Thursday, July 10, 2008

Who let you procreate?

In general I love kids. They're cute to look at and they aren't mine. Babies are great. They have the baby smell, they're small and soft, and they always fall asleep on my.

That said, some people just shouldn't have any. My sister-in-law has four of her own. She's young for having four kids, but she takes care of them. She is a mother to them. They are fed, loved, cared for and disciplined like all children should be. So how is it that my sister (who has been doing a lot of this on her own) is doing a better job at raising her children than people I see in the grocery store who are easily ten years older and have a partner to help them?

One thing that gets me is the people who take their small children to the movies. Now some children have great attention spans and are quiet. My nephew was able to shut up through a whole movie just before he turned three. But often, people just let their kids talk, cry, argue, or whatever during the movie. Then there are the parents taking their four or five year old to a movie with a PG-13 or R rating. Ummm... what is wrong with you people?! Do you really think your children need to see that kind of stuff? There are ratings for a reason. Jeebus, how hard is it to find a sitter? And if it is that hard, maybe you should try again a different time.

Movie theaters can be a problem, but shopping is also a joke sometimes. Three year old pushing your shopping cart into people? Problem! Your children playing tag in the store and hiding in the clothing racks? Also a problem! Child screaming because mom won't buy him what he wants? Take his ass home!!! Seriously, my husband gets bored shopping sometimes, so what makes parents think that their toddlers can handle being in a store for a prolonged period? They're children. They'll get bored. So either make it a short trip or don't take the kid! His screaming is getting to me, my butt is tired of being hit by your shopping cart, and next time your kid runs by me while playing tag - I'm going to trip him and laugh. If you're getting looks from just about everyone in the store, then your kids are bugging the CRAP out of everyone.

Don't even get me started on the parents who smoke around their children, don't put them in carseats, feed them sugar and fast food all day... I'm determined to have children and pretty much show people how their children should act. The way some kids act and talk today... Jeebus, I would have had spankings and not been allowed to have friends over for that crap! Grow a pair parents, and show your children how to be respectful!

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