I could have extended this to baking, but that would have been even MORE pictures. It was a serious year for my oven. I enjoy my cupcake adventures and was even fortunate enough to have some people pay me to make them for parties.
And believe me, more than once I wondered if I should have gone to culinary school instead of getting my credential. But oh well!
So let's take a peek at some of the beauties my oven popped out this year...
The month (and the year) started out tame. I went for a doctored up cake mix and whipped cream filling. And they were mighty tasty.
Surprisingly no Valentine's Day cupcakes. But I saw the tie-dyed idea and HAD to do it. Tad enjoyed helping with these.
Hubby's birthday came. And of course I made cupcakes for the occasion. Some super tasty cappuccino
buttercream topping chocolate cupcakes...

... and a true labor of love: these lemon ones. I had to make lemon curd for the first time ever. They were totally worth it.
My sister had one of those... "girl" parties. And I felt a festive cupcake was needed. So I replicated the shot called a "Blow Job" in cupcake form. They were amazing. Seriously.

I also got to make my first paid cupcakes. Some fun polka dots for a friend of my cousin's. Also my first adventure into fondant. I MADE my own because I was too scared of the gross store-bought ones.

And here was my second paid job. The most adorable and
girly little first birthday cupcakes for my friend Heather. Her granddaughter is super cute and I was really pleased with how these came out.
This month brought another first birthday. This time for my niece. Only one picture this time because I didn't get good ones.

I also got to do a baby shower! They were super tasty lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. The decorations are just melted chocolate.

These are probably my favorite. I love the
girly ones, but Curious George??? How do you beat that? These made me beyond happy. And I was so thrilled that I may or may not have sent a picture message to several friends proclaiming my awesomeness...
It was a quiet month. Just some cute ones for my brother-in-law's work (also my former place of employment). My former coworkers were pretty impressed.
Mom asked for festive Fourth of July cupcakes. I was more than happy to do so (especially since several of her coworkers were looking forward to them).

I couldn't resist doing the tie-dyed effect. It makes me happy.

Our dear Heather (yup, same Heather from before) was having a party (for those wall vinyls that are super cool) and wanted cupcakes. Go ahead and call me her dealer at this point. She's my best customer.
Little brother-in-law's birthday came. We threw the party so there were THREE kinds of cupcakes. I'm a little crazy.

Then Claudia's birthday came next. I was dying to try out red velvet. It totally worked. Not to mention my fun Twilight toppers that Claudia squealed over.

I got a mini cupcake pan. So I looked for any excuse to use it. National Punctuation Day was good enough for me.

Sissy's bridal shower was at my mom's. I made coffee frosting and tried out a lemon white chocolate cupcake. YUM.
Sissy's other bridal shower was more... adult themed. So the blow job cupcakes were necessary. This time in miniature.
Okay, you can't see it, but those candy toppers spell out "Happy Birthday
Taytem." More birthday cupcakes, for my other niece.
Mad Hatter cupcakes for mom's work. I LOVED these colors.

See how cute they are all stacked on their display? They were pretty tasty too.

One more birthday party.

This time for a little boy. Hubby works with his mom.

It was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!! I loved them! Apparently they made hubby's coworker giddy, and she's not a giddy person.
While I meant to get fancy this month, there's just too much going on. I already make cookies! So we finished the month (and year) with some good
ol' filled cupcakes.

Vanilla with chocolate mousse filling and a chocolate
buttercream. Tad enjoyed it. He licked the beaters of course.
And there's my year in cupcakes! There will be more to come next year, and hopefully I'll still be brave enough to try new flavors some more.
I shall forgo jokes about things popping out of ovens. But damn, those all look tasty! Some I don't even remember you talking about, so you were more productive than I even knew!
The Curious George ones are still my favorite -- especially considering you did a better job than some "professional" (remember that?).
But I don't get the "Mad Hatter" ones. Why are they "Mad Hatter"? I don't see any hats.
James, how could I forget the Curious George ones? And the colorful ones were only Mad Hatter because they were for a Mad Hatter theme. So actually they're just colorful to match the party. My mom has pics of the party somewhere. It turned out really cute.
so, ha -- i got to this one after i posted by first comment on your latest blog. but anywho - you do some legit work! it was fun looking at some of what you've done.
i just recently bought some mini-muffin pans for a breakfasty-quiche-appetizer thing that i made and i love them. they're bite size. and then i made some cupcakes in them, and i don't feel as bad after eating numerous mini-cupcakes.
look so delicious. it's colors so good..!
I wanna eat them hh
it's so nice blog. i have a mini oven but I'd never baking. look so difficult... ^^
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