Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Happy anniversary to my hubby today!

Photo courtesy of my wonderful pal Steven

Today the hubby and I have been married for three years. Which actually doesn't seem like a long time because we dated for four years before he proposed, then we had sixteen months of being engaged (no hesitation on our part for either, just timing it around school for both of us).

I won't get crazy gushy, but I just have to say thanks to him here. Thanks for supporting me when I was in school. Thanks for supporting me when I couldn't find a job. Thanks for supporting me when I got my job and had a tough time for a few months. Thank you for being exactly who I need you to be every day. Thank you for being funny and weird. Thank you for being an amazing uncle that makes me excited to see the father you'll be. And thanks for loving me when I'm crazy, depressed, grumpy, and every other way I am.

Love you. :) 

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