The Pixar area is the CUTEST. We spotted a toy soldier. And the boys got to pose in front of a Barrel of Monkeys. Where else can you do that? We actually ended up splitting from the group pretty early that day because Tad could do everything but one rollercoaster and we decided we could skip that if we ran out of time.
We got lucky that we split. Because that let us catch a picture with a Power Ranger. Leading to one of the cutest pictures I have seen.
It also led us to hear an engine revving. And a horn honking. And I SO KNEW what it was. I stopped Tad and made him listen. You wouldn't believe how big his eyes got when he realized who he was hearing. This picture is getting framed for his room.
We hit up the Muppets 3D show. And prepared to wait in line for Star Tours. But we were in line less than a minute when a woman approached me (with a Southern drawl that I loved) and asked me how many of us were in our group. I told her three and she hands me some Fast Passes that are good at that moment. She explained they weren't going to use them so we could have them. Yay for nice Southern strangers! So we got that ride done quick.
There was a necessary ice cream break while we waited for the parade.
Then there was the wait for Buzz and Woody. Which you saw a little bit of last Monday. And yes, Tad is STILL amused that I made Woody sad.
Then I made my bad decision and let hubby talk me into putting this precious baby on the Tower of Terror.
We also waited for Fantasmic. Which was worth it, but not really. This park uses a special custom stadium for their show. So there was an INSANE line. More than one employee assured us that we didn't need to wait in line for that long because they've seen MUCH worse and the last show of the night NEVER fills up.
Yeah right. We stood. Way in the back. With Tad on hubby's shoulders so he could see. But the show was still amazing. Possibly better than our show out here.
I'll just throw something else in here too. I like California's parks better. Aside from the ease of seeing a show, I feel like the people (meaning employees) here are nicer. Which is NOT something I thought I would ever say about California. But that's just me. And it didn't keep me from having fun. Just thought I'd toss that in before I forget.
Tomorrow... last recap. Complete with a tropical storm.
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