Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Well, crap

I find myself with a shortage of things to blog about at the moment.

My TV blogging is down to one show right now.

I don't want to review every last movie I watch, especially since some of the reviews would be of things I got from Netflix that many of you have already seen.

I don't have any crazy-awesome projects to document.

Haven't gone on any sweet trips recently.

Don't have any interesting photos to share.

So what the heck do you people want to hear???? At least tonight there's a So You Think You Can Dance blog coming tonight. I love ready-made, easy-to-write blogs. But seriously people, send me some suggestions. I've got nothing in my head right now.

1 comment:

MalContent said...

*snort* How about book reviews?

Actually, seriously: You could probably come up with some good reviews to do for random books and whatnot. As long as you steer clear of freakin' Twilight I'm pretty sure I'd be interested in reading those blogs.