Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So Far...

Let's just review what I have done on my vacation so far...
  1. Snuggled under a blanket and caught up on soap operas.
  2. Bought a table at the Goodwill. WOULD be sanding and painting except the rain has the air too damp to paint. :/
  3. Bought picture frames at a couple different thrift stores. Same story with the painting.
  4. Killed my Game Boy batteries playing an old Zelda game.
  5. Saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. *squeeeee*
  6. Woke up too early and read while listening to the rain.
  7. Did some laundry.
  8. Finally saw Inception. Good, but don't ask me to review it.
  9. Priced artificial Christmas trees. Decided that we'll be getting a real one again this year.
  10. Lived in skinny jeans and boots. I plan to the rest of vacation as well.

In store for today? Drive to sissy's. Hopefully bring home a little manlet. Clean my sewing room? More Zelda. Glee. Watch the ugly weather.

Happy Tuesday!

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