Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sorry to Depress You

It's the weekend and I like to post happy things, but this story had me in tears this morning as I read the paper. And then I saw it pop up online and I had to post it.

Pixar totally came through and helped out a little girl with her dying wish.

Colby Curtin lived in SoCal and had a rare form of cancer. All she wanted was to see the movie Up. Ever since she saw the previews. But she finally got to the point where she was so sick that she couldn't make it to the theater.

So a family friend got in touch with Pixar, who flew out an employee with a DVD copy. Just so she could see it. She died seven hours later.

The whole story is here (and up top). I can't even give you all the details because reading the story a second time still makes me tear up.

1 comment:

bunzi said...

I heard about this story too. :(