroblastoma (the most common type of childhood cancer). He went into remission, but relapsed last fall. He's not expected to make it to Christmas, but told his parents he wanted Christmas cards. They decided that they're going to celebrate this weekend.
So send your Christmas cards!!! Hubby and I are sending one, he's taking one to work for everyone to sign, and I have plenty of others if anyone is interested (I can come by work if you want, mom). It's such a little thing to do today. And if it makes a little boy happy, why not do it? Seriously, take a couple minutes today and send Noah a card. Then count your blessings if you have healthy children at home.
Send cards to:
Noah Biorkman
1141 Fountain View Circle
South Lyon, MI 48178
Thursday, November 5, 2009
While visiting my favorite food blogs this week I came across these cupcakes on Cupcakes Take the Cake. They come from Cupcake Central's Flickr stream.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wish List Wednesday
But that's a tangent.
So for today, I kind of went crazy. I've mentioned that I'm loving the color purple. I have a pair of purple tights that I bought in Vegas. I am DYING to wear them, but it just isn't cool enough right now. Plus I would have to find the perfect outfit. Since I've been wishing so badly that I could wear them, I thought I'd make up today's wish list based on the color.
And just so you know, I wouldn't wear all of this stuff together. I'm not going for the Barney the Dinosaur look.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I Was Not Aware of That...
Hey, I have so far!
So today, I'll tell you a little story.
About the suckiest apartment complex ever. Wait, that would be MY apartment complex!
Since we've lived here management must have changed. Because where they used to care when we had issues, they totally don't now. We can barely open our sliding glass and screen doors because of a tree whose roots are growing under our porch. Their answer to this problem was, "Oh, we would have to tear the porch out." Hmmmm... couldn't you have offered to put us in a different unit so I could, oh I dunno, ENJOY MY PATIO!
I've also had various creepy-crawlies come into my apartment. Making me want to faint and throw up.
Then there's the fact that we're a gated complex, but until recently nobody bothered closing the gates at night. Oh, and now that they're usually closed it doesn't really matter. People will just wait until someone with an opener pulls up and zip in right behind them. Or go in the exit gate. Because, guess what? No one mans the little security station at the gate. No one.
Of course this leads to a lot of break ins. Hubby and I have been lucky. The worst we had happen was when someone took our little tiny grill off our back patio. But then today we couldn't open our garage door. That would be because some idiot tried to break in last night and BROKE OUR DOOR. We finally shoved it open. And then called maintenance.
Maintenence was called over an hour ago. I've yet to see them pull up in their fugly golf cart. They WILL fix my door. And not just some ghetto rigging. They're going to replace crap. Or I'll blow up at them.
So hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday. I'm considering playing the lottery so we can move sooner.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Better Than the Original
Happy Monday.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
You Ready???
So, are you ready? First some hints.

You sure?