Saturday, September 13, 2008

Random memory

So I was sitting in my science class this week and my teacher mentioned the periodic table. And I totally remembered some random crap from high school.

Let me preface this by saying up front that it's lame. And you may not find it nearly as amusing as I still do. It could be one of those things where you had to be there.

So a couple friends and I took chemistry our sophomore year (we were smart). There was a super hot senior in the class. We would sit and drool over him the entire class period.

So one day we were talking about class (I think we were telling my friend Kim's dad) and through some weird talks we decided to call our hot guy "The Periodic Table." Because it's high school so of course coming up with weird nicknames for your crushes is normal.

The jokes only continued.

"I can't wait to study the periodic table today."

"He has allll the elements."

And so on.

Obviously to this day I can't hear someone mention the periodic table without thinking of that class. Which is really pretty ridiculous now that I think about it. But it was amusing at the time. And I just thought I should share that I was always kind of a freak.

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