Thursday, June 30, 2011


I got plans today. I'm gonna be here.

With hubby, Tad, and mom. Mom's more than a little stoked that Dave Stewart is supposed to be there. And I'm amused by the fact that Dave Stewart was playing when I was going to the games at Tad's age.

Go Oakland!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5 Things

Yeah... I've been neglecting. It happens. Movie dates, vet appointments, and the like. There's just a lot to do!

So I decided to keep it simple today and go back to my typical Tuesday post.

Let's look at 5 Things Happening This Week
  1. Let's just get to what I'm most excited about... BASEBALL THURSDAY!!!! It's gonna be pretty awesome. Why wouldn't it be, it's BASEBALL! 
  2. Hubby and I are going to go buy some bikes today. Not just any bikes... cruisers! I've been dying for a cruiser for a decent amount of time. I found one. For a good price. And it's yellow. Yellow!!! I can't wait. Hubby just wanted any bike because it's pretty much the only workout he's allowed to do with his back problems.
  3. Crafting. I'm on a jewelry kick again. I'm actually gonna head to some craft stores today to pick up some stuff. I'm finding some cute ideas online.
  4. Tad time!!! He's going to the game with us Thursday and I'm going to see how long I can get away with keeping him. :)
  5. Baking. For Sunday. Don't know what I'm going to make yet. Cupcakes for sure, but what kind...
And now I'm going to get ready to go. Because jewelry supplies and a shiny yellow bike are calling to me...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

This Week's Manicure Is...

Polka dots. I tried to be complicated and do this fancy marble technique using water... didn't work. I may try again next week. Because I really wanted to try it out. :/

My hair is true purple again. Wanna see?

Don't mind the semi-crappy pic. Or the giant Mr. Potato Head in the background. Tad's room had the best light without me going outside. It doesn't look like it here, but it's SUPER purple. If I do this next year I'm going straight for this brand of dye.

Movie date with bestie and her sis tomorrow. And a stop at Target in the desperate hope that they have baseball shirts for hubby and Tad. *fingers crossed*

Thursday, June 23, 2011


... could this be the year I DON'T forget my little blog's birthday? I checked right now, wondering if I had missed it YET AGAIN. But it's good, it's not until next Tuesday. I should be here.

Now will I remember? Can't promise you anything, haha.

Will I make a big deal? Good chance I'll be too lazy.

Just being honest. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Classic Randomness

So some of my purple streaks are already super faded. Sad face. I have a different brand of dye coming to me in the mail (hopefully by the weekend). I might write up a review of both brands so those of you who want to attempt your own comic-book hair color can have some opinions when you make a decision.

We're heading to a baseball game next week. This time we get to see my Oakland Athletics. AND it's Root Beer Float Day. AND we're taking Tad. I'm a little excited.

I'm on a jewelry kick right now. I want to go out and buy a bunch, but I'm settling for attempting to make it instead. Busted out a few bracelets and a couple rings last night. May do the same tonight.

I think that's all I've got for you today. My brain doesn't want to function too much when it's warm out. And the next couple days will not be nice. :(

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Well hello summer. I'm gonna be honest and tell you that I was kinda hoping you wouldn't show until July.

Yup, it's finally hot over here. And yet my pups still sleep all over each other like this...

We'll be attempting to keep cool today. Not sure how yet, but we'll attempt. I'm thinking a wee bit of shopping might be in order. I'll happily use the stores' AC. I would totes be up for heading to the mountains but hubby has physical therapy tomorrow. One night of camping: not quite worth it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

A quick one today because I still have to finish desserts for later!

Started the morning by heading downtown with mom and dad. Mom and I did a two-mile walk and dad did a six-mile run. SIX MILES! His time was under an hour. AND he's fifty years old.

Go dad.

Also have to send love to my grandpas. The local one who I'll get to see today as well as my grandpa Jim in Alabama. He's not out here this year (sads), but I'm workin' on getting him to visit us.

A happy FIRST Father's Day to my long-time friend Leon. Growing up we probably would have laughed if someone told us he would be a parent before me. But he's doing a fantastic job.

And all you other dads out there... keep setting a good example for your kids.  Enjoy your day.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekly Manicure

Green and yellow baby! For my A's. Seeing as how they're playing the Giants this weekend I felt the need to sport the colors.
And here's a first on the blog for awhile... Typhoid Ashley ready to step out in public! Going down to Tower District with the sisters tonight for a punk show. Which I might regret tomorrow morning when I am doing the Father's Day walk at 6:30 in the AM. Yup. My Rockstar is in the fridge and ready to go.

Hope everyone else has a good time tonight.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Did you know we actually have a drive-in left where I live? An actual drive-in movie theater. Well, not in MY city, but just twenty minutes up the freeway where hubby used to live. And you know what's sad?

Up until last night, hubby and I had never gone together.

