Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Show

So I heart TLC. I could watch most of their shows at any given moment. What Not to Wear is the best thing ever. Love Say Yes to the Dress. Take Home Chef? Why can't I have him come home with me? So they debuted a new show last Friday. I set the DVR for it so Tim didn't have to suffer through it. It's called Ashley Paige: Bikini or Bust. The commercials looked hilarious because the mom is totally nuts. So I gave it a shot.

Well, watching it right now... love it. Ashley Paige is an aspiring swimwear designer and seriously has got nothing. She's behind on every payment she could be. She lives in L.A. with her mom. And her mom is seriously cracking me up. Want some mom highlights?

Ashley is behind on bills and stressing about it. Her mother (after feeding homemade biscuits to each dog) says, "Don't worry about the bills. Forget about the bills for a while. Now here, have a biscuit." Because a biscuit will make everything better???

The focus of the first two episodes was Ashley getting ready for fashion week. For those of you who don't know, several cities have a fashion week, L.A. among them. It's basically a bunch of designers doing runway shows to debut their lines. So Ashley is doing one even though she can barely afford it. So as part of a runway show, you obviously need models. Ashley had models at her shop, basically trying out for the runway show. Well, Ashley's mother is there and keeps talking about how skinny everyone is. She straight up got donuts and went down the line of models, trying to get them to eat. These models looked so confused. "Eat? But, then I would be a size zero instead of negative two!"

Last mom highlight... Ashley has plants in her shop, but they needed some better potting soil. So mom runs to the store to get it. She comes back, and starts putting the stuff in the plants. And everyone at the shop can't figure out why it smells... that would be because Ashley's mom bought STEER MANURE for the plants. So everyone is gagging and running outside... great stuff.

So if you want something amusing to watch on Friday night, watch Ashley. I think it's on at ten. The mom is the best part, but I like fashion so it's also fine with me to watch someone try to make it.

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