Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good Stuff

I have some good randomness for you today.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but my husband is weird. His whole family is weird. Proof of such...

That's my mother-in-law trying on the Max hood from my nephew's costume. Since the hood is attached to the costume, she actually has the rest of the costume hanging down her back. She amuses herself this way. Putting things on, taking pictures, and sending said pictures to her children. I asked hubby to forward it my way so y'all could enjoy.

Second bit of randomness: I won another giveaway!! The so-cute Holly over at Berrysprite had a giveaway last week and I'm actually one of the winners! I'll be sure to take pictures when I get my little peach.

Happy Tuesday! I'm off to clean and come up with activities for my little visitors today (the oldest niece and nephews).

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