Monday, May 11, 2009

Um, Hey There Guys

Remember me? I'm the one who shows up a couple times a week to write about reality competition shows. Then disappears for the next few days only to promise a blog and then not deliver.

I know, I'm a slacker.

I don't feel motivated. I feel like not much is going on with me. Add to that the fact that I'm having serious issues with uploading my photos lately (I reinstalled the program and everything). And I just end up not writing.

So tonight I'm skipping my Dancing blog. Tad is here (we're off to San Diego tomorrow) and started talking about Sleeping Beauty. But he didn't know the name of it. He just told me about "the lady with the horns that turns into a dragon." Hubby had no clue what he was talking about, but I totally knew. It was only my favorite movie growing up. And yet I didn't actually own it myself until I was... well, out of high school for sure. So I put the movie on. And a few minutes in, he's asleep on the couch.

Oh well. I'll watch it while I pack. Always nice to have something on while I'm doing the boring chore of packing.

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