I know, right? Well yesterday sissy texted me to see if we wanted to go with her and the kids. I told her as long as it wasn't an awful kid movie (let's face it, some of them can be pretty torturous) we'd go. We lucked out, it was X-Men: First Class and the newest Pirates of the Caribbean. Neither of which hubby and I have taken the time to see. And we were actually thinking of seeing X-Men on our date today! So we packed up the cars, the ice chest and the kiddos and spent a night at the movies.

BTW, if hubby and I ever play the lottery and WIN, we're totes opening a drive-thru in our city. We used to have one. Now it's a Costco and Home Depot. :/

So the movies were really good. LOVED X-Men. But I love James McAvoy. A lot. The story was good though. And the kids liked it. Well, what they saw. All four of them were asleep by the end. :) We stayed for Pirates anyway because all us adults wanted to see it. And that was fun too. Critics who gave it bad reviews must have been PMSing or something, because it was exactly what another Pirates movie should be. Johnny Depp will always be amazing as Captain Jack Sparrow.

But no post about my time with the kids would be complete without some cuteness from them, would it?

Tad fell in love with my purple hair. He said I look like a superhero.

At the movies, during X-Men, he happened to look up at the sky. Then I hear, "Tia Ashley look. The Big Dipper." That's my little astronomer. But it gets better. His little brother Anthony went to sit with him (he's four) and Tad starts pointing out the Big Dipper to HIM, trying to show him where it is and explaining that the stars can make pictures like connect-the-dots. That boy makes me melt.

Then we all got a good laugh out of Cole who, when we woke him up to get in the car, asked, "Is Pirates going to start??" No honey, you missed it. Maybe next time. :)

And there will be a next time later this summer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh Yeah

Seeing as how it's summer and I have lots of free time... I did my nails all fancy again. :)

Black with glittery stripes. Not the best picture, but oh well. I'm thinking I should redo them every week. Because I can. I love summer.

Aaaand I Can't Be Stopped

See what happens when I'm on vacation? I have to time to watch videos and post them! Y'all are in for it if this much good stuff comes out every Monday.

So currently the husband and I watch Game of Thrones every Sunday night. It's on HBO so it's plenty bloody and has an unnecessary amount of sex sometimes. But the story is great. The first episode made me gasp and yell at the television at the end. Last night ended with tears in my eyes and the need to throw up. I didn't throw up BTW, just poured myself another drink and ranted and raved for ten minutes.

So HBO has me. But next week is the season finale of Game of Thrones. And do you know what comes next? DO YOU???

Monday Coolness

Or, ya know, amazing epicness. So the Tony's were last night. I never watch, but NPH (Neil Patrick Harris a.k.a. Doogie Howser a.k.a. Dr. Horrible) was hosting, so I was hoping for some fun clips from last night.

Hellooooo best thing to wake up to on a Monday. Hugh Jackman and NPH.

Enjoy. I may just watch it again right now. :) Happy Monday!

 **Edited to add his awesome opening number. NPH just wows me. Brooke Shields... sadly not so much. Poor thing had a FAIL.**

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Photooooo

It's summer vacation. Which means I can do stuff like thisss...

Kind of in love with it. It's super subtle indoors. Looks SWEET in the sunlight.

Too bad it'll have to disappear in August. Sads.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy Birthday

I haven't done birthday posts this year. And I'm really not about to. But today is different.

Last December my aunt passed away. Today she would be 49.

My aunt was a people person by nature. She had friends and she had her cousins (who all grew up together so they were all best buds). There were stories she would confess to, and then there were the stories she wouldn't. Those are still a mystery to me. :)

Judie loved music. Actually, that's probably an understatement. She knew all the popular, current bands. And that never changed, she knew the popular stuff up until she passed away. Give her a lyric, she could name the song title and the artist. That was just her.

When I was little she spent a ton of time with my brother and me. She let me wear her McDonalds uniform when she came home from work. She taught me to turn her stereo on and off. She had us over for sleepovers all the time. She also tortured us with stories about the cucuy (the Mexican version of the boogeyman for those of you who didn't know). She was the fun aunt.

The last five years or so were rough. As much as she loved people, you couldn't tell that was her nature because she sadly let alcohol get the best of her. She had good days and it was just like the old Judie. She still cooked for me when I came over from college (I attended a college just around the corner from her and my grandparents). We were still close when she allowed it.

I've spent a lot of time with her daughters since she left us. They're twins, juniors in high school. And it's funny how much of her I see sometimes. The other day we were talking about her at lunch because I had talked to them about getting a tattoo in memory of her. I shared a quick story that they didn't know, but they liked hearing. So I thought I'd share it today because I like to think about it too.

