Saturday, July 9, 2011

Catching Up

Yeaaaahhh vacation makes me lazy. Hence the non-consistent blogging. Oopsie. :)

Wanna know what's up?

We had an excellent 3rd of July (yes I said 3rd) out at a friend's house. On the 4th my cousin texted me and we had a last minute BBQ for four. Complete with fireworks (legal here and illegal in the skies around us) and a walk/bike ride through the neighborhood. The pups weren't terrified of the fireworks, they just didn't enjoy them much.

The 5th of July was a day for baseball. We have a Triple-A team here and there were fireworks after the game AND the tickets were two-for-one. How could we not go? We took my cousins (twin shoutout!) with us. Despite the Alabama-like humidity and discomfort, it was a good game. Our team won and the fireworks were legit.

There's plenty on the schedule to come too... can't let my last few weeks of vacation be boring!
  • Monday... I have an appointment for my first tattoo! I'm kinda nervous. :)
  • Tuesday... All-Star Game. I'm honestly pretty underwhelmed with the voting results. But at least there'll be some legit pitchers.
  • Thursday, well... technically Friday at 12:01 AM... HARRY POTTER!!!!! I haven't seen any of the others at midnight and this is the last one so I figured why not? We'll have a decent little group going.
  • Also in the slightly more distant future are a couple more baseball games, a couple local (and not quite local) shows to attend, and we still need to make time for camping!
So what have y'all been up to?

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