Here's a shocker for y'all: hubby and I met online. We talked for about a month before we decided to finally go on a date. Here's the big shocker: we didn't exchange pics or anything. So our first date was pretty much a blind date. I was OBVIOUSLY nervous. I had already told Judie about my date and about an hour before the big date was supposed to happen she called me. She asked me the obvious questions: was I nervous, where were we going, was I excited... then she grilled me and made sure she knew where I would be. In one conversation she was a best friend and a protective aunt. She even offered to go to the restaurant we were going to so she could spy and rescue me if he turned out to be creepy. haha I loved that. I felt so much better when I got off the phone with her. She was the last person I talked to before I met my husband. And she was the first person I called when I got home and gushed over him. :)

That will always be a special memory for me. Even with the turbulent years so recently I still think of her supporting me and being there. So tonight our family is getting together for dinner. And even though there's a decent chance some people will want to bring the drama, I'm blocking them out and thinking of Judie.

Love ya Judie. Happy birthday.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Um, YES (or I Can Die Happy)

So y'all know I watch soaps. Have watched soaps going on... what, thirteen years? Maybe only twelve. Have been faithful to All My Children and One Life to Live. Then they went and cancelled my soaps on me and I spit fire in ABC's general direction. Bad thoughts, angry words... you got it.

Well, none of my closest friends watch soaps. I'm all alone in my loss.

Or I was.

A parent of one of my students is a HUGE fan so we've been suffering together and angsting about how they'd better end it the right way OR ELSE. In the middle of one of our gushing/dreaming/venting convos I mentioned how the only way I will be happy is if they bring back Leo (*sigh*). Josh Duhamel (a.k.a. boyfriend) played him about ten years ago. He "died" (you know soaps) right around the time hubby and I met. There were tears involved (from me) and I have missed him ridiculously ever since. When I mentioned his name to Tina, she gasped and said, "You just gave me chills! Yes!!"

We can die happy with the ending to our soap opera. Oh Leo... I've missed you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Photo???

I've been laughing for a couple days. Now let's remember, I'm an Oakland A's fan. I love my green and yellow. I love those guys. I was raised to be a fan in the days of Dennis Eckersley, Ricky Henderson, Jose Canseco, and Mark McGwire. I watched the Battle of Bay series in 1989. I remember the quake knocking out the feed and my dad and I thinking, "WHAT the heck???"

All that to say, I am a huge fan. But I am allowed to root for the Giants from time to time.

Hubby is a MASSIVE Giants fan. They got into the series the year we met, but didn't win. He was lucky I'm a baseball fan. Because most girls wouldn't be happy with their boyfriend of three weeks wanting to stay in to watch the game. But anyway, over the years I have rooted for his team. Except during interleague play. Then it's just ON.

So I have a couple Giants shirts now. And the other night we were discussing some of their players and I popped up with, "I like Andres Torres."

Hubby: "Why? If you like him let's get you a jersey."

Me: "Because his name is fun to say. Andres Torres!" (Yup, I pronounced it all crazy.)

Hubby: "Really? Well, at least he's good too."

Me: "Yeah, he's been doing great... okay and I like his butt."

The LOOK I got from hubby was great. But seriously, check him out here. I got this picture at the game. Number 56. Also, Cody Ross is pretty adorable.

And there ya go. Class dismissed.

I can't believe I wrote all that to talk about a baseball player's rear view.

Happy Monday.

Friday, June 3, 2011


SO much to do for school still. Stinkin' state and needing teachers to "clear their credentials." I went to school. I got my degree. My kids and parents liked what I did this year. I say enough with the classes!

Oh well. I spent a good chunk of my day working on school stuff. Hit up a couple thrift stores. No massive scores or anything. :/ I have some definite stuff in mind. Mama wants a makeup station in her bathroom and I know what I need to accomplish it!

Highlight of my day? My at home manicure.

Don't look too carefully, the lines aren't perfectly straight. But pretty darn good for at home. And super fun.

For the weekend: running in the mornings (rain or shine). Maybe some garage sales. More joyous credential stuff. Cupcake order for Sunday.

Hope your Friday was a good one!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hello Out There

Day one of vacation. And I'm ready to DO something. haha

Went to work this morning to do some cleaning and moving. Ya know, end of the year stuff. Got to have chat time with my brother-in-law who was awesome enough to help me out. (He's single ladies!)

Watched (okay, dozed) through a few soap episodes on the DVR.

And now I don't know what I want to do. I suppose right now would be a good time to work on my tattoo design seeing as how I want to go get it next week. So I guess that can be next. Tomorrow is work-related stuff, but nothing I have to go in for. It can be done from home. Can I just tell you California doesn't make it easy on beginning teachers? Yeahhhhh...

I'm deciding where I want the blog to go this summer. I have a lot more time than normal. I'm hoping to share with you the projects that I decide to do (there are a few on the list). And more pictures of the furbabies (even though I'm not Sookie's biggest fan at the moment). We'll see I guess.

Thanks for sticking around with my desertion lately. I'll be back more often now. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Last day of school already.

Here's hoping my kiddos don't make me cry.